• 由于全球试验注册要求不同许多跨国中心试验多个注册中心注册

    Because of the varying requirements for trial registration around the world, many multinational, multicentre trials are registered in more than one registry.


  • 不只使注册试验报告的内容标准化而且建立全球试验鉴定系统项合格试验颁发一个独有的参考号码

    It has not only standardized what must be reported to register a trial but is creating a global trial identification system that will confer a unique reference number on every qualified trial.


  • 看法如果报告中人类导致全球变暖的说法正确的,我们就应该采取行动——因为我们再没有另一个星球进行试验

    In his opinion, if the statement that humans cause global warming is correct, we should actbecause we don't have another planet to experiment on.


  • 法国承诺完成目前太平洋进行的一系列试验签署一项全球禁试条约

    France has promised to sign a global test-ban treaty after it completes its current series of nuclear tests in the Pacific.


  • 但是,按看法如果报告中人类导致全球的说法正确的,我们应该采取行动-因为我们再没有另一个星球进行试验

    But his view was that we should act as if the reports about man made global warming are correct - because we don't have another planet to experiment on.


  • 全球来家天然气勘探公司承诺未来年内钻探多达120口的试验采气。

    A dozen global gas-exploration companies have promised to drill as many as 120 test Wells over the next few years to find out.


  • 由于各方面调查研究人员如此众多HIV疫苗临床试验产品展开计划展开工作,现在时机已经成熟,应当加强全球协作

    With so many HIV vaccine clinical trials testing novel products ongoing and planned by a wide variety of investigators, it is time to intensify global collaboration.


  • Expedia现在全球领先在线旅游公司开始只是微软试验品。

    Now the world's leading online travel company, Expedia started life as an experiment from a company not usually given credit for its Internet smarts - Microsoft.


  • 今日药品公司主管宣称,世界首例流感疫苗人体试验澳大利亚开始进行。迄今为止全球已有700人于甲型流感病例。

    The world's first human trials of a swine flu vaccine have begun in Australia, drug company officials said today, as the global death toll from the virus rose to 700.


  • 飞行试验中,诺斯罗普·格鲁门公司Proteus试验美国航天局的一架全球飞行在13716米(4.5万英尺)的高空距离接近12.2米(40英尺),创造了行业纪录

    In a key risk reduction flight test, Northrop Grumman's Proteus test aircraft and a NASA Global Hawk flew as close as 40 feet apart at an altitude of 45,000 feet, an industry-setting record.


  • 如果试验成功科学家们希望利用颗“迷你星星”发出的热能解决全球能源危机

    If they're successful, the scientists hope to solve the global energy crisis by harnessing the energy generated by the mini-star.


  • 这个网站相当于一个进入全球大量质量临床试验记录入口。

    The site works as an entry point or portal into multiple, high quality clinical trial registers with a global search function.


  • 这些使成为全球化的试验

    All this makes it a testing ground for globalisation.


  • 文章还介绍了支持全球信息系统试验研究计划中研究地生物图开展的各项收集空间数据工作

    Tasks for the collection of space data for the study of geosphere and biosphere and plan to support the Global Information System Test are enumerated.


  • 据美国有线电视新闻网报道美国科学家正在试验全球最大激光器制造核反应地球表面造出星星

    Us scientists are trying to use the world's largest laser to set off a nuclear reaction so intense it will make a star bloom on the surface of the Earth, CNN reported.


  • 肺结核研究人员全球结核药物开发联盟支持下已经准备进行更大规模临床试验

    TB researchers are already preparing to study this finding in larger clinical trials, with support from the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development.


  • 金融危机走向全球,就病毒面对所有试验治疗法时还能发生变异一样,不可抵挡。

    The financial crisis has gone global, like a virus mutating in the face of every experimental cure.


  • 伊兰全球研究中心主任泰德·耶德诺克也认同这个观点,认为告诉前来购买伊兰产品顾客有关药物试验门事件误导顾客

    Ted Yednock, Elan's head of global research, agreed. Telling people taking the Elan drug about the Lilly results "would almost be misleading, " he said.


  • 克莱试验场1901年佐哈特设立全球顶尖研究机构之一

    The Tocklai Station was set up in Jorhat in 1901 and is one of the world's leading tea research institutions.


  • 本文使用一个简单全球二层大气环流模式作了强迫响应数值试验

    Numerical experiments on forced response are carried out by a simple tow-level global atmospheric general circulation model.


  • 解决传统数值预报初值存在确定性利用增长模繁殖法在T106L19全球模式进行中期集合预报试验

    To solve the uncertainty of initial fields in the traditional numerical forecast, medium-range ensemble forecast experiments using the model T106L19 were made.


  • 导平台车载试验误差模型辨识使用全球卫星定位系统(GPS)载波相位差分(rtk)法进行了研究

    Global positioning system real time kinematic technology (GPS RTK) was applied to the error model identification of the inertial navigation platform in this paper.


  • 导平台车载试验误差模型辨识使用全球卫星定位系统(GPS)载波相位差分(rtk)法进行了研究

    Global positioning system real time kinematic technology (GPS RTK) was applied to the error model identification of the inertial navigation platform in this paper.


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