• 非织造布,其他材料,高吸收性树脂/热熔胶/包装印刷展区

    Nonwovens, Other raw materials, Hot melt adhesive, Packing and printing pavilion.


  • 系列产品工作使用空气作为材料无需其他材料使用成本低廉

    C, this series of products work with air as raw material, without other raw and auxiliary materials, the use of low cost.


  • 致命的并不是肿瘤而是身体其他部位继发

    It is not the primary tumour that kills, but secondary growths elsewhere in the body.


  • 可以做成其他各种口味

    Rice cake can be made into original flavor or various other flavors.


  • 转移肿瘤细胞——那些肿瘤中扩散出来细胞——其他细胞移行速度更快

    Metastatic tumour cellsthose which have spread from the site of the original tumour—migrate faster than other cells.


  • 不过斯塔克能够确定若有充足时间做充足的尝试,按通式细胞进化新的特征,进而胜过其他细胞。

    But Szostak is sure that, given enough time and enough trials, protocells made with his general formula will almost certainly evolve new characteristics that give them an edge over others.


  • 其他接手这件事。

    I wanted to let someone else handle it.


  • 其他可能的竞争人选外相冈田克也国土交通大臣诚司表示支持菅直人

    Other possible contenders, like Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada and Seiji Maehara, the transportation minister, have declared their support for Mr. Kan.


  • 我们目的减少几样食物摄入增加其他食物摄入——尤其是植物类味越好。

    Rather, the goal is to eat less of certain foods and more of othersspecifically, plants, as close to their natural state as possible.


  • 票据上的其他记载事项记载可以更改,更改时应当记载人签章证明

    Other particulars on a negotiable instrument may be altered by the person who recorded them, but he shall verify the alterations by putting his signature thereto.


  • 译文有些不太准确,可改进为:国家大部分其他机构都拥有自己副业

    Most other arms of the state have their own sidelines.


  • 继发性淀粉样变首先侵犯肾脏脾脏肝脏淋巴结其他器官有所累及,治疗疾病可能有效阻止淀粉样变病情进展。

    It primarily affects your kidneys, spleen, liver and lymph nodes, though other organs may be involved. Treatment of the underlying disease may help stop progression of this form of amyloidosis.


  • 二战太平洋战场上战争结束数十年后驻扎几内亚的前战机尾部机枪手一本老兵杂志写了一封信希望其他人一起分享关于“声音”的记忆

    MANY years after the end of the war in the Pacific, a former tail-gunner who had been stationed in New Guinea wrote a letter to a veterans' magazine. He wished to share his memories of a voice.


  • 可以做成味的——一种无味的——焦糖苹果派肉桂味、奶酪味,以及其他各种口味

    Rice cakes can come plainwhich are kind of blandor in caramel, apple-cinnamon, cheese-flavored, and various other varieties.


  • 系统包括三个部分:肿瘤扩散程度(t);淋巴结的转移程度(N)是否有了其他器官的转移(M)。

    The system is based on the spread of the primary tumor (t), the extent of lymph node involvement (n), and the presence or absence of metastases (m).


  • 这个受体曾被认为与细菌有关Goebeler说,他怀疑其他过敏也有同样行为

    "This receptor was thought to only be relevant for bacteria," says Goebeler, who suspects that other allergens may act in the same way.


  • 尽管效力其他药物仍然很大如果超出到期之日起使用,其有效性取决于药物如何存储一部分

    And while much of the original potency remains in other medications if used beyond their expiration date, their effectiveness depends in large part upon how the medication is stored.


  • Kammers实验基础上增加一个测试项目产生错觉后,她受试者分别互自己双手以及其他受试者的手指

    But Kammers added a new twist to the thermal grill illusion: after their fingers felt the thermal-grill sensation, she asked participants to press the fingers of their two hands together.


  • 使用其他材料必须欧洲公司同意。

    The use of other material has to be approved by Harakosan Europe.


  • 定期其他位委员会面,研究本质处理绝地武士团事务

    He regularly conferred with Yoda and the ten other members of the Council, contemplating the very nature of the Force and the affairs of the Jedi Knights.


  • 没有力用于进攻性的活动,放弃自己其他天赋冥想自身与力的内在联系试图寻找答案,让内心归于平静

    Rather than using them offensively, he instead abandoned his talents to contemplate on his inner connection to the Force, to seek out answers to put his mind at ease.


  • 这个版本很多不同边缘样式,然后可以其他着色器驱动器对于一些非常和点效果设置

    This New version has lots of Settings for different edge styles, which you can then drive with other shaders, for some really cool and original edge and point effects.


  • 这个版本很多不同边缘样式,然后可以其他着色器驱动器对于一些非常和点效果设置

    This New version has lots of Settings for different edge styles, which you can then drive with other shaders, for some really cool and original edge and point effects.


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