• 文章设计一种新的审计模型核心是基于关联特征分析审计踪迹归约。

    A new audit reduction model is presented in this paper to solve this problem. The main idea of the new model is reduction based on the analysis of associated features between audit trails.


  • 结果发现8地震具有空间关联特征关联特征可以“黄金分割定量描述

    It shows that the earthquakes of magnitude 8 are correlated in space and this phenomenon can be depicted quantitatively by use of golden mean.


  • 鉴于翻译行为动态认知关联特征本文又进一步提出了最佳关联传递看作是翻译批评标准

    Owing to the dynamic features of translation in terms of cognition and relevance, this paper further proposes the transference of optimal relevance as the criteria of translation criticism.


  • 仿真实验表明,在具有关联特征服务选择空间中,算法比其他算法具有更好寻优能力更快的速度。

    Simulation results show that this algorithm exhibits some good performances such as find-best ability and efficiency in the selection space of associated service.


  • 本文首先冗余事件关联特征进行系统分析包括攻击类型关联特征空间关联特征时间关联特征

    This paper first made a systematic analysis of the correlation features between the redundant events, including attack class constraint, spacial constraint, timing constraint.


  • 约会交友网站OkCupid利用来源于7百万用户数据研究发现很多用户之间存在着相关性收集他们高度关联特征后将结果公布出来。

    Using data gleaned from its 7 million members, dating site OkCupid has discovered these correlations, among lots of others, and published them in a collection of highly revealing charts.


  • 关联理论观照下,词汇选择理解就是交际中的听话人依据特定语境,对词汇的关联特征进行选择并付出认知努力,进而构建最佳关联语用推理过程。

    On the relevance-theoretical account, the choices and understanding of lexis are based on context, and the hearers make cognitive efforts by constructing the optimal relevance in pragmatic inference.


  • 方法首先采集侧面视角人脸图像,然后将方法引入典型相关分析CCA)中,提出基于核CCA的特征融合方法,并应用其提取人耳人脸的关联特征进行个体的分类识别。

    By introducing the kernel trick to the canonical correlation analysis(CCA), a feature fusion method based on kernel CCA(KCCA) is established and is then used to capture the associated feat.


  • 这种障碍特征社会想象、社会交流社会互动的问题相互关联

    This disorder is characterised by interlinking problems with social imagination, social communication and social interaction.


  • 他们认定两者之间的关联显而易见的,因为非洲人类化石现在生活着的人他们的手腕骨骼特征相同

    That connection, they contend, is still evident in wrist and hand bone features Shared by African apes and by fossil and living humans.


  • 定义属性可选的,尽管他们允许声明式控制不同属性的特征包括一个转换器关联

    Defining properties is optional, though they do allow to declaratively control the different properties characteristics, including the ability to associate one with a converter.


  • 项目过程中,我们可以很容易地系统功能提案需求以及工作描述中所设定所需系统特征相互关联起来。

    During the project, we could easily correlate system capabilities to the required system features stated in the request for proposal and statement of work.


  • 这次研究持续了年时间结果发现脑部特定区域体积大小不同性格特征自述能力之间存在着明显关联

    Their three years of research showed that certain brain regions had significantly different sizes depending on the self-reported strength of a particular personality trait.


  • 如果数据工作负载显示主动数据缓存端点关联有益某些特征,则可以进行进一步优化提高性能吞吐量

    If the data and workload exhibits certain characteristics conducive to aggressive data caching and endpoint affinity, further optimizations can be made to improve performance and throughput.


  • 咨询服务质量这些特征存在着较大关联不包括咨询服务提供小组成员患儿年龄

    Counselling quality was also significantly associated with these characteristics, except for provider cadre and child age.


  • 可以使用本文描述方法进一步研究 Hadoop配置参数寻找参数配置不同作业特征之间关联

    You can use the method described in this article to further explore configurable parameters of Hadoop and find the connection between parameters configuration and different job characteristics.


  • 阿夫拉兹同事们曾想寻找每个试对象倾向模式其他特征关联比如性别身高、用手习惯的关联但是没有发现任何联系

    Afraz and his colleagues looked for correlations between each subject's bias pattern and other traits such as gender, height and handedness, but found no connections.


  • 这种成熟一个特征就是越来越多人们认识短期气候作用力影响特别是炭黑的影响,就发现这些短期气候作用力与人类行为相关联的。

    One aspect of this maturity is that short-lived forcings have become relevant to more people as the scale of their effects has been recognised. This is particularly true for black carbon.


  • 这种成熟一个特征就是越来越多人们认识短期气候作用力的影响特别是炭黑的影响,就发现这些短期气候作用力与人类行为相关联的。

    One aspect of this maturity is that short-lived forcings have become relevant to more people as the scale of their effects has been recognised.This is particularly true for black carbon.


  • 一些遗传特征晚年诱发年龄有关疾病老年痴呆症心血管疾病关联

    And some of the signatures correlate with the latest age of onset of age-related diseases, such as dementia or cardiovascular disease.


  • 所以关联数据虽然本身并不具备语义特征,但它可以数据层面建立关联真正的语义铺平道路。

    So, while Linked data is not semantic, creating links at the data level paves the way to a true semantic Web.


  • 肌筋膜痛点骨骼肌肉纤维绷肌带上过度激活点,伴随著脊髓中枢性敏感化有相关联特征

    An mtrp is a hyperirritable spot in a taut band of skeletal muscle fibers with characteristics related to central sensitization in the spinal cord.


  • 综合运用多种知识推理机制建立特征制造资源、工艺知识的关联

    Through a wide range of knowledge and reasoning mechanism, it was established to related manufacturing feature to manufacturing resources technical knowledge.


  • 我们通过预测已知人群个体身体特征检测这些关联,并且只用这些DNA中所提供信息

    We will then test these relationships by predicting the physical traits of a known group of individuals, using only the data provided by their DNA.


  • 理论关于交际过程中的推理特征、动态认知语境以及话语最佳关联的阐述,交际过程正确理解话语具有指导意义

    The theory deals with the cognitive context in the inferential communication and optimal relevance of the discourse, which is of importance to the correct understanding of the discourse.


  • 农业品种技术创新过程特征环节关联制约性双向性

    The course characteristic of agricultural variety technological innovation are: Multiple - link, correlation, conditionality and two-way.


  • 最小对立体有时只有特征关联特征的不同,其他各方面相同两个语言语。

    The term "minimal pair" is also sometimes used of any two pieces of language that are identical except for a specific feature or group of related features.


  • 通过零件特征参数属性特征编码关联加工方法目前技术水平下实现动态工艺知识有效管理的一种可行的方案。

    The establishment of the relations between the feather code of parts and the working methods is the valid way of dynamic knowledge management in the current technology level.


  • 通过零件特征参数属性特征编码关联加工方法目前技术水平下实现动态工艺知识有效管理的一种可行的方案。

    The establishment of the relations between the feather code of parts and the working methods is the valid way of dynamic knowledge management in the current technology level.


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