• 自从项目早期跟在下面做事了,所以知道全面细节

    I had worked with him since the beginning of the project, so I know all the ropes.


  • 全面理解soa建模需要知道服务如何提供者实际实现消费者实际使用相关细节

    A complete understanding of SOA modeling requires getting to the details for how a service is actually implemented by providers and used by consumers.


  • 林·克里先生关注细节又注重全面,描写鲁斯其人发现了全国性新闻杂志需求预见美国世纪的到来。

    Mr Brinkley has an eye for both the telling detail and the broad sweep of Luce's role as the man who saw the need for a national news magazine and foresaw the American century.


  • 必须全面了解处理发现性能问题的特定实现细节

    A specific implementation to solve a discovered performance problem must be understood in detail.


  • 没有足够的篇幅对他们进行全面而详尽介绍并且一些细节性的内容在最终版发布时有所改变但是我们可以了解一下

    I don't have room for an exhaustive treatment of them here and the details are sure to change as the product moves toward a final release, but let me give you a taste of what you'll find.


  • 本文pseudo实用工具系列第 2 部分,它更加全面阐述技术细节

    This article, the second in a series about the pseudo utility, goes into more comprehensive technical detail.


  • 只要审计师发现一些细节应该记录这个阶段要求审计师给出非常全面的流程描述。

    Auditors should record basic details as soon as they have discovered them, but should not try to produce perfect system notes at this stage.


  • 只见细节不见全面反面就是非常非常善于细节

    The flip side of an inability to see the wood for the trees is being very, very good at seeing trees.


  • 译文:一旦清楚地制定了全面编程策略然后便考虑语言句法细节

    Once the overall program strategy has been clearly established, then the syntactic details of the language can be considered.


  • 对于刚刚执行结果,你可以准备去了解更多更全面细节

    Now you are ready for more comprehensive details concerning the actions you have just performed.


  • 目的探讨烧伤继发软骨炎治疗方法中需要全面考虑几个细节

    Objective To evaluate some important details for manage of secondary ear chondritis of burn patients.


  • 充分理解技术设想可操作性之后,再对具体实施细节进行详细全面描述

    On the basis of deep understanding of the technical proposal feasibility, details of implementing progress are fully described.


  • 波多里哥的张照片拍没有滤镜前景细节但是天空细节全面损失

    This picture from Puerto Rico was taken with no filtration. The detail is good in the foreground but the sky is a total loss of detail.


  • 一方面一些重要细节双方完全不同事情这样充满变数现在危机协议为时过早全面解除武装

    On the one hand, the two sides in a number of important details are quite different to say, things are so full of variables, and now that the crisis in the agreement is too early to fully disarm.


  • 本文主要通过图书页码设计归纳总结全面深入地论述平面设计理论中长期忽略的具体细节设计,并希望以此对广大平面设计师和图书装帧工作者有所帮助和启发。

    Giving an overall review on the page number designing of the books, this thesis has investigated into this detailed part that has been neglected in the theoretical research on the plane designing.


  • 本文应用系统工程方法,针对兰营采场面临的开拓运输系统转型中的方案优选论证,从理论到技术细节进行全面研究

    This paper apply the method of systems engineering on the research of the selection and argumentation of new processing about change of the development haulage of LanShan-YingPanShan-XuJiaShan stope.


  • 杂志内容深度解析中产家庭生活全面渗透到家庭生活各个细节

    Magazine Content: Deep analysis of middle-class domesticity, reaching each and every detail of family life!


  • 本文狄更斯作品《大卫·科波菲尔》中流露出细节出发,对大卫的性格进行全面分析发现大卫是具有双重性格的人。

    This paper analyses David's personality through the details revealed in Dickens's David Copperfield and finds David has duel personality.


  • 当然这些是个良好的开始,“DNA测试包括全面测试前面提到的几个项目只是过滤器性能的一小部分细节

    While these provide a good starting point, "DNA" testing is more holistic than the above-mentioned tests that provide only one small detail about the filter.


  • 本文选取细节方向细节点,线三方面信息全面描述细节点的邻域信息,并将特征三值特征向量的形式存储

    In our algorithm, the direction of minutiae neighborhood field, neighborhood minutiae, neighborhood ridges are used as descriptions. and all descriptions are stored as three-valued feature vectors.


  • 本文选取细节方向细节点,线三方面信息全面描述细节点的邻域信息,并将特征三值特征向量的形式存储

    In our algorithm, the direction of minutiae neighborhood field, neighborhood minutiae, neighborhood ridges are used as descriptions. and all descriptions are stored as three-valued feature vectors.


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