• 只有那样他们才能指望描述爆炸情况所有空间时间全部那时压缩一个小于质子体积

    Only then can they hope to describe conditions at the Big Bang, when all space and time was compressed into a volume far smaller than a proton.


  • 印度和尚本着出家人精神,自己完全奉献上帝因此全部财产只有用来遮盖身体,以及兼具取水、煮东西、装牛奶等等用途的锅子。

    There was a monk in India who devoted himself to God, like all monks are supposed to do. So he had only one piece of cloth with which to cover his body.


  • 这位马萨诸塞沃尔普妈妈提起事:“连续三天讲话,东西,最后只有两个选择要么成为脱离社会不受欢迎人,要么全部时间用来相互对抗。”

    She broke things. You're left with the choice of do I make her a leper because she's not a part of this or do I just spend all of my time fighting.


  • 比如丹尼斯宣称新的立法增加他们健康开销,到2020将增至36亿美元,这对于全部预算只有130亿没有的州是很大的数字。

    Mr Daniels, for example, claims that the new legislation will increase his state’s health spending by as much as $3.6 billion by 2020, a lot for a state whose entire budget is only $13 billion a year.


  • 一个帖子受益Lifehacker全部读书,然而一封邮件的受益人那个收件人,我们只有那么时间

    A post benefits all of Lifehacker's readership, where an email only benefits the recipient, and we've only got so much time.


  • 结果令人震惊:在1018中TerraChoice调查产品中,只有一个产品符合广告宣传,其他的全部合格

    The results were startling: of the 1, 018 products TerraChoice surveyed, all but one failed to live up fully to their green boasts.


  • 毕竟只有才是那个传达信息或是完成一个目标的人,而且一切都顺利进行要付全部的责任。

    After all, you axe the one with a message to deliver or a goal to achieve, and you are the one with the responsibility to make it happen.


  • 自然把安全提高了一个层次不怕麻烦可以这个仪器进行设置只有指纹全部满足要求时,才能显示客户的身份证号码。

    That adds yet another layer of security: worrywarts can set the device to require a concerto's worth of fingerprints before it gives out the PIN code.


  • 除了全部丢进盒子知道该如何保存这些值得记住的(记载真心话,而不是只有底部一个签名)卡片

    Aside from putting them all in a box, I don't know of a good way to keep memorable CARDS (ones with real messages, not just a signature on the bottom).


  • 北美这种动物现存一万只左右他们全部半个世纪以前一个的物种进化而成,当时这个物种数量只有三十只。

    There are about 10, 000 of these animals in North America. All of them are descended from an original population of just 30 that was introduced half a century ago.


  • 北美这种动物现存一万只左右他们全部半个世纪以前一个的物种进化而成,当时这个物种数量只有三十只。

    There are about 10,000 of these animals in North America. All of them are descended from an original population of just 30 that was introduced half a century ago.


  • 实笃只有全部力量精神致力于某一事业才能成为一个真正大师因此只有全力以赴才能精通

    A man can be a true master only when he devotes himself to a cause with all his strength and spirit. Therefore, only go all out to master.


  • fence建立了这样一个约束某个给定的dma传输只有前面的所有使用相同标签命令全部执行完成之后才会执行。

    A fence establishes the constraint that a given DMA transfer only execute after all previous commands using the same tag have completed.


  • 只有这些封印一个一个全部打开才能扫清通往最后战斗的道路。

    Only by opening each of these seals can you clear your way to the final battle.


  • 头脑力量近乎无限只有一个念头时,力量全部出现

    The power of the mind is almost infinite. When there is only one thought all that power is right there.


  • 如果位置不同相当数量全部只有他们的当中一个遗骸被打开

    If counter positions have different amounts of lots, only one of them remains opened.


  • 生活一切只有一个目标就是所有生命体验全部荣耀。

    There is only one purpose for all of life, and that is for you and all that lives to experience fullest glory.


  • 在词法特征方面汉语实物颜色构词类型全部复合式只有偏正式一个结构类型,英语实物颜色词以词根法为主要构词类型。

    Morphology aspect: all the Chinese colour words from substance are compound words, but there is only one structural type, all the English colour words from substance are root words.


  • 只有那些全部精力心血都投入目标中去的人,才能成为大师。因为精通行需要一个人全身心的投入。

    Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master.


  • 天天嚷着喜欢帅哥,可包包手机里存的PP全部只有一个

    Rangzhao every day like hunk, bags, folders, phone all of the PP has only one you.


  • 只有了解一个全部历史才能做出评价

    You cannot judge of a man till you know his whole story.


  • 其二拷贝独一无二不可替代的,但是由于宇宙即是全部总是有几十万不完美的副本:只有一个标点不同作品。”…

    The other: every copy is unique, irreplaceable, but (since the Library is total) there are always several hundred thousand imperfect facsimiles: works which differ only in a letter or comma.


  • 在高清视频时代而设计只有威力导演速度力量创造力可扩展性发挥作为一个视频编辑自己全部潜力

    Designed for use in the HD video era, only PowerDirector gives you the speed, power, creativity and scalability to unleash your full potential as a video editor.


  • 全部家具只有把椅子一个衣橱,还有一个橡木靠近顶上挖了几个洞,像是马车窗子

    The whole furniture consisted of a chair, a clothes-press, and a large oak case, with squares cut out near the top resembling coach Windows.


  • 南卡罗来纳州46的辖区内,至少都一个流浪救助站。整个内为遭受妇女提供救助的庇护所全部加起来,只有18个

    All 46 counties have at least one animal shelter to care for stray dogs and cats, but the state has only 18 domestic violence shelters to help women trying to escape abuse in the home.


  • 知道是个非常高价球员只有18岁因此全部就是努力工作并且努力尝试一个赛季更好起点

    I know I'm quite a high-profile player, but I'm just 18, so all I want to do is work hard and try to get more starts for the first team.


  • 知道是个非常高价球员只有18岁因此全部就是努力工作并且努力尝试一个赛季更好起点

    I know I'm quite a high-profile player, but I'm just 18, so all I want to do is work hard and try to get more starts for the first team.


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