• 竞选团队雇佣了私人网络安全公司解决这些漏洞

    The campaigns hired private cyber security companies to address the breaches.


  • 恐怕不得不坚持通过保险公司解决如果你方业已投保险种的话。

    I'm afraid I have to insist that you approach the insurance company for settlement, that is, if you have included this risk in your coverage.


  • 私有公司愿意进行大规模投资帮助解决俄罗斯经济困难

    Private firms are willing to make large scale investments to help cure Russia's economic troubles.


  • 首席执行官高层团队应该担当起解决公司主要问题责任

    The CEO and senior team should shoulder the responsibility for solving all the company's major problems.


  • 教程介绍各种重要XML编程接口标准最后两个案例研究结束,展示了公司如何使用XML解决业务问题

    In this tutorial, you also cover a variety of important XML programming interfaces and standards, and ends with two case studies showing how companies are using XML to solve business problems.


  • 一些公司正在尝试现有协议解决询问

    Some companies are trying to address the polling problem with existing protocols.


  • 实习生一些公益型公司雇佣使用硬件软件解答解决消费者问题成为历史

    The practice still employed by some companies of paying humans to answer phones and solve consumers' problems with hardware or software will become a thing of the past.


  • 因此客户报告软件故障时,对于较小公司说,回过问题解决可能重要

    So when a customer reports a software bug, the turnaround on resolution of that issue might be comparatively more important for a smaller firm.


  • 公司需要其他技术方法解决这些更具挑战性的问题

    Companies need additional technological approaches to solve these more challenging problems.


  • 许多公司通过虚拟解决这些问题

    Many companies are already turning to virtualization to solve this problem.


  • 只要问下丰田这家可靠性信誉极佳的公司去年了大部分时间来解决汽车加速器问题。

    Just ask Toyota, a firm that once had a peerless reputation for reliability but spent much of last year battling allegations that its cars had defective accelerators.


  • 很多公司正在开发一种新的藻类解决这个问题

    Many companies are trying to develop an algae to do that job.


  • 周时间来解决这档子破事:向警察局报案打电话给信用卡公司,对方让我耐心等待,杳无音信一段时间之后找他们,还是叫我耐心等待。

    I spent over two weeks cleaning the mess: filing police reports, calling the company, sitting on hold, getting disconnected and calling back to sit on hold again.


  • 一个显而易见解决方法就是一家公司开采其他参与者分享收益

    An obvious solution is to have one company do the drilling and share the revenues with the other players.


  • 大多数公司都要通过他们数据解决多重问题

    Most businesses have multiple problems to solve with their data.


  • 意味着如今部分是一个金融公司组织力量解决资金不足问题利用债券市场补偿基础设施投入

    This suggests it is in part a financial firm now, and that it USES its muscle to compensate for the lack of bank funding and bond-market financing for infrastructure investments.


  • 访问印度软件业领头羊信息系统技术有限公司校园内呼吁印度英国一起解决这个问题

    Speaking during his visit to the campus of IT major Infosys Technologies here, he called upon India and England to come together to tackle this problem.


  • 很难找到一个单一解决方法满足所有这些公司但是总结了一些方法帮助客户解决大小(估算)问题

    It is difficult to provide a one-size fits all solution for these companies, but I have found a number of ways to help the customer resolve the sizing problem.


  • 德国斯托工程公司这种水母机器人检测大规模设计问题是否可以通过小型系统的叠加来解决

    German engineering company Festo is using the jellies to test whether large-scale engineering problems can be solved by the cooperation of many smaller systems.


  • 新的技术栈上构建解决方案很困难的,但是围绕着所述技术构建整个公司则是要把完全提升一个新的层面上

    Building a solution on a new technology stack is difficult, but building an entire company around said technology takes it to a new level entirely.


  • 结果公司高效更稳定IT不再只被作为成本中心对待,反而成为一个积极合作者业务解决方案提供者

    As a result, companies would become more efficient and stable, with it no longer treated as a mere cost centre. Rather, it would become an active partner and a business solution provider.


  • 大多公司没有拿出充分的解决方案替代这些药品

    Most firms have not come up with enough treatments to replace them.


  • 一些公司选择了接受三的替代品来解决这个问题

    Some companies are solving the problem by adopting alternatives to nitrogen trifluoride.


  • 破损的钻油井还在墨西哥湾泄漏原油英国石油公司争分夺秒建造一个疏导设备控制油井漏油,这个能源巨头并不确定这套设备是否解决问题。

    British Petroleum is still racing against time to build a funnel to help contain the busted oil rig which is gushing oil into the Mexican Gulf - but the energy giant is unsure whether it will work.


  • 破损的钻油井还在墨西哥湾泄漏原油英国石油公司争分夺秒建造一个疏导设备控制油井漏油,这个能源巨头并不确定这套设备是否解决问题。

    British Petroleum is still racing against time to build a funnel to help contain the busted oil rig which is gushing oil into the Mexican Gulf - but the energy giant is unsure whether it will work.


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