• 这样有助于全面深入欣赏生活美好

    It will nudge you into appreciating the delicate equilibrium of life with more depth and perspective.


  • 本文全面深入地研究了基于流域变换的图像分割串、并行算法

    Our work focuses on automatic registration technology for RS images and its efficient parallel algorithms.


  • 祥子这个主人公入手,全面深入挖掘骆驼祥子》悲剧意蕴

    To begin with analysing the leading character Xiangzi (Camel Xiangzi), this essay is trying to dig fully and profoundly the tragic implications in "Rickshaw Boy".


  • 论文将全面深入论述SRAM数据残留安全策略设计实现

    In this thesis, the design and implementation of security strategies for data remanence in SRAM are comprehensively and thoroughly investigated.


  • 为了全面深入地研究这问题,提出临界压死距离临界距离两个概念

    For further study, two concepts of critical dead-pressed distance and critical distance are introduced.


  • 就是源自一愿望有个想法——音乐我的祖国全面深入推广开来。

    From that desire and from my heart stemmed the idea to make music a deep and global reality for my country.


  • 为了推进建筑节能,迫切需要技术政策层面全面深入地认识建筑能耗客观规律

    In order to promote the building energy efficiency, we need to have a deep and comprehensive understanding of the variation law of building energy consumption at the technology policy Angle.


  • 为了颜色及其差异进行科学有效表征评价需要全面深入地了解人眼颜色视觉辨别特性

    In order for scientific and effective description and evaluation of colors and their differences, the color vision discrimination characteristics should be comprehended.


  • 作为评论员审计人拥有相当的报告自由度有机会全面深入地世人阐述作的执业判断的精巧微妙。

    As a commentator, the auditor has considerable reporting freedom and the opportunity to communicate the subtlety of his own judgments in full.


  • 利润盈利模式核心全面深入地分析3g手机游戏盈利模式利润、利润、利润对象、利润杠杆及利润屏障,以实现3g手机游戏利润最大化。

    Profit is profit model of the core, in-depth analysis of profit model 3g mobile phone games profit source, the profit point, profit targets, profit leverage, and profit barrier to maximize profits.


  • 真正全新设计,这飞机的尺寸规格空客公司的飞机相同,重量上相当于一辆中型汽车因此我们如果没有全面深入地搞清楚的话,绝不会贸然尝试

    This is truly a new design - an airplane the size of an Airbus and the weight of a mid-sized car - so we're not taking risks by not understanding something.


  • 本文主要通过图书页码设计归纳总结全面深入论述平面设计理论中长期忽略的具体细节设计,并希望以此对广大平面设计师和图书装帧工作者有所帮助和启发。

    Giving an overall review on the page number designing of the books, this thesis has investigated into this detailed part that has been neglected in the theoretical research on the plane designing.


  • 特别是,还需要深入全面调查嘈杂教室活动障人士有哪些影响

    In particular, the effects of noisy classrooms and activities on those experiencing disabilities in the form of auditory function deficit need thorough investigation.


  • 尽管本文没有功能方面深入改进进行描述,但从其他方面对这些改进进行了比较全面描述

    While the article does not provide an in-depth functional description of each of the improvements, it thoroughly describes each one.


  • 探索新闻》说:“非常高兴有人在方面进行深入研究,他们的分析全面记录衰老的过程中,环境人类灵长类死亡率影响。”

    "I am glad to see an expanded analysis which more fully documents the environmental influence on human and primate mortality during aging," he told Discovery News.


  • 5日欧盟领导人促进中国同欧盟全面友好深入交换意见

    On the 5th, he and leaders of the European Union (EU) had an in-depth exchange of views on promoting all-round and friendly cooperation between the EU and China.


  • 双方就中双边关系、两国边界领土问题特别是海上问题全面、坦诚深入交换了意见。

    Both sides exchanged views on China-Vietnam bilateral relations and boundary issues, especially the maritime issue in a candid, in-depth manner.


  • 看起来简单易懂富有逻辑能够深入全面诠释知识”吗?

    This seems straightforward and logical, but does it really describe the full extent of what knowledge is?


  • 然后,我们深入分析SSL安全协议全面介绍了SSL安全协议工作原理、协议框架以及与TCP/IP关系

    Then the SSL protocol is analyzed thoroughly, and the principles, protocol architecture and relation between it and TCP/IP protocol set are introduced comprehensively.


  • 可行能力理念我们提供了一个更为全面深入地认识评价分析农民工问题视角和新方法

    The capability approach conception provides us a new view and method to recognize, evaluate and analyze the rural laborers problem more completely and deeply.


  • 工作其它实验研究手段相互补充有助于全面深入地了解水泥孔结构。

    Furthermore, using SAXS together with other experimental methods, it is expected to be helpful in the study of the nature of cement paste comprehensively.


  • 选择法律多元论作为理论基础在于提供解决问题有效视角,使得深入全面切入问题成为可能

    Because of its effectiveness in problem-solving, legal pluralism is chosen to be the theoretical basis, making a penetrating and comprehensive problem-solving possible.


  • 未来,利用广谱功能化纳米颗粒动物细胞组织深入研究全面阐明磁流体热疗的潜在治疗价值。

    Future animal studies and further investigations on cells and tissues with a broad spectrum of functionalized nanoparticles will elucidate the overall potential of magnetic fluid hyperthermia.


  • 置于文化背景之中综合考察审视试图深入全面把握鼓吹实质

    Under cultural background, comprehensive study, examine, try to deeper, advocate a more comprehensive grasp of the essence of music.


  • 希望一尝试能为我们深入全面了解温克尔曼思想提供新的视角、新的思路

    I hope the attempt would provide us with a new Angle of view and a new train of thought to lead us to a more thorough and comprehensive understanding about Winckelmann's thoughts.


  • 研究我们更为全面深入地省察人文学科位置及其相关话题提供了更多视角。在今天,人文学科与现代教育的关系无疑仍改善必要。

    This research has provided more perspectives for us to more comprehensively and deeply examine the positioning as well as the relevant topics of humanities.


  • 本文认为设定重音音步参数方法深入解释英语重音模式,由此方法导出规则全面概括了英语词重音现象。

    This paper holds that this approach provides a thorough explanation of English word stress and the rules derived from these parameters can predict the stress of English words quite successfully.


  • 本文认为设定重音音步参数方法深入解释英语重音模式,由此方法导出规则全面概括了英语词重音现象。

    This paper holds that this approach provides a thorough explanation of English word stress and the rules derived from these parameters can predict the stress of English words quite successfully.


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