• 某些地区人们可能暴露高于全球辐射两百辐射下。

    People in some areas can be exposed to more than 200 times


  • 建立全球辐射应急生物剂量实验室网络系统,能够运用多种手段进行辐射剂量估算。

    A global biodosimetry Laboratories Network for Radiation Emergencies (BioDoseNet) will be established and envisioned to enable dose assessment using multiple methods.


  • 一对紫外线辐射健康风险全球评估公共卫生行动提供良好基础

    This global assessment of the health risks of UV radiation provides a good basis for public health action.


  • SES - TECH全球解决方案小组陆地边境海港机场安装辐射探测设备相关通信系统

    The SES-TECH Global Solutions team will install radiation detection equipment and accompanying communication systems at land border crossings, seaports, and airports.


  • 世卫组织通过全球INTERSUN规划开展活动,旨在减少暴露紫外线辐射造成疾病负担

    WHO, through the global INTERSUN programme, aims to reduce the burden of disease resulting from exposure to UV radiation.


  • 一份新的世界卫生组织(世卫组织)报告查明太阳紫外线辐射造成相当大的全球疾病负担包括特定癌症

    Ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes a considerable global disease burden, including specific cancers, a new World Health Organization (WHO) report finds.


  • 据估计黑素瘤其它皮肤癌造成多达90%全球疾病负担归因于紫外线辐射暴露

    Up to 90% of the global burden of disease from melanoma and other skin cancers are estimated to be due to UVR exposure.


  • 一些模型预测全球平均覆盖暖的气候下增长从而增加太阳辐射反射使预期全球变得有限

    Some models predict that global mean cloud cover will increase in a warmer climate and the increased reflection of solar radiation will limit the predicted global warming.


  • 但是全球气温变化主要在于太阳辐射地球对太阳辐射反射量——这种量变化十分微小

    But the global temperature mainly depends on how much energy the planet receives from the Sun and how much it radiates back into space-quantities that change very little.


  • 然而对于数量不多生活全球已知辐射环境地区人们来说,每年剂量超过20 mSv。

    However, for a limited number of people living in known high background radiation areas of the world, doses can exceed 20 mSv per year.


  • 2006年7月25日|日内瓦-一份新的世界卫生组织(世卫组织)报告查明太阳紫外线辐射造成相当大的全球疾病负担包括特定癌症

    July 2006 | Geneva - Ultraviolet radiation from the sun causes a considerable global disease burden, including specific cancers, a new World Health Organization (WHO) report finds.


  • 具体来说,洛克希德·马丁公司483辐射水星系统全球的部署安装提供支持继续改进系统能力

    Specifically, Lockheed Martin will furnish field support for 483 Radiant Mercury systems installed worldwide, and also continue to improve the systems' capabilities.


  • 经济崩溃产生一系列连锁反应继续辐射全球市场一步步导致全球金融危机的那些不当财政政策影响已经不断放大

    Poor fiscal policy choices made leading up to the global financial crisis have been magnified as the ripple effects of the meltdown continue to radiate through markets around the world.


  • 监测南极上方臭氧层空洞大小重要的事,因为全球紫外线辐射水平的一个指示器

    An important thing is monitoring the size of the hole in the zone layer above Antarctica, since this is an indicator of global ultra-violet radiation levels.


  • 全球负载的仪器足以与NASA热带气象卫星相媲美,探测辐射(sounding radiometer)可以当作光谱仪来使用。

    The instruments on the Global Hawk rival those found in NASA's tropical weather satellites. The sounding radiometer can also work as a spectrometer.


  • 去年全球最大手机制造商诺基亚扬眉吐气了,研究表明从多个来源收获辐射方法所能收集的能量几乎史密斯方法100

    Last year Nokia, the world's largest handset-maker, raised eyebrows with research showing that this approach could scavenge nearly 100 times as much energy as Dr Smith's approach.


  • 如果公司网站比做卫星辐射全球的话,那么我们就是个一个信息发射塔

    If likened to put the company's Web site is a satellite radiation around the world, then we are one of the information transmission tower.


  • 依托温州制鞋优势辐射全球鞋业采购商

    Relying on the advantages of Wenzhou's shoe, the radiation of the global footwear buyers!


  • 由于全球变暖以及欧洲地区如此辐射释放缘故。

    This is due to global warming and the release of so much radiation in the European region.


  • 对流层气溶胶粒子通过吸收散射太阳辐射地球的长波辐射影响着局地、区域乃至全球气候

    Through absorbing and scattering the solar radiation and the long wavelength radiation of the earth, the aerosol in troposphere affects regional, even global climate.


  • 人为气候说怀疑论者常常全球变暖归咎于太阳辐射增强而非化石燃料过量使用,很少科学家认同这一点。

    Skeptics of man-made global warming from the burning of fossil fuels have often pointed to solar radiation as a possible cause of a warming Earth, but they are in the minority among scientists.


  • 文章介绍T1 0 6全球模式应用大气辐射传输模式预报紫外线辐射UVR方法,给出了试验运行的结果

    This paper discusses the method of applying the atmospheric radiative transfer model to forecast UV radiation (UVR) based on the T106 global spectral model and gives its results.


  • 未来公司立足产品本身不断推陈出新不断改进不断总结,将产品辐射全球

    In the next few years, the company will be based on the product itself to bring forth the new through the old, continuous improvement, constantly sum up, products radiation global.


  • 中国外运中国最大货运代理企业,拥有覆盖中国、辐射全球的庞大服务网络

    SINOTRANS is the largest freight forwarder in China, boasting a service network covering all over China and the world.


  • 全球环境变化如全球、大气CO2浓度升高UV-B辐射增强、沉降等凋落物分解影响研究进展进行综合述评

    The effects of global warming, elevated CO2, increased UV-B radiation and N deposition on litter decomposition was reviewed in this paper based on literatures.


  • 今天微波烹饪魔鬼力已经辐射全球成为一个国际化现象

    Today, the magic of microwave cooking has radiated around the globe, becoming an international phenomenon.


  • 在倒数第二次冰期末次间冰期转换北半球太阳辐射可能触发全球末次间冰期全盛期开始

    During the transition from the Penultimate Glaciation to the Last Interglaciation, the North Hemisphere insolation possible triggers the inception of full interglacial conditions worldwide.


  • 在倒数第二次冰期末次间冰期转换北半球太阳辐射可能触发全球末次间冰期全盛期开始

    During the transition from the Penultimate Glaciation to the Last Interglaciation, the North Hemisphere insolation possible triggers the inception of full interglacial conditions worldwide.


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