• 第五个月内合起来53心脏发作中风

    There were 53 heart attacks and strokes in the fifth and sixth months combined.


  • ,最新研究发表在德州达拉斯举行一次卫生保健流行学会会议上。

    The latest study was presented Saturday at a meeting of the Society for Health Care Epidemiology in Dallas, Texas.


  • 美国心脏协会认为糖尿冠心可控危险因素之一

    The American Heart Association considers diabetes one of the six major controllable risk factors for cardiovascular disease.


  • 虽然结核可以治愈的,但治疗至少需要个月,并须服用若干药品

    Although TB is curable, the treatment requires taking a combination of drugs for at least six months.


  • 最近毛里求斯呆了时间,不是星级酒店而是在穷人生活地方,在那里许多吸烟而死心脏

    Recently I spent some time in Mauritius; not the six-star hotel bit, but the parts where the poor people live where so many die of heart attacks because of smoking.


  • 在2001年20岁迈克尔所大学年级的学生,几个被查出患了一种罕见白血。一想到要给儿子增加痛苦感到不安

    It was June 2001, and just the thought of causing any more pain to 20-year-old Michael, a college sophomore diagnosed a few months earlier with a rare form of leukemia, made her anxious.


  • 同样布隆迪,传来的又是白化女孩被袭击消息.杀手的父母了起来,射杀小女孩,带着她的头部与四肢扬长.

    That attack followed another on a six-year-old albino girl in the same country. The killers tied up the parents, shot the girl in the head, and made off with her head and limbs.


  • 口蹄疫属于亚洲地方流行,因此边境地区与亚洲接壤的土耳其成为抗击该入侵第一线。

    With six borders in Asia, where FMD is endemic, Turkey is on the front line in the battle to stop this invasion.


  • 事实上美国糖尿协会建议,在试图怀孕维持个月血糖控制

    In fact, the American Diabetes Association recommends maintaining good blood sugar control for three to six months before attempting to conceive.


  • 根据这份报告如果孩子免疫失调遗传性过敏症,那么,个月孩子吃固体食物可能危险。

    If your baby has immune disorders or a genetic predisposition to allergies, waiting six months to introduce solids may be risky, according to this new report.


  • 回应格雷厄姆论文声明里,葛兰素史克公司认为,2007年已经完成的所有临床试验结果并没有显示该药增加心脏发作中风死亡风险。

    In a statement issued in response to both Nissen's and Graham's papers, GSK maintains that six clinical trials completed since 2007, taken together, show no increase in heart attack, stroke or death.


  • 全球结核负担缓慢减轻,在世卫组织区域至少三个区域可能实现到2015年减少死亡数目的全球目标

    The global burden of TB is falling slowly, and at least three of six WHO regions are on track to achieve global targets for reducing the number of cases and deaths that have been set for 2015.


  • IBM公司内部数据显示,养育患糖尿孩子的开销一个健康孩子的

    According to IBM's own data, caring for a diabetic child is six times costlier than caring for a healthy one.


  • 一项研究称,每晚睡眠时间不足小时将大大提高心脏或者中风几率

    Sleeping for less than six hours a night greatly increases the risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke, a study has found.


  • 英格兰研究揭示岁老人孩子癌症可能性低于普通人的三分之一,死于心脏的可能性低于分之一。

    The New England study reveals that the children of centenarians are less than one-third as likely to die of cancer as the general population, and less than one-sixth as likely to die of heart disease.


  • 考虑这点中风心脏通常发生上午点和中午之间不足为奇

    When this is taken into account, it is no wonder that strokes and heart attacks commonly occur between six a.m. and noon.


  • 这项研究成果发表的《精神医疗服务》上。

    The study appeared in the June Psychiatric Services.


  • 应对烟草流行政策使各国能够保护年轻人远离本世纪致10亿死亡一种流行

    The six MPOWER strategies enable countries to protect their youth from an epidemic that could kill up to one billion people this century.


  • 根据埃里克森这个发表医学杂志神经学》(Neurology)上的调查,每个星期仅仅英里能够抵御老化引起记忆障碍

    Just walking six miles a week can ward off memory disorders caused by aging, according to Erickson's research published this month in the medical journal Neurology.


  • 这项研究曾于4.15日发表美国精神杂志AJP在线先行》上,重发于《美国精神学杂志》印刷版上。

    The study was published online in AJP in Advance on April 15 and will appear in the June print edition of the American Journal of Psychiatry.


  • 彭日成送至临近的Hoag医院位手术医生早间透露当时被送到心脏护理部门

    Mr. Pang was taken to nearby Hoag Hospital, where an operator early Saturday morning said he was listed in the cardiac-care unit.


  • 之后的将会医院里治疗心脏PaceInnes时候油门。

    Pace, who would spend the next six days in a hospital for his heart problems, still had his foot on the accelerator when Innes got to him.


  • 他们大儿子伊万脑瘫严重癫痫去年2月去世,年仅

    Their eldest son, Ivan, died in February last year aged six. He had suffered from cerebral palsy and severe epilepsy.


  • 父亲所说,Peek犹他州家中心脏发,享年58岁。

    According to his father, Peek suffered a heart attack Saturday at his home in Murray, Utah. He was 58.


  • 片中,早熟得难以置信的甜美姐妹——岁的Vineeta四岁的Sevilla和她们电影制片人父母一起参加了多伦多召开的2006年世界艾滋大会

    In it, two incredibly sweet and precocious sistersVineeta and Sevilla Hennessey, ages 6 and 4 — accompany their parents, the filmmakers, to the 2006 International AIDS Conference in Toronto.


  • 片中,早熟得难以置信的甜美姐妹——岁的Vineeta四岁的Sevilla和她们电影制片人父母一起参加了多伦多召开的2006年世界艾滋大会

    In it, two incredibly sweet and precocious sistersVineeta and Sevilla Hennessey, ages 6 and 4 — accompany their parents, the filmmakers, to the 2006 International AIDS Conference in Toronto.


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