• 普尔指出我们都不喜欢失败不管硅谷企业家们多么经常地赞扬那些失败想法崩溃毁掉的初创公司所传达有益影响

    Kapur notes, none of us like to fail, no matter how often Silicon Valley entrepreneurs praise the beneficial effects of an idea that fails or a start-up company that crashes and burns.


  • 硅谷了解那里公司组织设计同时了解它们人才生态系统

    I traveled to Silicon Valley to learn about the organizational design of firms there, and also to learn about the talent ecosystem.


  • 然而里昂表示今日硅谷公司已经不足以应对挑战,因为不能从根本上改变经济人们生活方式

    In contrast, Lyons suggests that today's Silicon Valley companies are not tackling big enough challenges that could fundamentally alter the economy and or how people live.


  • 硅谷里的公司相互之间既有竞争合作,也会一起合作开发新的产品服务

    Yet Silicon Valley companies both compete and cooperate with each other, to jointly develop new products and services.


  • 这家消费者宽带公司拥有硅谷引以为豪那种随心所欲工程文化

    The consumer broadband company had the sort of free-wheeling engineering culture on which the Valley prides itself.


  • 作为交换风投付出品牌资金筹措优势这些来自硅谷公司将取得合伙人部分股权。

    In exchange for that name and fund raising advantage, the Valley firms take a healthy chunk of the carry.


  • 一家硅谷公司伙伴关系总监被裁后,获得笔不小抚恤金

    He received a generous pension when downsized from his job as director of partner relationships for a large Silicon Valley company.


  • 公司硅谷的总部已经陷入慌乱之中老板仔细考虑着如何应对这次事件。

    But nerves have been rattled at the company’s headquarters in Silicon Valley, where bosses are mulling over how to respond.


  • 一些专家表示:这种两分法解释了为何许多在国外闯荡总部设在硅谷公司有时成为欧盟数据监管人员靶子了。

    Some experts say this dichotomy explains why Silicon Valley firms that strike out abroad have sometimes been the targets of European Union data watchdogs.


  • 大多数硅谷公司根本指望避开别人的专利地雷他们基本上天由命,出事指望请得起律师来搞定官司

    Most Silicon Valley companies don't even try to avoid infringing patents. They just ignore them and hope they'll be able to afford good lawyers when the inevitable lawsuits arrive.


  • 阿库拉博士对此当然有所怨言,因为营利性小额贷款公司获得硅谷风险资本支持首次公开募股大获全胜,已经决定在近期上市。

    Mr Akula would say that, especially as his for-profit firm, backed by venture capital from Silicon Valley, is expected to go public soon in a doubtless lucrative IPO.


  • 这两位的合作产生一个硅谷建立公司的大胆方法

    Their partnership has spawned a bold new approach to firm-building in Silicon Valley.


  • 基本上听起来像是硅谷公司日益激烈竞争招募顶尖工程师一样。

    Basically, it sounds like we should look at this as just another tactic in the growing competition among Silicon Valley companies to recruit the top engineers.


  • 盖茨通过宣称微软来自车库家伙超越,来表达一种硅谷版本公司达尔文主义。

    Expressing Silicon Valley's version of corporate Darwinism, Gates claimed that Microsoft could be brushed aside by the next guy in a garage.


  • 上个月他们的搜索引擎公司宣布准备硅谷建造最大公司太阳能装置

    Last month their "do no evil" search-engine company announced plans to build the largest corporate solar-power installation at its Silicon Valley campus.


  • 硅谷公司还将继续出售这些所谓的自由”,实际上运营商提供并没有什么不同

    The guys in Silicon Valley will sell this as "freedom, " but it's really no different from the lock-in we've had with carriers.


  • 十一机会自己的——作者作为开始硅谷公司理由

    Give yourself every opportunity you can - I use this as a reason why starting a company in silicon valley when it comes to tech is a good idea.


  • 驱除美国风投行业上空阴霾动作中one硅谷公司中无疑成功的。

    ONE of Silicon Valley's biggest success stories is doing his bit to lift the gloom hanging over America's venture-capital (VC) industry.


  • 谷歌10年历史多数时间,该公司的花钱步伐堪称硅谷一景。

    For much of its 10-year history, Google spent money at a pace that was the marvel of Silicon Valley.


  • 相距10英里硅谷公司在过去年里都一帆风顺。

    Separated by a mere 10 miles in Silicon Valley, the two have beenon famously good terms for almost a decade.


  • 尽管甲骨文像是一个营销机器Sun则像是工程工厂这俩公司位于硅谷的。

    Although Oracle is more of a marketing machine and Sun an engineering powerhouse, both firms are rooted in Silicon Valley.


  • 在下一个希望更多行业能融合软件技术,能出现更多世界级硅谷公司

    Over the next 10 years, I expect many more industries to be disrupted by software, with new world-beating Silicon Valley companies doing the disruption in more cases than not.


  • 同样位于硅谷Nvidia公司面对英特尔AMD蚕食自己领土行为发动了反击

    With Intel and AMD encroaching on its territory, Nvidia, also based in Silicon Valley, is fighting back.


  • 诉讼针对每个硅谷公司包括谷歌苹果易趣,雅虎Facebook

    It targets everyone who is anyone in Silicon Valley, including Google, Apple, eBay, Yahoo! And Facebook.


  • 这些意外之财主要受惠者那些始创公司基于硅谷NanosolarMiasolé,两家投入开发技术,制造太阳能电池 “薄膜”。

    The main beneficiaries of this windfall are start-ups, such as Nanosolar and Miasolé, which are based in Silicon Valley and focus on new technologies.


  • 衡量硅谷科技公司是否具有前景的最好指示器现在已经非常清晰了——那就是公司厨师

    THE most telling indicator of the prospects of Silicon Valley's technology firms is now clear. It is the cooks.


  • 鲁宾职业生涯开始于苹果公司开发工程师硅谷公司从事手机操作系统工作

    Rubin began his career as a developer at Apple, and moved around the Valley a lot working with mobile operating systems.


  • 因为我们中的大多数认为如果新创建公司没有硅谷可能是因为自信所以你是怎么比较两个地方的?

    Because most of us get the feeling that if you do startup and you don't move to the Silicon Valley, maybe you are not confident so how would you compare the two places?


  • 因为我们中的大多数认为如果新创建公司没有硅谷可能是因为自信所以你是怎么比较两个地方的?

    Because most of us get the feeling that if you do startup and you don't move to the Silicon Valley, maybe you are not confident so how would you compare the two places?


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