• 2009年6月11日墨西哥首次爆发流感宣布全球流行病

    The outbreak of swine flu that was first deteccted in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11, 2009.


  • 如果这种病毒能够通过空气传播或者如果一名感染者在不知情的情况下进入人口密集的地区,那么埃博拉可能已经成为一种全球流行病

    If the virus had been capable of spreading through the air, or if one infected person had unknowingly entered a large population center, Ebola might have become a worldwide epidemic.


  • 高血压一种全球流行病

    High blood pressure or hypertension is a global epidemic.


  • 应对逐渐到来的全球流行病是个极为关键的信息

    That was critical information for launching a response to a looming pandemic.


  • 接下来行动对抗全球流行病一系列规模庞大的资源动员(巴斯比,2009)。

    What follows this action was the ongoing series of a massive-scale mobilization of resources to fight the global pandemic (Busby, 2009).


  • 这些研究结果抵抗传染性疾病全球流行病有很大帮助尤其对于疫苗开发方面贡献突出

    The findings by Danish researchers could help the fight against infectious diseases and global epidemics, they say, and could be particularly useful in the search for new vaccines.


  • 虽然某些方面取得了一些进展,女性压迫仍然像仍然像全球流行病一样。”合著者贾妮斯··蒙特说道

    There's been progress in that regard and yet it's still a global pandemic – the oppression of women and girls, " said coauthor Janice Du Mont."


  • 韩国冰岛巴西,它像全球流行病一般蔓延随之而来严格赊购制度,即使是财政情况健康公司苦于不能贷款。

    From South Korea to Iceland to Brazil, the pandemic has spread, bringing with it a tightening of credit that has starved even healthy companies of finance.


  • 这不是个意外事件,科学家们认为这个全球蔓延流行病以及我们目睹死亡我们廉价的贪求的直接结果

    No: they argue this global pandemic - and all the deaths we are about to see - is the direct result of our demand for cheap meat.


  • 全球防止大规模流行病传播努力可以促进公共健康

    Global cooperation to prevent the spread of pandemic disease can promote public health.


  • 流行病一个定义特性几乎能导致全球人口感染不是所有都会被感染,所有人有面临着被感染危险。

    A defining characteristic of a pandemic is the almost universal vulnerability of the world's population to infection. Not all people become infected, but nearly all people are at risk.


  • 每年全球年度结核报告追踪流行病进程以及控制方面取得的进展

    Every year, the global annual TB report tracks the course of the epidemic, and the progress made in stopping it.


  • 世界卫生组织宣布将甲型H1N 1流感病毒警戒级别5提升至最高级别6级,至此,流感成为41年来世界上第一个正式全球流行病

    Swine flu has become the world's first official pandemic in 41 years after the world Health Organisation raised the alert level on the H1N1 virus from phase 5 to 6, the highest on the scale.


  • 我们发现危机重重,我们没有应对准备气候变化全球范围内的流行病

    We have seen the rise of a whole set of threats that we're not prepared to deal with, from climate change to global epidemics.


  • 全球范围内的流行病,有气候变化问题。

    There are global epidemics.There is climate change.


  • 流行病肆虐全球已有25之久。

    We are now more than 25 years into this epidemic.


  • 活动组织者之一弗朗辛·考夫曼博士影片糖尿病- - -世界流行病”而走访全球

    One of the organizers is Doctor Francine Kaufman. She traveled around the world for a film called "Diabetes: a Global Epidemic."


  • 世卫组织流行病防范干预处处长WilliamPerea博士黄热病计划受到全球金融危机影响

    Dr William Perea, WHO coordinator for the Epidemic Readiness and Intervention said the yellow fever initiative is feeling the effects of the global financial crisis.


  • 我们知道流行学和全球趋势,知道人类经济造成的破坏方面富裕社会贫穷弱势群体这种转变意味着什么

    We know the epidemiology, the global trends, and what the shift from affluent societies to poor and disadvantaged populations means in terms of human and economic wreckage.


  • 如果创造全球流行病,你尽可能多地这些集约性动物农场

    If you wanted to create global pandemics, you'd build as many of these factory farms as possible.


  • 大流行性流感其它新出现流行病日益全球世界中的生命经济安全构成重大威胁

    Pandemic influenza and other emerging epidemic diseases present a major threat to life, economies and security in an increasingly globalized world.


  • 即使数量相对较小染病个案死亡人数现代流行病全球成本非常高昂的,并且绝不仅仅限于流行病爆发的国家

    Even with a relatively small number of cases and deaths, the global cost of a modern epidemic is large and not limited to the countries directly affected.


  • 报告将就慢性病代价采取紧急行动遏制日益严重全球威胁必要性提供广泛新的流行病经济数据

    This report will provide extensive new epidemiological and economic data about the costs of chronic disease and the need for urgent action to turn back this growing global threat.


  • 流行病全球带来两次甚至流行浪潮趋势进一步影响流行病总体严重性。”WHO份声明中

    "The overall severity of a pandemic is further influenced by the tendency of pandemics to encircle the globe in at least two, sometimes three, waves," WHO said in a statement.


  • 支持流行病临床基础研究,这对医疗治疗相关的有一定依据的全球气候变化决策制定很有必要

    Supports epidemiological translational clinical and basic science research necessary for evidence-based global climate change policy decisions related to health care and treatment.


  • 来自全球暴发预警应对网络和世卫组织的一个小组正在通过提供补充人力资源技术帮助支持卫生部流行学司。

    A team from the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) and WHO is supporting the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health by providing additional human resources and technical support.


  • 通过世界卫生组织全球暴发预警应对网络各国部署专家小组,编写每日流行病最新情况

    Teams of experts have been deployed in countries through the WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), producing daily epidemiological updates.


  • 通过世界卫生组织全球暴发预警应对网络各国部署专家小组,编写每日流行病最新情况

    Teams of experts have been deployed in countries through the WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), producing daily epidemiological updates.


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