• 问题已经放在公司事物首要位置,并周二得到纠正;

    This issue was escalated to the highest levels of the company and was corrected by Tuesday;


  • 世界许多地方中,各个报业公司在尝试不同事物使他们的工业恢复生气。

    In many parts of the world, individual newspaper companies are trying different things to revitalize their industry.


  • 正是这种新生思想解放——用克鲁克先生的话说是“尝试事物的愿望”——助推成立运作至今生意,一家葡萄酒进口公司

    It is that new openness of spirit "a readiness to try new things" in Crook's words, that has fueled the business that he founded and now runs - a wine importing company.


  • 公司法律金融方面十分重要和有趣,遇到很多事物和新想法,这些都将会使你印象深刻。

    The legal and financial aspects of your company are important and interesting, and there are a lot of new things and ideas that you will encounter that will likely impress you.


  • 施乐认为公司偶然发现容量办公打印机不景气市场带来活力的热门事物就是彩色

    Xerox thinks it has hit on something big to breathe life into the ailing market for high-volume office printers: it's called color.


  • 一个配置文件可以表示个人办公室整个公司或者任意事物

    A profile might represent an individual, an office, an entire company, or whatever you want, really.


  • 不久之前市场预测描述一种预报一切事物的极好方式重要项目最终数据完成日期公司每年销售量

    NOT SO long ago, prediction markets were being tipped as a fantastic new way to forecast everything from the completion date of a vital project to a firm’s annual sales.


  • 不幸这个IT经理(公司来说是新兴事物)缺乏客户运作知识我们团队中的一样。

    Unfortunately, the it manager (being new to the company) would probably have as little knowledge of the customer's operations as our own team had.


  • 还有些聪明之士要求这个独揽大权的人物,重组汽车公司迫使这些公司全身心地接受绿色技术以及其他美好事物

    Other smart people have called for such a czar to reorganize the companies and force the companies to fully embrace green technology and other good things.


  • 通常变成了一种课程形式——公司内部或者组织外部员工们找出他们兴趣中的事物

    This is often in the form of course workboth within the company or given outside of the organization — and conferences where workers find out what's new in their areas of interest.


  • 只要有人处理这些事物我们的速度要适于公司城市民族组织等。

    As long as someone else gets the affairs so faster than we do That's true for a company, a city, an ethnic group, whatever.


  • 这些新鲜事物使诺基亚转变成为2年前完全不同公司

    And I think learning all these new things has turned Nokia into a different company compared to what we were two years ago.


  • 博客写手Enomaly公司(一家企业建立公有软件制造商创始人鲁文科恩认为,上述事物随着技术进步迅速涌现

    Reuven Cohen, a blogger and co-founder of Enomaly, a maker of software that allows firms to build public clouds, thinks that such things will come quickly as technology improves.


  • 一个logo公司极精彩描述,logo来源于象征事物中,不是相反方向

    A logo is rarely a description of a business. A logo derives meaning from the quality of the thing it symbolizes, not the other way around.


  • 其它公司如果反败为胜只能寄希望下一个事物到来了!

    Other companies who want to win with the next hot new thing should take note.


  • 所有SOA相关的事物对于巨头供应商来说也许都会变得与相关,公司急不可耐地试图他们SOA项目变成云计算项目。

    Everything SOA-related will probably be turned into something cloud-related by all the big vendors, and companies will desperately try to turn their SOA initiatives into cloud initiatives.


  • 这类设备距离我们仍然遥远不过硅谷的惠普公司(HP),人们现在便可体验(准确地说是感受)一下将要出现事物

    Such devices are still far off, but at Hewlett-Packard (HP) in Silicon Valley a taste-or more precisely, a feel-of things to come is on offer even now.


  • 公司尽力采用事物,通常存在一定程度在组织级别上的抵触

    When companies try to adopt something new, there's usually a degree of organizational resistance.


  • 请注意公司轮换计划提供给你很多接触不同事物机会他们给予的不同视角最具价值的

    Note: Rotation programs in larger companies also offer the opportunity to try different things, and can be valuable for the different perspectives they give you.


  • 总部往往会为每件事物如何布置制作精心设计计划;美国一家大型超市连锁机构,Albertsons公司称之为“plan -a -gram”。

    Often head offices will send out elaborate plans of where everything has to be placed; Albertsons, a big American supermarket chain, calls these a "plan-a-gram".


  • 对于那些未能利用XQuery全部威力公司真正原因害怕未知事物

    The real reason that businesses fail to take advantage of the full power of XQuery is fear of the unknown.


  • 去年Google也以知名的价格买下了MetaWeb公司一家新兴公司利用庞大的数据库更好的诠释事物定义,不只是定义浏览器查询中的

    Last year, Google paid an undisclosed sum for MetaWeb, a start-up that used a vast database to better decipher the meaning, and not just the words, of search queries.


  • 公司周观摩时间,他站在一旁,边观察、边学习下定决心驾驭这个新生事物

    He was kept hanging about [7] for several weeks and he used the time to watch and to learn. He was determined to master this new medium.


  • 虽然复古风格一直都在潮流巅峰伫立事物渴望不得不传统的百货公司面对新的难题

    While style restoring ancient ways have always stood on top of the trend, but the longing for new things to make the traditional department store in the face of new challenges.


  • 相互保险公司究竟何许事物

    What is indeed a mutual insurance company?


  • 持有公司股票代表公司股东之一而且就其本身而论,在任何公司拥有的事物上你具有要求权(虽然通常很小)。

    Holding a company's stock means that you are one of the many owners (shareholders) of a company, and, as such, you have a claim (albeit usually very small) to everything the company owns.


  • 持有公司股票代表公司股东之一而且就其本身而论,在任何公司拥有的事物上你具有要求权(虽然通常很小)。

    Holding a company's stock means that you are one of the many owners (shareholders) of a company, and, as such, you have a claim (albeit usually very small) to everything the company owns.


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