• 本人欣然提呈集团(国际)有限公司“本公(司”及其附属公司)(统称集团”截至2005年3月)31日止年度之年报。

    I am pleased to present the annual report of Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (collectively known as the "Group") for the year ended 31st March 2005.


  • 本人十分荣幸提呈集团(国际)有限公司(“本公司及其附属公司)(统称集团”截)至2003年3月31日年度之年报。

    I am pleased to present the annual report of Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited (the "Company") and its subsidiaries (collectively known as the "Group") for the year ended 31st March 2003.


  • 本人仅代表集团国际有限公司公司」 ( )及其附属公司统称为「集团」欣然提呈截至) 2004年3月31日止年度年报

    I am pleased to present the annual report of Luk Fook Holdings (International) Limited ( the "Company") and its subsidiaries (collectively known as the "Group") for the year ended 31st March 2004.


  • 依旧不减动物营养方面的热情,同时在台北市立动物园合作执行一些计画,也提供动物营养谘询服务给亚洲地区,例如台湾六福村主题乐园以及新加坡动物园。

    In 2008, they moved to Taiwan to expand into the Asian market. she remained active in zoo nutrition by collaborating on projects with Taipei Zoo and contracting her nutrition consulting in Asia.


  • 通用电气公司东京电力公司核设施设计了中的三个反应堆无法决定一个设备布局,公司发言人说道

    General Electric Co. designed three of the six reactors for Tepco at the Daiichi complex but it didn't determine the layout of every piece of equipment, a company spokesman said.


  • 一起今人震惊事件中自卫队员发现有128名老人医务人员遗弃距离出事的岛第一核电站英里医院里

    In one particularly shocking incident, Japan's self-defence force discovered 128 elderly people abandoned by medical staff at a hospital six miles from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant.


  • 岛核电站反应堆四个遭受到了海啸严重破坏

    Of the six reactors at Fukushima, four were badly damaged by the tsunami.


  • 受损岛第一核电站座核反应堆地震发生有三座因维修而关闭

    The stricken Fukushima Daiichi facility has six reactors in total, but three were shut for maintenance when the earthquake occurred.


  • 根据计划运输二氧化碳长260千米管道穿过地区——伐夫郡尔·柯克斯特灵珀斯卡罗斯,安格斯阿伯丁郡英国同类项目的第一工程

    Under the plans, 260km of pipe would carry the CO2 through six areas - Fife, Falkirk, Stirling, Perth and Kinross, Angus and Aberdeenshire, in the first project of its kind for the UK.


  • 岛第一核电站反应堆发电机组,有些处于稳定状态,有些则不同程度发生堆情形。

    The Fukushima Daiichi power plant has six nuclear reactors. Their status ranges from being stable to having varying degrees of core meltdown.


  • 机构表示岛核发电厂反应堆冷却系统断电可能会发生爆炸。此前这座核电厂号核反应堆星期发生了爆炸。

    The agency says the cooling system at the number three reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is offline and could possibly explode, following Saturday's blast at the plant's number one reactor.


  • 非裔美国人谢里尔·米尔斯斯坦法学院年轻毕业生辩护陈词时恰逢是自己白宫工作周年纪念日

    Cheryl Mills, a young African-American graduate of Stanford Law School, spoke on the sixth anniversary of the day she began her work in the White House.


  • 五颜阁楼套房搭配明快的蓝色墙壁红色地毯以及原装的斯坦·怀特壁炉皮革椅子和以红木作为梁基天花板

    The colorful penthouse suite features vibrant blue walls and red carpets, as well as an original Stanford White fireplace, leather chairs and a mahogany wood-beamed ceiling.


  • 报告包含对于岛核电站个机组详细评估建议措施

    The document contains detailed assessments of each of the plant’s six reactors along with recommendations for action.


  • 他们离开了留下了三个空间站居民以及马克·凯利受伤众议员加布里埃尔·丈夫)指挥的奋进号成员

    Their departure leaves three space station residents, as well as Endeavour's six-man crew commanded by Mark Kelly, husband of wound Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.


  • 第一核电站反应堆混凝土结构的厂房发生爆炸,日本官员爆炸并未危及反应堆核心

    On Saturday, the steel and concrete building housing the Fukushima Daiichi Number One nuclear reactor was blown apart by an explosion, but officials said the blast had not breached the reactor’s core.


  • 罗斯孩子但不幸婴儿时期就死亡了

    The Roosevelts also had a sixth child who died in infancy.


  • 星期他们着游览核电站场地,并得到允许在毁坏的核电站下首张照片。( 点此查看已译图集)

    On Saturday they were shown around the Fukushima site itself and were able to take the first pictures inside the damaged plant.


  • 根据日本官方报道,爆炸号反应堆没有融化——只是建筑物一部分而已

    The explosion that occurred at Fukushima Daiichi Saturday was not a meltdown itself—it was in another part of the building, according to Japanese officials, anyway.


  • 汤姆-费尔顿表示享受再次哈利波特电影扮演邪恶德拉科-马尔哈利波特次干架

    Tom Felton said he was relishing two violent dust-ups with Harry Potter when he resumes his role as the evil Draco Malfoy in the sixth film of the boy wizard's adventures.


  • 日本岛第一核电厂的管理者九个的时间完全控制该厂的反应堆

    The operator of Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it will take between six to nine months to bring the reactors at the complex fully under control.


  • 上周拉姆斯坦发挥出色但是强调胜利应归功于整个球队而不是个人

    Ramsey was exceptional at Stamford Bridge on Saturday but emphasised the collective not the individual.


  • 东京电力公司地震发生一直运行Daiichi核电站反应堆中的三个。现在个反应堆已经全部关闭

    TEPCO had been operating three out of six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant at the time of the quake, all of which shut down.


  • 19世纪70年代投入运行以来日本岛第一核电站利用沸水,通过核裂变产生热能

    In operation since the early 1970s, Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant USES six boiling water reactors, which rely on uranium nuclear fission to generate heat.


  • 2008年年底,托马斯·布劳斯法兰克间叫做Instinet的证公司上班是协议主管,拿着位数工资,手下12员工

    Near the end of 2008, Thomas Brausse was working for the securities firm Instinet in Frankfurt. He had a six-figure salary and supervised a dozen employees as a settlements director.


  • 2011年6月18日日本岛县郡山市立金透小学年级岛佳代收到了一份来自中国的特殊礼物

    On June 18, 2011, Kayo Fukushima, a student at the sixth grade of Koriyama City Elementary School Kon Tooru, Fukushima Prefecture, received a special gift from China.


  • 他们离开了留下了三个空间站居民以及马克·凯利(受伤众议员加布里埃尔·丈夫)指挥的奋进号成员

    Their departure leaves three space station residents, as well as Endeavour's six-man crew commanded by Mark Kelly, husband of wound Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Endeavour's final flight ends June 1.


  • 大约1.2万1749年支付了先令便士聆听了亨德尔在沃克·斯霍尔园林皇家烟火音乐的100人排练(塞斯,1985)。

    In 1749 some 12, 000 people paid two shillings sixpence each to hear Handel's 100-piece band rehearse his Royal Fireworks Music at Vauxhall Gardens (Forsyth, 1985).


  • 大约1.2万1749年支付了先令便士聆听了亨德尔在沃克·斯霍尔园林皇家烟火音乐的100人排练(塞斯,1985)。

    In 1749 some 12, 000 people paid two shillings sixpence each to hear Handel's 100-piece band rehearse his Royal Fireworks Music at Vauxhall Gardens (Forsyth, 1985).


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