• 朋友索菲计划好了。

    My friend Sophie has it all planned out.


  • 计划落空了。

    Her plans didn't come to anything.


  • 这不,休假计划泡汤了!

    Well, that's my holiday plans gone up the spout!


  • 聚会计划了套。

    All my plans for the party had gone awry.


  • 利用天气预报计划锻炼时间日期,那么能够最好天气条件下进行负荷锻炼。

    Use the weather forecast to plan the days and times of your workouts, so you can do hard workouts in the best possible weather conditions.


  • 现在聘用10名员工,拥有把诊所英国欧洲远大计划

    She now employs 10 people, and has big plans to open clinics across the UK and Europe.


  • 查询计划显示了扫描

    This query plan shows full table scans.


  • 查询计划显示了一个扫描

    This query plan shows a full table scan.


  • 国防部计划允许多个承办大约195飞机批量生产合同安装套套件,另一项工作的转移计划控制成本

    The Pentagon is also planning to allow multiple contractors to compete to install half of the kits in the roughly 195-plane full-rate production contract, another move to control program costs.


  • 鉴于执行计划”的那些国家正在被迫实施剧烈财政缩减政策这个实际就是欧洲同时实施开支削减

    Since those countries "under a programme" are being forced into drastic fiscal austerity, this amounts to a plan to have all of Europe slash spending at the same time.


  • 可以业务连续性计划看作运营日常业务方法企业范围思想观念

    The business continuity plan may be thought of as a methodology or as an enterprise wide mentality of conducting day-to-day business.


  • Skylifter工程师正在研究个直径23的代号为Nikki无人驾驶版本,他们计划未来建造一个尺寸的150米直径的有人驾驶原型--- Lucy。

    Skylifter’s engineers are now working on a 23-metre unmanned version dubbed Nikki. They plan to construct a full-sized 150-metre piloted prototype, Lucy, over the next three years.


  • 明年预计一百万难民返回南方11月计划人口普查2008年苏丹选举铺路。

    Next year 1m refugees are expected to return to the south, and a census is planned for November to pave the way for elections in the whole of Sudan in 2008.


  • 以后计划补充了一下,决定伦敦住一夜,这一来真是个十美的计划了。

    The improvement of spending a night in London was added in time, and the plan became perfect as plan could be.


  • 摄入纤维营养密集碳水化合物可以改善一些低碳水化合物饮食计划健康状况

    Eating carbs that are high fiber, whole grain and nutrient dense can improve the health profile of some low-carb diet programs.


  • 支持这项计划基金时尚界高级经理人莉女士于2000年创立

    The foundation behind it was established in 2000 by the fashion executive li Quan.


  • 当然个人电脑就是工具,每当利用屏幕处理文件上网制订 计划,你就可以用到

    The PC of course will be the device whenever you want to see a full-size screen to do anything with documents or web browsing or planning, you'll use that.


  • 十美计划不会成功只有稍许带着几分苦恼,才可以大体上防止得了失望

    A scheme of which every part promises delight, can never be successful; and general disappointment is only warded off by the defence of some little peculiar vexation.


  • 流感调查第一号召欧洲在整个冬季上报感冒疑似流感症状计划

    The flu Survey is the first such project to ask people across Europe to sign up and report cold - or flu-like symptoms over the winter.


  • 一些低碳水化合物饮食计划允许一定水果蔬菜谷物的摄入。

    Some low-carb diet plans allow certain fruits, vegetables and whole grains.


  • 比如说公司开发一个浮动式风力涡轮机计划在2009年末安装规模试验模式

    It, too, for example, is developing a floating wind turbine. It plans to install the first full-scale test model towards the end of this year.


  • 我们度假计划下雨天气破坏了。

    The rainy weather made hay of our holiday plans.


  • 所有参与者都是Leaf——计划今年销售的电动轿车——兴趣的志愿者

    All the participants are volunteers who expressed interest in the Leaf, an all-electric sedan scheduled for release this year.


  • 世界自然基金会认为欧洲总计50个新的煤电计划相当于500亿瓦的电力

    The WWF believes the 50 coal schemes in total around Europe represent about 50 gigawatts of power.


  • 今年新加坡的东南亚经济环境计划署(the Economy and EnvironmentProgrammefor South - East Asia)研究中提供东南亚地区受气候变化影响程度的信息,东南亚被分成了530个次国家区域

    A study this year by the Economy and Environment Programme for South-East Asia, based in Singapore, mapped vulnerability to climate change across the region, divided into 530 subnational districts.


  • 美国特种作战司令部USSOCOM针对小型无人机系统UAS需求环境使变型AECV计划选中AeroVironment公司PumaAE装置。

    The U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has selected AeroVironment Inc.'s Puma AE as its All Environment Capable Variant (AECV) solution to the Small Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) requirement.


  • 计划事与愿违,因此他的钱亏掉了

    His plan backfired on him, and he lost all his money.


  • 计划上的说法,款产品10月15日上市,同期还将推出数镜头包括适用的24- 135mm f3.5 - 5.6镜头,及款70 - 200 mm f2.8 G镜头。

    If true, the camera would be launched on October 15th with a host of new lenses, including an all-purpose 24-135mm f3.5-5.6 lens and a 70-200mm f2.8G example.


  • 计划上的说法,款产品10月15日上市,同期还将推出数镜头包括适用的24- 135mm f3.5 - 5.6镜头,及款70 - 200 mm f2.8 G镜头。

    If true, the camera would be launched on October 15th with a host of new lenses, including an all-purpose 24-135mm f3.5-5.6 lens and a 70-200mm f2.8G example.


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