• 许多认为内战该国种族关系紧张最终结果

    There are many who believe that civil war will be the eventual outcome of the racial tension in the country.


  • 另外一个观察中,发现手机成为家庭关系紧张根源

    During a separate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension in the family.


  • 难为自己倾向于把导致关系紧张原因归结在自己身上。

    Don't be hard on yourself: There is always a tendency for you to heap the causes of the strain in the relationship on yourself.


  • 对于家庭关系紧张患者,必要家人家庭心理治疗

    For patients with tight family relations, when necessary, can be asked to do family psychological treatment.


  • 本文旨在探讨导致医患关系紧张原因如何解决一矛盾

    This article aims to discuss the reasons which cause this relation tense and how to deal with this contradiction.


  • 然而工作时间单独工作并非医务人员人际关系紧张罪魁祸首。

    However, long hours and demanding work alone are not to blame for the stress on medical workers' relationships.


  • 随之而来债务连同其他任何令我们双方关系紧张事情,把妻子给分开了

    The ensuing debt, coupled with everything else that can stress a relationship, drove my wife and me apart.


  • 本文医患关系紧张形成原因进行了分析提出了构建和谐医患关系应对措施。

    This article analyzes causes of the tense doctor-patient relationship, and proposes countermeasures to build up a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.


  • 气候变化人类活动影响黄河流域水资源供需关系紧张形势可能进一步恶化

    With the impact of climate change and human activities, the strained relation between the supply and demand of water resource in the Yellow River Basin is likely to be further deteriorated.


  • 他们发现这种理财上寻找截然不同结婚的模式可能导致如此婚姻关系紧张的根源。

    The patternthey uncovered, of people matching up with their financialopposites, could be one reason money is the source of so muchtension in so many marriages.


  • 他们发现这种理财上寻找截然不同结婚模式可能是导致如此多婚姻关系紧张根源

    The pattern they uncovered, of people matching up with their financial opposites, could be one reason money is the source of so much tension in so many marriages.


  • 结论FD患者存在性格内向情绪稳定个性抑郁焦虑人际关系紧张不良精神心理状态

    Conclusions FD patients present unhealthy mental and psychological conditions such as introversion personality, instable emotion, depression, anxiety and tense social relations.


  • 多数情况下,只准讲英语规定是否公平要看规定如何执行的,以及是否存在种族关系紧张气氛

    Often what determines fairness is how a policy is implemented and whether there's an atmosphere of ethnic tension.


  • 去年以色列袭击前往加沙地带舰队其中有9名土耳人伤害之后,双方关系紧张最新迹象

    It's the latest sign of strain between the two countries since last year's Israeli raid on ships heading for Gaza, in which nine Turks were killed.


  • 我国医患关系紧张重要原因是患方医方不信任,对卫生行政部门医疗事故技术鉴定机构也不信任。

    The tense relationship between doctors and patients mainly results from patients' nonconfidence of doctors, health administration and technical appraisal institution for medical accidents.


  • 医疗缺陷引起医疗纠纷主要原因,是影响医疗秩序医疗服务质量导致医患关系紧张重要因素

    Medical defects are the main reason for medical disputes, also the important factors which influence the health care order and medical service quality and cause tension between doctors and patients.


  • 但是种族敌意相互畏惧往往出于无知缺乏理解。缺乏沟通导致社区种族关系紧张主要原因

    But hostility and fear between RACES is often due to ignorance and a lack of understanding. Communication barriers are contributing factors to racial tensions in the community.


  • 营地成为加来地区居民关系紧张源泉。同时,由于伦敦加强边境控制,也导致法国英国之间关系紧张

    The camp has become a source of tension among Calais residents and in France's relations with Britain, with London pushing for tighter border control.


  • 此期间,比西进入父亲桥梁建设方向土木工程公司帮助管理一家劳资关系紧张处于困境中的企业

    In between, Bish worked for his father's civil engineering firm building bridges and managing a difficult business enterprise at a time of major labor unrest in India.


  • 希安名字来自曾经一位喜剧演员的祖父母亲的职业跳舞,他的父亲一直无法摆脱毒品,这也是家庭关系紧张原因

    The name of Hiam came from his grandfather who was a comedy actor and his mother is a dancer. His father can't get rid of drugs because of the tight family relation.


  • 三木聪导演《速成沼泽》(2009)讲一个杂志编辑为了找到真正父亲成为商店老板的故事,涉及的也是家庭关系紧张问题。

    Strained familiar ties also feature in Miki's Instant Swamp (2009), which follows the editor of a struggling magazine who becomes a shopkeeper as a means of getting to know her real father.


  • 三木聪导演《速成沼泽》(2009)讲一个杂志编辑为了找到真正父亲成为商店老板的故事,涉及的也是家庭关系紧张问题。

    Strained familiar ties also feature in Miki's Instant Swamp (2009), which follows the editor of a struggling magazine who becomes a shopkeeper as a means of getting to know her real father.


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