• 公司旗下的品牌豪,享有“汽车外饰专家美誉。

    The company's brand Yinghao enjoy automotive exterior experts "in the world."


  • 公司原来企业拥有者1970年出售之后,几经易,最后在1998年成为了百事公司旗下品牌

    Since the original entrepreneur sold the company in the 1970's, there have been several owners. Since 1998, PepsiCo has owned the brand.


  • :“许多公司选择遵循金融战略’,他们通过收购合并的战略措施,尽可能品牌纳入他们旗下。”

    Some companies have chosen to follow a "financial strategy," growing through acquisitions and putting together as many good brands as they can under a single roof, he said.


  • 一个多月前,通用旗下的悍马品牌中国公司腾中进行收购谈判,而现在,通用宣布腾中收购悍马失败。

    Less than a month after General Motors extended its contract to sell its Hummer brand to China's Tengzhong automaker, the General has announced that it will not complete the deal.


  • 同时公司还说ThomasCook品牌显示旗下在线旅行社的许多国家分站中。

    Meanwhile, the company says it will use the Thomas Cook brand to front many of its country OTA sites.


  • 现在知道通用汽车为什么推出昂贵土星便宜凯迪拉克了吧,更不用说该公司旗下其他品牌所犯下的种种错误。

    Now you know why General Motors has introduced expensive Saturns and cheap Cadillacs.


  • 四月20号可口可乐公司宣布他们采用一种价值支付体系旗下400个品牌广告商支付广告费。

    On April 20th Coca-Cola said it would adopt a "value-based" compensation system for the advertisers that do work for its 400 brands.


  • 拒绝路易·威登纳入旗下品牌序列的提议,继续保有公司创意账务的全权掌控。

    He has resisted offers from LVMH and Gucci to bring his brand under their labels, maintaining full control over both creativity and the books.


  • 找到悍马土星品牌买主之后,通用汽车又签下合约旗下萨博公司出售给科尼塞克公司。 科尼塞克总部设在瑞典是一家小型的的高性能汽车制造商

    After finding buyers for its Hummer and Saturn brands, General Motors entered an agreement to sell its Saab division to Koenigsegg, a tiny maker of high-performance cars based in Sweden.


  • 迈巴赫奔驰公司旗下超豪华品牌,然而现在它几乎完全淡出人们视线。相比戴姆勒与克莱斯勒的合并算不得一个错误仍然缺乏解决方案

    Not quite as big a mistake as the DaimlerChrysler merger, but still lacking a resolution, Maybach, the uber-Mercedes brand, has almost vanished from sight.


  • 管理者正在观望历峰集团是否允许Net - a - Porter销售公司旗下的其他品牌卡地亚手表

    Executives are now watching to see whether Richemont will allow Net-a-Porter to sell its many other brands, including Cartier watches.


  • 公司进口大批真黑线鳕,现在也是罗非鱼主要买家,用于批发旗下SeaCuisine品牌海鲜的销售

    The company is a big importer of cod and haddock, and is now a major buyer of tilapia, which it sells wholesale as well as under its Sea Cuisine brand.


  • 宝洁公司旗下著名品牌包括Dunhill,Gucciand Rochas。 他们生产的香水中,有一半左右含有香柠檬

    P&G Prestige’s famous brands include Dunhill, Gucci and Rochas, and around one half of the perfumes it makes contain bergamot oil.


  • 杰克·安德森(Jack Anderson)是荷耐尔•安德森公司(Hornall Anderson)旗下一家品牌机构,它希望弹出”能够在有“美国消费主义之”之称购物中心复兴。

    Jack Anderson, of Hornall Anderson, a branding agency, hopes that pop-ups will revive the home of American consumerism: the mall.


  • 公司CEOAlanMulally关闭美国福特旗下水星汽车公司(Mercury),转让了沃尔沃品牌剥离了马自达的股权,因此销售大幅度上升了17%。

    In the U.S., CEO Alan Mulally shuttered Ford's Mercury division, completed the sale of Volvo, divested its Mazda shares, and saw sales jump 17%.


  • 7月份宝马公司菲亚特集团宣布他们联合生产他们汽车配件系统菲亚特集团的旗下品牌阿尔法罗密欧生产MITO是宝马公司MINI车的主要竞争对手

    In July BMW, which makes the Mini, and Fiat, which produces the rival MiTo under its Alfa Romeo brand, said they were considering joint production of components and systems for their vehicles.


  • 根据年度BrandZ全球价值品牌百强榜,苹果品牌价值高达1530亿美元,接近苹果公司市值一半iPhoneiPad苹果公司旗下产品。

    The iPhone and iPad maker's brand is now worth $153 billion, almost half Apple's market capitalization , says the annual BrandZ study of the world's top 100 brands.


  • 法国著名化妆品品牌欧莱雅旗下碧欧泉公司法国雷诺汽车公司合作推出了款绿色概念电动车"Zoe Z.E."。

    Biotherm, the skin care company in L'Oreal Luxury Products division, has joined forces with French car manufacturer Renault to develop an electric "spa" concept car.


  • 旗下拥有乐斯菲斯户外服装Lee牛仔裤品牌VFCorporation今年2月表示,该公司成本今年上半年上涨4%,下半年会上涨10%。

    VF Corporation, whose brands include North Face outdoor wear and Lee denim, said in February that its costs would rise 4 per cent in the first half of this year and 10 per cent in the second half.


  • 费列罗(Ferrero)公司老板彼得·费列罗(PietroFerrero)南非一起自行车事故死亡,费列罗是一家意大利糖果公司旗下的品牌包括NutellaKinder

    Pietro Ferrero, the 48-year-old boss of Ferrero, an Italian confectionery group whose brands include Nutella and Kinder, died in a cycling accident in South Africa.


  • 今年4个月公司旗下梅赛德斯品牌美国销售额已经增加了26%,销售额换算成欧元汇率年初时候更多。

    Sales of its Mercedes brand have already surged by 26% in America in the first four months of this year—and those sales are worth more in euros than they would have been at the beginning of the year.


  • 11月,VF公司董事长总裁艾瑞克.怀斯曼告诉投资者,由于牛仔裤占到了VF公司销售额的三分之一,而制作牛仔裤时,棉花需求就占了一半,因此,表示,“我们旗下所有品牌系列,包括单独品牌价格有所上浮。”

    "All of our brands, every single brand, will take some price increases," said Eric Wiseman, chairman and CEO of VF Corp., whose brands include The North Face, Nautica, Wrangler and Lee.


  • 迪士尼公司认为自己同行的比较优势在于品牌亲和力尤其是要归功于公司旗下的主题公园

    Because of its theme parks in particular, brand affinity is an area where Disney thinks it holds a clear advantage over its peers.


  • 但是雷诺28.7%的增长PS A集团(该公司旗下拥有标致雪铁龙等汽车品牌)18.7%的增长相比,大众的表现相当低靡。

    But that was sluggish when compared to 28.7% growth for Renault and 18.7% growth at PSA Group, owner of Peugeot and Citroen.


  • 但是雷诺28.7%的增长PS A集团(该公司旗下拥有标致雪铁龙等汽车品牌)18.7%的增长相比,大众的表现相当低靡。

    But that was sluggish when compared to 28.7% growth for Renault and 18.7% growth at PSA Group, owner of Peugeot and Citroen.


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