• 公司分割多个自制的部门,这些部门财务部门一小撮政策控制中心人员汇报

    He divided the company into separate autonomous divisions that were subject only to financial and policy controls from a small central staff.


  • 他们分割这家公司

    They wanted to dismember the company.


  • 公司开始坦桑尼亚出口特殊分割肉制品

    The company also started exporting special meat cuts and processed products to Tanzania.


  • 如果公司通过股票分割增加总股数,不是薄,因为没有发生实质性变化。

    If the company increases the number of shares through a split that is not dilution because it doesn't really mean anything.


  • 部分反映少数公司创始人参与业务愿意分割职权的事实

    In part, this reflects the fact that founders are still involved in quite a few firms and feel comfortable splitting responsibilities.


  • 强烈意图使我们业务一体化成为不可分割整体,保留现有完整公司结构

    I have every intention of integrating our business into one integral whole, while leaving the existing corporate structures intact, however.


  • 让我们来看看一个分割的重构的公司公司看上去就是坐在回程火箭上。

    Meet a sliced, diced, beaten and reconstituted company that seems to be on a rocket ride back.


  • 不过业界广泛认为雷石东最后努力。这次分割维亚康姆保留有线电视网络电影制片厂广播业务则剥离出来组建新的哥伦比亚广播电视公司(CBS)。

    But the split, in which Viacom kept the cable networks and film studios while the broadcasting businesses were spun off as CBS, was widely seen as Mr Redstone's last hurrah.


  • 尽管GM克莱斯勒的品牌分割的确移除了一些超支的部分,但是仅仅只是美国目前为止,在欧洲的GM和克莱斯勒分公司没有关闭一家工厂

    Although cuts at GM and Chrysler have removed some (though not enough) excess capacity in America, not a single car factory in Europe has closed so far.


  • 所有这些有助于说明这个公司了怎样凶猛确定,作为微软网页浏览器IE绝对WINDOWS不可分割的一部分。

    All of this helps to explain the ferocity with which the company has been fighting court battles to establish that Internet Explorer, Microsoft's Web browser is absolutely integral to Windows.


  • 公司有一种惯常做法叫做股票分割”。

    Companies routinely do what are called "splits."


  • 现在,该公司提出了对该季度业绩三对股票分割使每个脸书股东已经持有单独份额上获得两个额外的,无投票权股份

    Now, the company has proposed a three-to-one stock split in its quarterly results, which would give each Facebook shareholder two additional, non-voting shares for each single share they already hold.


  • 这家荷兰公司夫妇们对赡养费财产分割子女探视其他未解决婚姻问题一一进行讨论,目的帮助他们达成离婚

    The Netherlands-based firm aim to talk couples through alimony, splitting assets, visitation rights for children and any other outstanding marital issues to help finalise a divorce.


  • 另外一旦公司获得成功会出现提供改进用户体验保持目前的用户体验,分割资源和分散注意力双重作用

    Additionally, once the company is successful, it has the dual role of providing an improved future experience and maintaining the current experience, splitting resources and attention.


  • 研究发现AH市场分割因素主要公司规模股份流动性以及A股流通股股东的被补偿预期

    The results of research show: the factors of soft segmentation of A and H share market are mainly corporation scale, share liquidity, and expected compensation of circulating A shareholder, etc.


  • 沃伦·巴菲特没有对,伯克希尔·哈撒韦股票分割其他一些公司谷歌也是不做分割的,对吧。

    Warren Buffett doesn't do splits with his Berkshire Hathaway and there are other companies that — I guess Google doesn't do splits, isn't that right?


  • 一旦证明好处成就成为不可分割一部分公司

    Once it proves its benefits and achievements, it becomes an integral part of the company.


  • 第一百七十六条公司分立财产作相应分割

    Article 176 Where a company proceeds into a division, its assets shall be divided appropriately.


  • 研究表明跨国公司具有实行策略性竞争行为强烈动机,而行为的发生取决于跨国公司市场分割市场壁垒等条件。

    The study indicated multination company have violence motivation to carry competition strategy behavior out, the action is decided by market division and market vallation of multination company.


  • 公司企业基本制度中,会计控制系统起着重要基础性作用控制目标的实现与企业治理目标具有内在的不可分割辨证关系。

    In the modern corporation fundamental system, the control system of financial accounting has a very important role for achieving the purpose of a corporation's governance.


  • 大多数项目分割为由单独工程师管理功能模块想象某一个工程师的突然离去公司造成的影响吗?

    Most projects are divided into different functional modules managed by individual engineer. Can you imagine some engineer leave the company suddenly?


  • 一个公司可以通过分割股票增加发行在外普通股股数,比例降低每股票面价值设定价值

    A corporation may split its stock by increasing the number of outstanding shares of common stock and reducing the par or stated value per share in proportion.


  • 转子磁极分割型混合励磁结构同步电机概念一提出就引起国际电工各大汽车公司研发中心极大关注

    Poles mixed-division synchronous motor excitation structure of the concept on a proposed international community and major electrical company research the center of great concern.


  • 生产运营战略用以说明如何通过生产运作实施实现企业的整体目标,是公司战略中不可分割的重要部分。

    The function of production operation Strategy is to explain how to achieve the corporation goals by means of the implementation of production operation.


  • 总共24里,作者学生提供了有关英特尔公司信息微处理器历史资料,并且提供了市场份额以及市场分割的详情。

    In 24 pages, students are provided with information on Intel and the history of microprocessors, as well as details about market share and segmentation.


  • 塞内加尔-无论我们怎么样分割期权对我们公司人员一种补偿形式合适不过了,我们已经也做到了。

    Sinegal-No matter how we slice it, the options were a form of compensation for people in our company, and it's most appropriate to expense them, and we have done that.


  • 谷歌公司行为准则里提到了对汪星人喜爱: :“狗狗们的感情我们企业文化不可分割的一个部分。

    Thee company's love of dogs is written into its corporate code of conduct: "Google's affection for our canine friends is an integral facet of our corporate culture."


  • 谷歌公司行为准则里提到了对汪星人喜爱: :“狗狗们的感情我们企业文化不可分割的一个部分。

    Thee company's love of dogs is written into its corporate code of conduct: "Google's affection for our canine friends is an integral facet of our corporate culture."


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