• 一年七月,OK一词流传到南方传到纽约,很快得到公众的接受

    By July of that year, the term spread south to New York, and quickly gained wide acceptance.


  • 但是由于安全许可、为保证水质干净安装监测设备以及公众接受程度等原因这样价值不大。毕竟,我们每天消耗的水中只10% - 20%用于饮用烹饪的。

    But securing permits for this kind of system, installing monitoring equipment to make sure the water is always perfectly clean, and getting over public squeamishness isn't worth it.


  • 为了克服公众演讲恐惧可以接受方面培训

    To overcome your fear of speaking in the public, you can receive training in this aspect.


  • 尽管公众一直在不断接受玻璃天花板想法,并且得出了一些一致结论,但是迄今为止,大多数研究未能支持这种日益不利的模式

    Despite continued widespread public acceptance of the glass ceiling idea and some consistent findings, most research to date has failed to support the increasing-disadvantage model.


  • 意味着虽然公众现在接受干涉维和需求,但支持不会一直那么稳固

    But what this means is that, although the public now accepts the need for intervention and peacekeeping, the support is not all that solid.


  • 那么为了公众接受再利用需要什么呢?

    So what do you need to do to make reused water acceptable to the public?


  • 自己过去一年中公众充分阐明自己计划这点接受应得责备

    He said he accepted his' share of the blame 'for not adequately explaining his plans to the public over the past year.


  • 公众聚集场所工作人员还将接受培训,学习火灾发生如何及时疏散人员

    Workers at places of public gathering will receive special training on how to evacuate people when a fire breaks out.


  • 尽管公众查看愿望列表做法可以接受,但希望能够控制对其进行编辑人员

    Although it might be acceptable for the public to view your wishlist, you want to be able to control who can edit it.


  • 对于一较新的基因工程技术自然存在公众以前没有思考很多问题,人们接受之前想知道一些答案

    With this relatively new technology of genetic engineering, naturally there are questions the public has never considered before, and people want some answers before they accept it.


  • 这些新的工作人员受感染市内访问社区小组相结合,以便改进公众该病了解接受控制措施

    The new staff will also join teams visiting communities within the affected municipalities in order to improve public understanding of the disease and acceptance of control measures.


  • 只要案例依照合法程序解决,我们相信公众接受这一结论。

    As long as Xu's case is handled in accordance with proper procedures, we believe the public will accept the conclusion.


  • 第四年度敏捷状态调查开始接受 公众参与

    The fourth annual 'State of Agile' survey is open for public participation.


  • 迄今为止,没有个国家成功建造一座可永久性处置高放废物地质而且唯有芬兰,其公众同意接受建一个这样的地质库。

    So far, no country has succeeded in building a permanent geological repository for high-level nuclear waste, and only Finland has secured public acceptance for a site.


  • 在此之后历史学者罗贝特-哈格里维斯曾写道:“人们才慢慢接受公众依法知道他们选出议员的所作所为的权利。”

    After Wilkes's battle, wrote the historian Robert Hargreaves, "it gradually became accepted that the public had a constitutional right to know what their elected representatives were up to".


  • 而且公众获得确切消息时间太过漫长让人们难以接受

    It also took an unacceptably long time to get accurate information to the public. Matters are of course much more severe nearer to the epicenter.


  • 原因之一当然杂志狭窄学术读者圈子,之二可能公众那种分析接受程度。

    The journal's narrow academic readership was certainly one reason, the public's readiness for that kind of analysis might be another.


  • 确实也如此同性婚姻——热点问题中的热点——似乎随着各州相继认可,也渐公众接受

    Indeed, gay marriage - once the hottest of hot buttons - seems to be easing toward public acceptance, as state after state approves it.


  • 这个推断很坦率,而如果不在警察安全方面看到即刻成效,那么同样坦率的一点就是墨西哥公众很难接受这个推断。

    As honest as that assessment was, it will be difficult for the Mexican public to swallow if they don't see immediate results in policing and security.


  • 无限贷款债权人那样狂热撒到公司以致他们发放债券多得多贷款——不顾贷款接受公众监督得多

    During the borrowing binge, creditors were so eager to throw money at companies that they doled out far more loans than bonds-even though loans are much less exposed to public scrutiny.


  • 一个被化疗蹂躏得光秃秃脑袋——公众似乎很快就接受了,正如我们习惯于认作“一张种族主义者面孔”“可笑的无知者形象”那样。

    The bald, chemo-ravaged head - the public got used to that pretty quickly, just as we once got used to thinking of her as "the face of racism" or "the laughable image of illiteracy".


  • 涉及社会媒体以及公众学习艺术时,百事已经接受走近学问

    Pepsi has embraced a learning as you go approach when it comes to social media and the art of public learning.


  • 1985年发布这个产品只有很少接受微软最终开始推广该产品的时候,将其自身放在公众考验之下,这简直是个笑话。

    Shipping in 1985 to a ho-hum reception, this was such a joke that Microsoft itself put on a public roast when it finally rolled out the product.


  • 我们可能需要接受事实是,公众疫苗安全性认识可以无根据的恐惧而产生永久性变化以至于无论有多少证据不能改变公众的想法。

    We may need to accept the fact that public perceptions about vaccine safety can be permanently changed by unfounded fears, to an extent that no amount of evidence can change the public’s mind.


  • 可以操纵公众意见使那些起初认为激进思想随着时间的推移慢慢人们接受

    It works by manipulating public perception so that ideas previously thought of as radical begin to seem acceptable over time.


  • “我们的目的,”他,“促进公众人体接受度,不管它们是胖是瘦,还是不裸。”

    The goal, Hightower said, was to promote acceptance of the human body no matter what shape or form it comes in.


  • 方法可能五花八门不过想告知一些关键内容不知怎么成了公众常识,你就该做好接受坏消息的准备。

    The methods may differ, but if you have something critical to say and it somehow becomes public knowledge, you should brace yourself for unpleasant consequences.


  • 1210年,一部公众接受纺车图像出现

    The first accepted image of a spinning wheel appears in 1210.


  • 1210年,一部公众接受纺车图像出现

    The first accepted image of a spinning wheel appears in 1210.


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