• 买了以便我们一些牛奶

    I bought six cows so that we should have some milk to sell.


  • 天上午纳塞尔丁驴离家市场

    One morning Nasreddin left his house with six donkeys to go to the market.


  • 今年度明奔节中,斗牛释放这座旧城市中心蜿蜒小路上狂奔。

    In the Saint Fermin bull runs, six fighting bulls are let loose on the winding streets of the old city center.


  • 群,这次又是六头了。于是,他又骑其中一头驴上,向前走去。

    So he went back to the donkeys and counted them again. This time there were six, Then he got on one of them again and they all started.


  • 天上午,纳塞尔丁牵驴离家市场。过了一会儿,感到了,于是一头驴上。

    One morning Nasreddin left his house with six donkeys to go to the market. After a time, he got tired and rode on one of them.


  • 科学家们亚洲象身上安装压力传感器通过高速红外线摄影机监视它们通过条人行道时候步态

    Six Asian elephants walked or ran over a sidewalk equipped with pressure sensors, as the scientists used high-speed infrared video cameras to monitor their gait.


  • 位奔跑者身穿白色外套,佩戴红色围巾一条红色腰带站在公牛前方下午六头公牛斗牛场决斗。

    Each of the runners dresses white clothes with red neckerchief and a red sash around the waist standing in front of the six bulls that will be fighting in the bullring that afternoon.


  • 航天头版消失——尽管所有报纸都会报道说美国东部时间周五上午11:29,比预定时间晚两分亚特兰蒂斯发射成功

    Spaceflight dropped off the front pages - though on Saturday, all will report the successful launching of the Atlantis, at 11:29 a.m. Eastern time Friday, two and a half minutes behind schedule.


  • 来自地狱的六肢黑豹辆拖拉机拖车那么大,有一个装甲一个有毒的攻击尾巴

    It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, the size of a tractor-trailer, with an armored head and a venomous striking tail.


  • 方面尽管缺乏职业培训”,这位王后婚姻年中还是把焦点集中在持续解决国家普遍关注的问题上。

    For her part, and despite a lack of "job training," the new queen continued tackling the national concerns she had focused on during her first six years of marriage.


  • 头牛,一只山羊还有六只鸡。

    "A cow, a goat and six chickens".


  • 影片开头,我们看看西尔维斯特·史泰龙简直就头被扒了的小母牛,而且,还被里,放星期

    When we first meet Sylvester Stallone in that film, he frankly looks like a skinned heifer that someone left out in the rain for six weeks.


  • 研究人员收集26个调查对象的资料——10名女性16男性他们都在调查期间个月内恋人分手了。

    They gathered data from 26 people — 10 women and 16 men — who broke up with their partners during the first six months of the study.


  • 最近一些民意调查已经表明巴马的民望正在下降支持率上任六个的60%多甚至更高的位置上,下滑至只有大约55%。

    Some recent opinion polls have suggested that Obama has lost popularity, down from the mid-60s or higher he enjoyed during his first six months in office to an approval rating of around 55%.


  • 第六感系统的原型设备便携投影仪、一面镜子一个摄像头组成,它可以手机那样挂脖子上。

    The SixthSense prototype is comprised of a pocket projector, a mirror and a camera. The hardware components are coupled in a pendant like mobile wearable device.


  • 保尔星期六国际货币基金组织发表讲话时说,对美国经济来说,2008年头个月困难。美国经济可能已经进入2001年以来第一衰退

    Addressing the IMF panel on Saturday, Paulson said the first six months of 2008 will be difficult for the U.S. economy, which may have already entered its first recession since 2001.


  • 野牛溜达自己栖息地,在孟加拉邦的一个村庄里冲直撞,致使死亡受伤

    A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal killing one man and injuring six others.


  • 年头坎坷岁月他们家孩子们不得以在1998年年(私立)学校出来,尽管老大只剩一个学期就要上中学了。

    By 1998, after six rocky years for the family, the children had to be pulled out of school mid-year, even though the older had just one term to go before transferring to secondary.


  • 这位英国饲养员年时间建立雄狮嘉姆之间的关系使他们相互之间可以这样随意亲近。

    The British keeper said it has taken six years to form the relationship which allows him to interact so casually Jamu, an eight-year-old male.


  • 一类人一贯坚持生活方式就是星期头六天都在造孽,到星期日赎罪。

    The other group has a clinging lifestyle of sinning all week and seeking redemption on Sundays.


  • 看得出,汤姆向这头认为奶牛求爱已经六个月了。

    Apparently, he has had a sic-month courtship with a cow whom he believes is human.


  • 这个名字是从键盘上面一排左边六个得来

    The name comes from the first six keys on the upper left row of letters on the keyboard.


  • 拨出资金总数与2007年个月相比减少了20%。

    The sum set aside is 20% lower than the equivalent figure for the first six months of 2007.


  • 现在傍晚六点颗头主人酣睡,他在恶补昨夜不眠。

    It was six o 'clock in the evening but the head's owner was still sleeping off the exploits of the previous night.


  • 风筝线这头,五颜六色的线如同天边的彩虹;线是已经长大的小孩他们信誓旦旦地说着:“只是飞起来!”

    On one end of its string glorious colors float like rainbows; on the other end-grown-up kids swear that they "just want to get it flying!"


  • 风筝线这头,五颜六色的线如同天边的彩虹;线是已经长大的小孩他们信誓旦旦地说着:“只是飞起来!”

    On one end of its string glorious colors float like rainbows; on the other end-grown-up kids swear that they "just want to get it flying!"


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