• 运气好,”其中个人

    "He is good luck," one of the men says.


  • 我们必须这个作些调整,”听到其中一个人

    We'll have to make an adjustment in this one, "he heard one of them say."


  • 其中一个人:“正式海龟不明白其他人怎么混进来的。”

    One said, "the regular Turtles, so to speak, wondered how in the hell were they ever picked for this program."


  • 其中个人说:“乔治还记得我们蒙马特尔两个小姑娘日耳曼的那次旅行吗?”

    One of them was saying: "Georges, do you remember our excursion to Saint-Germain with those two little girls from Montmartre?"


  • 爱丽丝觉得奇怪过去看看正朝他们走过去的时候,其中一个人:“小心点,老五!”

    Alice thought this a very curious thing, and she went nearer to watch them, and just as she came up to them she heard one of them say, 'Look out now, Five!


  • 坐在砖瓦棚屋里其中个人25岁儿子上百泰米尔年轻人过去年里样,已经失踪了

    Sitting together in a small red-tiled shack, one says her 25-year-old son has disappeared, like hundreds of Tamil youths in the past three years.


  • 他们他们这个错误吓坏了,其中一个人孩子出生考虑通过DNA测试以便确定孩子是不是自己的。

    They said they were horrified by the error, with one saying she would consider a DNA test once her baby was born to check if it was hers.


  • 男孩带领条驴经过军营几个士兵小男孩开心其中一个人说小家伙兄弟什么东西握得这么啊?

    A small boy leading a donkey passed by an Army camp. A couple of soldiers wanted to have some fun with the lad. "What are you holding onto your brother so tight for, sonny?" asked one of them.


  • 其中35妻子:“我们家庭中最重要一个,我们都离不开,他也是村子里英俊的男人。”

    Rinkmini, one of Mr Chana's wives who is 35 years old, said: 'We stay around him as he is the most important person in the house.


  • 据许多人其中已经有200了,不过明白一个怎么确定这个事实也许就像下树木年轮

    One of the pair, it was widely said, had turned out to be 200 years old, although I do not understand just how one determines such a fact: perhaps it is like counting the rings of a felled tree.


  • 其中一个人个人,“泡屎。”

    One looked at the other and said, "I've got to take a shit."


  • 萨默维尔博士:“婴儿认为食物应被公平分配,因此当他们看到其中个人一个得到更多饼干牛奶时,感到很惊讶。”

    Dr Sommerville said: 'The infants expected an equal and fair distribution of food and they were surprised to see one person given more crackers or milk than the other.'


  • 我们应该回家,”其中一个人史密斯

    "We ought to go home with you," one of the soldiers said to Smith.


  • 她们其中个人可能是受到风寒不舒服,可以继续

    One of them told me to keep driving, it may cause by the chill.


  • 个工人奋力抗争,其中一个人发火了威胁要去警察

    The workmen struggled fiercely and one of them lost his temper. He threatened to call the police.


  • 最后其中老兄一个人:“美国怎么天天员工整日这么盒子里呢?

    Finally one old chap said to the other: "How can the Americans keep their staff member locked up in such a small box all day, every day."


  • 正在招待些访客,其中个人看到了文凭然后:“地理信息系统博士

    One day I had people over, and someone saw my diploma and said, "You have a Ph. D. in geographic information systems?"


  • 那些分别为圣洁净自己进入园内跟其中一个人的后头,猪肉仓鼠可憎物,他们灭绝。这是耶和华的。

    They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD.


  • 其中一她们:“黑头你们个之间有个是个是的,但是没有一个头发的姓样的。”

    On of them said, "i have black hair and you two have red hair and brown hair , but none of us has the hair coiour that matches her name "Mrs.


  • 个人门前其中德语一个人说在这等着屋子后门然后到屋子里面…’。

    Standing at the front gate, one said in German to the other, "you wait here. I'll go around to the back door and then get into the house..."


  • 个人门前其中德语一个人说在这等着屋子后门然后到屋子里面…’。

    Standing at the front gate, one said in German to the other, "you wait here. I'll go around to the back door and then get into the house..."


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