• 就是为什么吸烟关键要求被动吸烟:他们有权鼻子两端吸烟自由派则全面这种错误打得措手不及。

    That is why the crucial claim of the anti-smokers is that of passive smoking: your right to smoke ends at my nose, they say, and liberals have been comprehensively wrong-footed by this.


  • 生命周期管理阶段用于支持服务级别协议(SLA)所要求策略强制提供所管理服务环境的全面视图

    It is used in the manage phase of the life cycle to support policy enforcement required by service Level Agreements (SLAs) and to present a more comprehensive view of the managed service environment.


  • 要想全面理解业务及其流程目的必须知道提出了要求,是谁输出的结果兴趣。

    To fully understand the purpose of a business and its processes, you have to know who puts demands on it and who is interested in its output.


  • 一个全面解决方案将会满足经理主管人员以及规划项目经理特定信息报告要求

    A comprehensive solution will meet the specific information and reporting needs of executives as well as project and program managers.


  • 选择做你自己,这要求我们负责任克服我们习惯特性建立全面诚实表达我们能力

    Being yourself then is about taking responsibility towards overcoming our habitual traits and building the capacity to express ourselves fully and honestly.


  • 因此真正进行全面宏观审慎监管,对信息要求的压力很大的。

    Thus, the information requirements for conducting truly comprehensive macroprudential surveillance could be daunting indeed.


  • 巴勒斯坦多次坚持要求全面停止1967年后被占巴方领土上定居点建设

    The Palestinians have nevertheless repeatedly insisted on a full suspension of settlement construction in all land occupied in 1967.


  • 申请要求还包括:有注册工程师签章设计方案以及详细全面成本分析。

    Requirements include a design plan stamped by a licensed engineer and a detailed breakdown of all costs.


  • 新闻报道英国保守党人同意了但是他们声称媒体要求才进行调查全面查阅移民入籍档案后,毫无所获。

    According to news reports, the Tories complied, although they claimed their comprehensive but fruitless search of their immigration and naturalization documents was in response to press inquiries.


  • 长远看来,这个协会支持两个提议正在等待国会批准要求一个频谱全面清单

    For the longer term, the group supports two proposals pending in Congress to order a comprehensive inventory of spectrum.


  • 国会显然非常恼火要求CIA隐瞒计划的行为以及切尼隐瞒事件中的角色展开全面彻底调查

    The evident anger in Congress is fuelling demands for a full blown investigation in to the CIA's failure to disclose the programme and Cheney's role in the cover up.


  • 如今解决这种威胁要求具备全面分析能力

    The threat demands a comprehensive analysis capability now.


  • 这样可以老板全面考虑要求

    Having it in writing allows you boss to consider your request more thoroughly.


  • 拥有服务模式兼容性策略并不要求具备全面版本管理SLM能力

    Having a service and schema compatibility policy is not dependent on doing full-fledged versioning and SLM capabilities.


  • 这种需要测试想法试验要求计算机全面考察模式全速运算多次

    The kind of experiments required to test its notions demanded many cycles of a computer, at its full power, in a completely exploratory mode.


  • 交易双方交易还需要得到监管当局批准它们希望可以明年早些时候看到结果航空确定无疑要求这一交易对竞争的影响作出全面调查

    The airlines said the deal remained subject to regulatory clearance - with Virgin certain to call for a full competition probe - but they hoped for a swift conclusion early next year.


  • 柬埔寨泰国越南要求边界沿线环境影响作出全面评估

    Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam want a comprehensive assessment of cross-boundary environmental effects.


  • 医院找来了在别处工作儿科医生全面接手这次调查的检查程序,斯坦福德的验尸官要求稍后接受对婴儿死亡事件的质询。

    The hospital has asked a paediatrician who works elsewhere to undertake a full external investigation, and the Stafford coroner has also opened and adjourned an inquest into their deaths.


  • 辩护律师要求全面调查

    Lawyers for the defence are demanding a full investigation.


  • 深化中加经贸合作符合两国人民根本利益也是全面推进中加战略伙伴关系必然要求

    Deeper business cooperation serves the fundamental interests of our two countries and peoples. It is also essential to our efforts to advance our strategic partnership in an all-round way.


  • 拉马拉(法新社)-巴勒斯坦周六,在重新开始和平努力,他们坚持要求全面冻结以色列定居点,这给美国提出的一项重启无条件谈判的建议泼了盆冷水。

    RAMALLAH (AFP) - The Palestinians on Saturday insisted on a full Israeli settlement freeze before renewing peace efforts, putting a damper on a US call to revive talks with no preconditions.


  • 他们各自缺陷传统笔记本电脑虽然功能全面但是携带性开始不能满足现在人们要求;上网本虽然够轻便,但是略去了很多功能,让人在日常使用时受到很多局限。

    While, they all have their own defects. Traditional laptop computers have comprehensive functions, but they failed to meet the requirement of the portability of people.


  • 本质全面准确地项目任务进行预测评估要求采用科学管理中的Tayloristic方法这一方法适用琐碎的,机械的任务。

    In essence, fully accurate prediction and estimation of projects or tasks demand a Tayloristic approach of Scientific Management, which only is applicable to trivial, mechanical tasks.


  • 应用程序需要解决全面需求,而这些需求要求实现高度集成可定制UI

    The application needs to address a comprehensive set of requirements that mandate a highly integrated and customizable UI.


  • 作为一名高管培训师经常看到有的经理人因为几个问题陷入全面的混乱。所以,他经常要求他们抛开所有情绪焦虑然后开始一点一点地理清形势,解决问题。

    As an executive coach, he sees managers collapse several issues into one large mess, so he often asks them to remove the emotion, the anxiety and start untangling things, bit by bit.


  • 这份中东协调员提出的“中东问题有关四方的建议”(以下简称“四方建议”)呼吁年后达成永久和平协议要求双方个月内提出领土安全问题的全面建议。

    The plan by Mideast mediators, known as the Quartet, calls for a peace deal in a year and asks both sides to produce comprehensive proposals on territory and security within three months.


  • 此种抽象要求具备全面向对象程序设计语言功能一个具有健壮的映射方法的语言。

    Such abstraction would require the capabilities of a full-fledged object-oriented programming language? One that is replete with robust reflection methods.


  • 此种抽象要求具备全面向对象程序设计语言功能一个具有健壮的映射方法的语言。

    Such abstraction would require the capabilities of a full-fledged object-oriented programming language? One that is replete with robust reflection methods.


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