• 组织协会全球联盟开发

    It is developed by a global consortium of organizations and institutions.


  • 坚持认为那个奖项确实来自这个项目全球联盟

    He insisted it was indeed from the game's global federation.


  • 预算削减时候我们努力建立一个全球联盟分担资金回补的负担

    In a time of budget cuts, we are working hard to build a global coalition to share the burden of this replenishment.


  • 现在问题维珍航空能否全球联盟紧密合作继续光荣孤立

    The question is whether Virgin can continue in splendid isolation when all around it are in cosy co-operation.


  • 就是为什么我们一直领导一个我们成功至关重要的真正全球联盟

    That's why we've been leading a truly global coalition that will be vital to our success.


  • 克科里安文件声称:“这样一个全球联盟能力大大加强家公司竞争地位。”

    "Such a global alliance, " the filing declared, "has the potential to materially strengthen the competitive positions of all three companies.


  • 疫苗和免疫全球联盟提供资金确保引进A脑膜炎球菌结合疫苗期间现有疫苗储备足以应对疫情。

    GAVI funding will also go towards ensuring sufficient stocks of the current vaccines are available for epidemic response during the introduction of MenAfriVac.


  • 加州红木滩的甲骨文公司总部工作期间负责管理甲骨文全球联盟北美亚洲欧洲合作伙伴关系

    While working at Oracle's HQ in Redwood Shores, California, he was responsible for managing the relationship with Oracle's Global Alliance partners in North America, Asia and Europe.


  • 2009年3月海滨银行银行业价值全球联盟一个支持者,其他支持者还有荷兰的Triodos银行,孟加拉国的BRAC等等

    In March 2009 ShoreBank was a backer of a new Global Alliance for Banking on Values, along with Triodos Bank of the Netherlands, BRAC of Bangladesh and others.


  • 2001年发起以来,麻疹行动疫苗免疫全球联盟伙伴帮助下支持了50多个国家疫苗接种工作筹集了超过4.7亿美元。

    Since its launch in 2001, the Initiative has supported vaccination efforts in over 50 countries and mobilized more than US$ 470 million with help from partners such as the GAVI Alliance.


  • 一点现在获得许多人包括捐助者国际机构全球基金疫苗和免疫全球联盟、国际卫生伙伴关系八国集团,早就应给予的重视

    It is receiving long overdue attention from many, including donors, international agencies, the Global Fund, the GAVI Alliance, the international Health Partnership, and the G8.


  • 卫组织免疫战略咨询专家小组以及疫苗免疫全球联盟理事会,分别于2008年42008年6月审议认可了脑膜炎预防控制战略

    The meningitis prevention and control strategy was reviewed and endorsed by WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization in April 2008 and by the GAVI Alliance Board in June 2008.


  • 全球免疫理想战略采用疫苗免疫全球联盟目标,即“2005年在50%具有较高疾病负担适当供应系统贫穷国家引进Hib疫苗”。

    The GIVS also incorporates the GAVI goal of "50% of the poorest countries with high disease burdens and adequate delivery systems will have introduced Hib vaccine by 2005".


  • 行动以十分慷慨方式纪念疫苗免疫全球联盟成立十周年疫苗免疫联盟创建于2000年的达沃斯,被认为是现存最为有效的公共健康倡议组织之一

    This was a generous way to mark the 10th anniversary of GAVI, a vaccination alliance created atDavos in 2000, which is now recognised as one of the most effectivepublic-health initiatives yet seen.


  • 疫苗和免疫全球联盟支持下新的疫苗预计将于2009- 2010年开始布基纳法索投入使用,从2010年至2015年逐渐另外24个国家投入使用。

    The new vaccine is expected to be introduced starting 2009-10 in Burkina Faso and will be phased into an additional 24 countries between 2010 and 2015, with GAVI support.


  • 降低成本途径之一外国公司结成联盟通过适当兼并进行国际性扩张简言之,就是“全球”。

    One way to lower costs will be to forge alliances with foreign companies or to expand internationally through appropriate takeoversin short, to "globalize."


  • 公司没有试图海外发展自己的办事处,而是通过找到最好外国合作伙伴结成联盟有效地解决了全球困境

    Rather than expand by attempting to develop its own offices abroad, the company solved its globalization dilemma effectively by forging alliances with the best foreign partners it could find.


  • 星期四我们我们伙伴一起启动全球卫生人力联盟

    Together with our partners, we will launch the Global Health Workforce Alliance this Thursday.


  • 全球教育联盟桌子最高处放着的博弈名字,而只有一部分国家或者系统在能力范围之内实现真正水平的非统教学。

    At the very top of the global educational league table-where only a handful of countries or systems within them manage to attain really high standards-decentralisation is the name of the game.


  • 根据自然保护国际联盟统计,全球可能大约六百万只海豚

    According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are likely more than six million dolphins worldwide.


  • 通过NCOIC联盟全球防务公司已经开发出这样框架一整套体系结构模式制定实施指南

    Through NCOIC, leading global defense companies have developed this kind of framework, a set of architecture patterns, and guidance for their implementation.


  • 疫苗1 500 000全球疫苗和免疫联盟应急储备通过控制黄热病提供疫苗国际协调小组提供的。

    The vaccine (1 500 000 doses) has been provided by the The GAVI Alliance emergency stockpile, through the International Coordinating Group (ICG) on Vaccine Provision for Yellow Fever Control.


  • 补充道,未来联盟全球市场打造特殊旅游团打包产品酒店租车邮轮机票预订以及多国组合的亚洲度假之旅产品

    It added that it would create special tour packages, hotels, car rentals, cruises, airline bookings as well as country-combined Asia package tours for the global market later on.


  • 作为全球合作联盟一部分本地差旅管理企业会机会服务于信达不断增长全球客户网络拓展业务领域。

    As part of the global Alliance, local TMC partners also have the opportunity to serve Egencia's growing network of global clients and extend their reach.


  • 全球抗击慢性呼吸疾病联盟

    Global Alliance against Chronic Respiratory diseases.


  • 这份谅解备忘录的签订标志着三家公司将商务技术方面展开紧密合作标志着Clearwire公司的全球WiMAX联盟体系又增添了两位成员

    This would involve the three parties collaborating on business and technical aspects, as well as other WiMAX operators and Clearwire's Global Alliance Partner Program members.


  • 这份谅解备忘录的签订标志着三家公司将商务技术方面展开紧密合作标志着Clearwire公司的全球WiMAX联盟体系又增添了两位成员

    This would involve the three parties collaborating on business and technical aspects, as well as other WiMAX operators and Clearwire's Global Alliance Partner Program members.


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