• 这项UKTV食品频道委托进行的调查走访询问了3,000多人,调查结果在频道的“市场厨房”节目播出。

    The survey, commissioned by the UKTV Food channel to mark the return of its Market Kitchen show, involved questioning 3,000 people.


  • 这项UKTV食品频道委托进行的调查走访询问了3,000多人,调查结果在频道的“市场厨房”节目播出。

    The survey, commissioned by the UKTV Food channel to mark the return of its Market Kitchen show, involved questioning 3, 000 people.


  • 这项UKTV食品频道委托进行的调查走访询问了3,000多人,调查结果在该频道的“市场厨房”节目播出。

    The survey, commissioned by the UKTV Food channel to mark the returnof its Market Kitchen show, involved questioning 3,000 people


  • 芬兰诺基亚公司仍然这个市场中占据压倒性地位,第二季度售出了1530万部拥有诸如e-mail导航功能的智能手机市场占有率为47.5%。

    The market was still dominated by Finland's Nokia Oyj , which sold 15.3 million phones with capabilities like e-mail and navigation, giving it a 47.5 percent share.


  • ResearchInMotion公司(RIM)由于主要市场之外发掘了新的用户4月份6月份售出560万部智能手机,去年同期为250万部。

    Research In Motion Ltd (RIM) sold 5.6 million smartphones in April through June, up from 2.5 million a year ago, as it found new clients beyond its main business market.


  • 2008年,克莱斯勒国内市场销售了145万辆轿车卡车2007年200万辆下降30%。

    In 2008, Chrysler sold 1.45 million cars and trucks in its home market, about 30% fewer than the two million it delivered in 2007.


  • 9月末央行发行了约4.1万亿票据市场流动资金

    Central bank also issued notes worth 4100b yuan until the end of September to retrieve the money circulation.


  • 我们合作伙伴并开发了针对客户解决方案,包括市场营销,销售财务供应合规以及信息技术等方面。

    We build - or co-develop with partners - solutions tailored to a client's role, whether they are in marketing, sales, finance, supply, compliance or information technology.


  • 针对可行性方面论证,分行业市场可行性分析技术可行性分析、财务可行性分析风险可行性分析四个方面对本项目进行分析研究。

    In order to show the investors the project is applicable, the author analyzed the project if four aspects: market feasibility, technology feasibility, finance feasibility and risk feasibility.


  • 本文第一主要介绍市场服务产出定义及其分类

    It consists of four chapters: the first chapter introduces definition and classification of the output of non-market services.


  • 这项UKTV食品频道委托进行的调查走访询问了3,000多人,调查结果在频道的“市场厨房”节目播出。

    Thee survey, commissioned by the UKTV Food channel to mark the return of its Market Kitchen show, involved questioning 3,000 people.


  • 万豪依然保持着4.7%增长率按照其计划新增了800家酒店125,000间房大部分新增的酒店集中高端市场

    Marriott International maintains a high average growth rate of 4.7%, as well as extensive expansion plans - 800 hotels totalling 125,000 rooms, most of which are in an advanced development stage.


  • 晶盐技术吸收了冷、蓄冷系统优点具有广阔市场前景

    Eutectie phase change cool thermal storage system holds the advantage of water and ice thermal storage system, and has a vast market prospect.


  • 直到基线结束中国日本进口脱脂乳品加起来世界脱脂乳制品进口市场12%。

    China and Japan together account for about 12% of the NFD import market by the end of the baseline.


  • 已经执行方案推动东南非市场西非体两个区域农工综合企业经营者

    Two programmes have been undertaken to promote agribusiness operators in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and ECOWAS regions.


  • 同时美国东北部九个承诺地区性市场

    Meanwhile nine Northeastern states have promised to form a regional carbon market.


  • 产品八大系列五百多个品种其中销往美国市场产品符合美国国家标准

    The product is divided into eight series, about 500 varieties. Among them, the products are sold to the American market in the U. S. national standards.


  • 全文集中围绕演出市场所涉及各方进行全面系统分析研究

    This article has four chapters, centered around to analysis of comprehensive and systematic for the performance market involves all the parties.


  • 运用建立方法,对2005、20062007年相应主产区果园市场采集213个苹果样品47个葡萄样品进行灵和菌灵农药残留检测

    With new established method, Carbendazim and thiabendazole residues were determined in 213 apple samples and 47 grape samples collected from main production regions and markets in 2005, 2006 and 2007.


  • 第三对青岛昌乐路特色文化街工艺品手工艺品市场开发策略进行分析研究部分

    The third chapter researches and analyses how to extend handicrafts and craft market and find development strategy, which is divided to three parts.


  • 第二青岛昌乐特色文化街工艺品工艺品市场拓展态势进行分析研究部分

    The second chapter mainly analysis and researches development trends about handicrafts and crafts market in Qingdao Changle Road Cultural Street which is divided two parts.


  • 第一青岛昌乐特色文化街市场现状进行了总体简介论述部分

    The first chapter discusses and introduces generally about situation compositions of Qingdao Changle Road cultural market. It divides into three parts.


  • 臻开创国际化事业领域,促成产业技术市场合作,进而扩展产业局面。

    JING -ZHEN is not also creating world-wide market but pushing cooperation with each of others who are in the same trade to make double-win business.


  • 欢迎海内外老朋友前来真诚合作开拓国内外市场辉煌!

    Sincerely welcome new and old friends come to cooperate to develop domestic and international markets, create brilliant!


  • 电信巨头宽带业务占有三分之二市场份额,如果垄断事实成立,两大电信巨头可能分别处以年收入10%罚款。

    The two telecom giants, which between them control two thirds of the country's broadband business, will face penalties of up to 10 percent of annual revenues if found guilty.


  • 中小股东自益权益权证券市场权益三个方面进行了详细的阐述。

    The right of minor shareholders is divided into two aspects which are self-right and common right.


  • 中小股东自益权益权证券市场权益三个方面进行了详细的阐述。

    The right of minor shareholders is divided into two aspects which are self-right and common right.


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