• 7月份失踪,迈耶重回其中

    Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July.


  • 埃利其中种解释可能来自弱势关系支持肯定

    Support and affirmation from the weak ties could be the explanation, says Ellison.


  • 截至2007年11月21日尼罗州、纳尔Gazeera州通报了436起人间裂谷热病例其中161例死亡

    As of 21 November 2007, 436 human RVF cases, including 161 deaths have been reported from White Nile, Sennar, and Gazeera States.


  • 截至2007年11月14日尼罗纳尔州和Gazeera报告了329起人间病例其中96例死亡(病死率29%)。

    As of 14 November 2007, 329 human cases, including 96 deaths (case-fatality rate, 29%) have been reported from White Nile, Sennar, Gazeera States.


  • 其中来自刚果的一位枢机主教蒙果•帕西尼亚(Monsengwo Pasinya)曾称为papabile(可能担任最高职务的人),极有可能成为新一任教皇

    And one, Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya, from Congo, has been called papabile, a potential pope.


  • 奥林巴斯的新总裁高山秀说道,公司的三名高管牵连其中,执行总裁久志董事会解职(依然作为公司的董事)。

    Yet only one, Hisashi Mori, a vice-president, was dismissed by the board. (He chose to remain as a director.)


  • 其中一人2007年访问伊朗失踪联邦调查局干员莱文

    One of them is a former FBI agent, Robert Levinson, who disappeared while visiting Iran in 2007.


  • 有利于形成这场汹涌洪水自然因素三条汤普峡谷下游自然色图像展示出其中两者陡峭地形稀疏植被

    This natural-color image of the lower reaches of Big Thompson Canyon illustrates two of the three natural factors that contributed to the flood's severity: steep terrain and sparse vegetation.


  • 其中一个担心便是保尔问题资产救援计划国会山受阻

    One fear is that Mr Paulson’s troubled asset relief programme (TARP) will be blocked on Capitol Hill.


  • 几个月卡尔意识更多的蛋白质合成公司进入这个领域,其中包括几个填补了中档价格差距

    A few months ago, Carlson realized that more protein-synthesis companies had entered the scene, including several that filled the middle range pricing gap.


  • 这部戏有很多帕丁德瑞一起的浓情蜜意的镜头其中包括他们一起洗澡时甜蜜搂抱的场景。

    The drama includes some steamy love scenes between Pattinson and De Ravin, including one where they enjoy a clinch in the shower.


  • 萨缪尔其中表明同样方法可以适用于经济学理论几乎所有问题

    In it, Samuelson showed that the same method could be applied to nearly all problems in economic theory.


  • 我们只是收购了破产旅馆其中一间市的塔“保尔继续。”

    "We just bought eight hotels in bankruptcy, and one of them is La Quinta in Palm Springs," Mr. Paulson said.


  • 同样地聘用库尔也许并非是一点私心都没有,只是他当时还未看透其中隐藏的危险。

    Similarly, he probably hired Mr Coulson not through any amoral calculation but because he did not think through the risks involved.


  • 其中瞩目的要属计算机科学教授查理超高科技研究小组开发软件处理系统

    One of the most prominent is a software development system created by computer-science professor Charles Leiserson and his Supertech Research Group.


  • 有时候会造成困惑埃里公开威尔承认,曾发生过事故,一天晚上其中名女员工来到执行官办公室,发现另一名员工女友也在那里

    That sometimes created confusionEllison openly described to Wilson an incident in which a woman employee arrived at the executive's house one night, only to find another girlfriend-employee there.


  • 片尾上字幕时候呈现了几种古文明的绘画形式,此外模仿了几位艺术家的风格,其中包括·凡·高、乔治·奥古斯特·雷诺

    The end-credit montage not only contains artwork in the style of many ancient cultures, but also mimics specific artists such as 'Vincent Van Gogh', Georges Seurat, and Auguste Renoir.


  • 观点大多数畸形学家医学研究者接受其中包括•邦德

    This opinion has been accepted by most teratologists and medical researchers, including Jan Bondeson.


  • 第一乔布斯没有设计完全交给更专业的乔纳而是充分参与其中乔纳合作发明200多项专利

    First, rather than leave design in Jonathan Ive's competent hands, Steve still got sufficiently engaged that he and Jonathan collaborated on over 200 patents.


  • 其中创作的一首较长的诗歌《班格达》(音译——译注)上发表后,获得非常好的评价,听到许多演唱过,而演唱这些歌的人对词的作者一无所知

    One of his longer poetic pieces was much appreciated when it appeared in the Bangadarsan, and I have heard his songs sung by many who knew nothing at all about their composer.


  • 旧金山纪事报曾经报道位顶尖的美国职棒联盟球员承认服用类药物其中包括·吉安加里·谢菲尔德

    Several top Major League Baseball players, including Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield later admitted taking the substance, according to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper.


  • 哈吉当时选择关注丽莎·麦克佛之死细节,“身处其中的时候,我竟如此缺乏好奇心,”他说。

    Haggis said that, at the time, he had chosen not to learn the details of McPherson's death. "I had such a lack of curiosity when I was inside," Haggis said.


  • 大脑理智一面可以看到我们行为结果大脑情绪化的一面无法做到这点”,其中一位研究者,哈佛的大卫·解释道

    "Our logical brain can see the consequences of our actions, but our emotional brain has trouble imagining the future," explains Harvard professor David Laibson, an author of the study.


  • 丹麦首相拉斯穆提出方案一直讨论之中,我们认为其中包括同行评议环节非常重要

    The Danish proposal was always discussed, having been put forward by Prime Minister Rasmussen, that includes a peer review feature that we feel is very important.


  • 除了世界冠军,·费奥拉执教的巴西队赢得一些别的头衔其中一个一支其他大洲夺取世界杯球队

    Vicente Feola's Auriverde picked up other accolades, one of which was becoming the first team to win the competition on a foreign continent.


  • 曼德尔中国负责组装公司其中4美元。

    Only $4 stays in China with the firms that assemble the devices, Mr Mandelson explained.


  • 这次盛会获奖其他12女性颁奖,其中包括诺贝尔奖得主、长篇小说家托•莫里高尔夫球运动员罗瑞娜•奥乔亚

    Nobel-prize winning novelist Toni Morrison and golfer Lorena Ochoa are among 12 other women who will also be celebrated at the glamorous event.


  • ·菲尔德先生其中绝大多数小规模的、面向国内公司,它们成本质量并且剥削工人

    Most were small, domestically oriented firms that combined low cost, low quality and exploitation of workers, says Mr Hassenfeld.


  • 几个了不起的美国作家这家朋友其中包括拉夫·沃尔多·艾默,内尼尔·霍桑亨利·大卫·梭罗

    Several great American writers were friends of the family. They included Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau.


  • 几个了不起的美国作家这家朋友其中包括拉夫·沃尔多·艾默,内尼尔·霍桑亨利·大卫·梭罗

    Several great American writers were friends of the family. They included Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau.


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