• 大多数死亡事件都发生蜜蜂农场,这是一家位于萨默维尔的公司销售蜜蜂蜂蜜产品

    Most of the deaths came from Flowertown Bee Farm, a company in Summerville that sells bees and honey products.


  • 然而年前似乎稳定生活妻子肯特成功经营着一家微型出租车公司

    Yet only five years ago he appeared to have a stable life, running a successful successful minicab firm in Kentish Town with his wife.


  • 趟航班所用设备台坦帕斯心电图仪,产自英国贝辛斯托克附近RDT公司

    The device used on the Mumbai flight was a Tempus telemedicine monitor made by RDT, a British company based near Basingstoke.


  • 位于马塞诸塞州弗雷明汉调研公司IDC预测,2015年,日本企业顾客输出一个平板电脑美国西欧卖出几十个

    For each tablet shipped to corporate customers in Japan, dozens will be sold in the U.S. and western Europe through 2015, according to estimates by Framingham, Massachusetts-based research firm IDC.


  • 一家叫做ENCE西班牙粘胶纤维制造商公司进行会谈试图找到一个合作伙伴完成科科·洛尼亚省Conchillas的纸浆加工厂的建筑

    A Spanish cellulose pulp manufacturer, ENCE, is holding talks with four companies in an attempt to find a partner to complete construction of its cellulose mill in Conchillas, Colonia.


  • 这个总部德国黑根奥拉赫制造商6月28日经营业务德国大陆集团大部分股份移至一家新的控股公司以便更容易获得境外投资者

    The Herzogenaurach, Germany-based manufacturer put its operating business and most of the Continental shares in a new holding company on June 28 to allow easier access for outside investors.


  • 她们得知,阿莫电力公司计划巴迪片临近公司河滩上,个占地160公顷煤灰掩埋场。

    They found out that the utility company Ameren was planning to build a 160 hectare [400 acre] coal ash landfill in the floodplain, next door to its massive power plant in Labadie.


  • 坐落美丽沿海滨——福建石狮市占地面积60亩,始建于1990年。 公司现有标准厂房18000多平方米,建筑面积达20000多平方米,二期花园式工业园已破土动工,下辖休闲茄克、休闲裤五个生产基地,固定资产1.5个亿,是中国休闲之都——石狮的服装龙头企业。

    Situated in the Shishi, the beautiful coastal city, Baowei covers a area of 60 mu(40 000 square meters) with 18 000 square meters of workshop and 20 000 square meters of construction area.


  • 当年一家很大私人保安公司巡逻队担任轮班指挥,那家公司科罗拉多州科罗拉多

    I was working as a Shift Commander in the patrol division for a large private security firm in Colorado Springs, Colorado.


  • 附近兴建松江大学城聘请了一家英国的工程咨询公司打造了一个名为泰晤士英式社区

    Nearby, the emerging college city of Songjiang turned to a British engineering consultancy to construct an English-style community called Thames Town.


  • 加拿大广播公司报道,位于加拿大西海岸的“冲浪之”托菲诺,为了保护独特的慢节奏氛围年以来从未开设快餐连锁专卖店。

    Tofino, a West Coast surf town in Canada, has been banning fast-food franchises and retail chains for years in order to preserve its uniquely laid-back character, CBC News reported.


  • 1988年洛克比泛美航空公司爆炸案可能卡扎菲卷入名声最大同时也是最有争议事件

    The 1988 Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie is possibly the most well-known and controversial incident in which Gaddafi has been involved.


  • 该村是位于英格兰南部白金汉郡的布劳居民保罗·雅各布斯BBC记者说,透过窗户发现谷歌公司的拍摄,于是通知了邻居们

    One resident, Paul Jacobs, told the BBC he had alerted his neighbours after spotting the car from his window in Broughton, Buckinghamshire, southern England.


  • 该村是位于英格兰南部白金汉郡的布劳居民保罗·雅各布斯记者透过窗户发现谷歌公司拍摄车,于是通知了邻居们

    One resident, Paul Jacobs, told the reporters he had alerted his neighbours after spotting the car from his window in Broughton, Buckinghamshire, southern England.


  • 浦江意大利风情CittadiPujiang),是意大利建筑设计公司Gregotti Associati设计的,运用简约的风格明晰的线条

    Pujiang’s Italian town, or “Citta di Pujiang, ” designed by Italian architecture firm Gregotti Associati, uses a stripped-down style with clean lines.


  • 鲍伯·斯泰伯53岁,是废棚利用公司总经理,这家公司位于纽约州戈深回收旧棚木料用来做家具他说:“最大浪费就是我34英尺长的Regal游艇费油。”

    Bob Staab, 53, President of After the barn, a company in Goshen, N.Y., that recycles barn wood into furniture, said: "my biggest waste would be burning fuel on my boat, a 34-foot Regal."


  • 为了进行进一步铜矿开采,附近junin,一家中国公司Chinalco继续进行迁移到拥有5000人口的Morococha计划

    In neighbouring junin, a Chinese company, Chinalco, is proceeding with a plan to move Morococha, a town of 5,000 people, to develop a big copper deposit.


  • 为了进行进一步铜矿开采,附近junin,一家中国公司Chinalco继续进行迁移到拥有5000人口的Morococha计划

    In neighbouring junin, a Chinese company, Chinalco, is proceeding with a plan to move Morococha, a town of 5, 000 people, to develop a big copper deposit.


  • 这样海报也印度马哈拉施特拉邦Bhigwan附近展出,那里隶属于印度波拉普尔工业有限责任公司一个工厂

    A copy is on display near the town of Bhigwan in the Indian state of Maharashtra, in a factory belonging to Ballarpur Industries Limited (BILT).


  • 这个事故发生周五梅克巴博叫拜楼祷告,在北方摩洛哥一个位于拉巴特东南140公司(97英里)的地方。

    The incident took place during Friday prayers at the Bab al-Baradeen mosque in Meknes, a town in northern Morocco located 140 km (87 miles) southeast of Rabat.


  • 随着全世界对于稀土金属需求爆炸式增长,去年十二月份该矿矿主MolycorpMinerals公司MountainPass重启开采

    With worldwide demand for the materials exploding, the site's owner, Molycorp Minerals, restarted mining at Mountain Pass last December.


  • 公司想建太阳能电站,问题,虽然桑塔克罗玛城支持太阳能,但城市人口太稠密了,4平方公里(1.5平方英里)的面积上居住着124000位市民。

    The problem: Though Santa Coloma likes solar energy, it is densely populated. Santa Coloma is home to 124,000 people in 4 square kilometers (1.5 square miles).


  • 东莞市嘉鼎五金模具有限公司座落于中国东南部的广东省东莞市清溪三星工业区

    Dongguan Jiading metal molding Company Limited, Located in Sanxing Industrial Zone, Qingxi town, Dongguan City of Guangdong Provence.


  • 公司位于广东省中山市东凤广州一个小时车程

    One hour 's drive from Guangzhou, our company lies in Dongfeng Town, Zhongshan city of Guangdong Province.


  • 安德森克斯蛋白质晶片的研究上,携手合作。安德森美国马里兰州日耳曼大规模生物”公司首席科学家。

    N. Leigh Anderson and Gunars Valkirs collaborate on protein array research. Anderson is chief scientific officer at Large Scale Biology Corporation in Germantown, Md.


  • 公司坐落模具宁波北仑,厂址交通便捷,大碶车站附近。

    The company is conveniently located in Daqi Town, Beilun, Ningbo, known as the Town of Molds, in the proximity of Daqi Coach Station.


  • 公司坐落模具宁波北仑,厂址交通便捷,大碶车站附近。

    The company is conveniently located in Daqi Town, Beilun, Ningbo, known as the Town of Molds, in the proximity of Daqi Coach Station.


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