• 这位26岁的英国演员第一获得全球

    It was the first Golden Globe Award for this 26-year-old British actor.


  • 除了全球五个地区外,同时评选最佳现金管理银行和最佳证券服务银行。

    As well as the global and the five regional awards, we also gave awards for the best bank at cash management and the best bank for security services.


  • 许多银行为了获得其中国家甚至更好的一个地区全球都想尽办法来描述宏大的零售战略业绩

    Many Banks went the extra mile in describing in great detail their strategy and performance in a bid to win one of the country awards or, even better, a regional or global award.


  • 英国演员电影导演洛杉矶全球上大获全胜,影片《平民百万富翁赢得包括最佳剧本在内的许多种类的大

    British performers and filmmakers have triumphed at the annual Golden Globe awards in Los Angeles, winning in a number of categories including best film drama for the movie Slumdog Millionaire.


  • 富人变得全球市场要比本地市场大得多

    It makes the wealthy very wealthy: in a global market, you will hit a bigger jackpot than in a local one.


  • 工程师马克思这个今年的四个得主之一印位于度班加罗尔总部的全球销售服务执行官瑞玛潘迪亚也名列其中。

    Marks, the engineer, was among four winners this year. So was Parimal Pandya, a global sales service executive based in Bangalore, India.


  • 名称为“成本部门”,是由国防部全球食品供应商“紫色食品服务”公司赞助的。

    In his category, sponsored by Purple Foodservice, the Ministry of Defence's worldwide food supply contractor, the judges commented: "Po Bailey's performance has been exemplary."


  • 主要著作还包括第一癌症楼》,它们为带来全球声誉令他获得1970年诺贝尔文学

    His major works, including The First Circle and Cancer Ward, brought him global admiration and the 1970 Nobel prize for literature.


  • 那么联系思维问题》的合编者加雷思·库克一位获得普利的《波士顿全球新闻记者在那里编辑周日观点部分

    Then contact Mind Matters co-editor Gareth Cook, a Pulitzer prize-winning journalist at the Boston Globe, where he edits the Sunday Ideas section.


  • 高曼环保全球范围内授予环保运动的最高

    The Goldman Prize is the world's largest prize for environmental activism.


  • 全球顶尖40大学中的30所位于美国,70%在世诺贝尔获得者在美国工作。

    It is home to 30 of the world's leading 40 universities, and employs 70% of the world's living Nobel laureates.


  • 年度汽车已经成了一种全球现象,各种“年度汽车”层出不穷,有时颇让人摸不着头脑。

    Car of the year awards have become a global phenomenon, and their abundance can be confusing.


  • 盖茨全球卫生全球卫生联合理事会负责管理,加上热带病研究和培训特别规划,历年共有11个机构获

    TDR joins 10 winners from past years of the Gates Award, which is administered by the Global Health Council.


  • 7月10号这天,根据全球读者投票,《午夜》被评选自布克设立40以来最佳小说

    On July 10th an international readers' poll voted "Midnight's Children" the best novel ever to win the Man Booker prize, which celebrates its 40th birthday this year.


  • 6月16晚间华盛顿哥伦比亚特区举行仪式上,热带病研究和培训特别规划负责人RobertRidley博士代表该规划接受这项全球最大公共卫生

    At a ceremony in Washington, DC the evening of 16 June, the world's largest public health prize was presented to TDR Director Dr Robert Ridley.


  • ·格兰特(出生于1960年910日)英国演员电影制片人获得过一次金球,英国金像,法国电影恺撒荣誉,其25部全球公映的影片已获益24亿美元。

    Hugh John Mungo Grant (born 10 September 1960) is a British actor and film producer. He has received a Golden Globe Award, a BAFTA, and an Honorary cesar.


  • 证严上人24届世界佛教徒会议,获颁“全球佛教贡献”;

    Master Cheng Yen is awarded the WFB Merit Medal in the 24th World Fellowship of Buddhists Conference.


  • 这一成果发表时,全球权威媒体报道此项研究可能得诺贝尔对此,她当时平常态度来对待

    She said that when the results were delivered, more than the authority of the global media, said the study has probably the Nobel Prize, for which she was on the very common attitude.


  • 生命科学前沿研究成果引起全球高度关注,被誉为有望冲击科学顶峰诺贝尔

    This cutting-edge life science research results arising from the new global attention as the expected impact of science and the Nobel Prize peak.


  • 华盛顿国家港湾区举行的爱默生全球用户交流会上,艾伯特因为无线应用刚刚获得一项无线革新者行业媒体发表了上述评论

    Albert had just received a wireless innovator's award for his wireless application at the Emerson Global Users Exchange at National Harbor, Md. when he made this comment to the trade press.


  • 第66届年度最佳图片国际比赛中获得评审给与全球视野摄影特别推荐。

    He was accorded the judges' special recognition for the Global Vision Award in the 66th Pictures of the Year International Contest.


  • 音乐也同时赢得了无数包括吉他而且吉他工作室澳洲乃至于全球很高的呼声。

    He's also won numerous awards for his music, including three Golden Guitars, and his guitar workshops are in high demand all over Australia and internationally.


  • 2009年,获得了格莱美最佳新人进行全球巡演宣传专辑19》,其中洛杉矶站的演唱会门票销售一空。

    In 2009 she got the best new artist Grammy Award, and went on a world tour in support of the album 19 with a sold-out show in Los Angeles.


  • 他们认为是全球受欢迎摇滚乐队之一,迄今专辑销量超过1.7亿张,曾先后22次斩获格莱美

    They are considered one of the most popular rock bands in the world, having sold over 170 million albums and winning a whopping22 total of 22 Grammy Awards in the process.


  • 能获得全球电影特技最佳动作明星”,深感荣幸。

    I am honored to receive this "Best Action Star" award from the World Stunt Awards.


  • 能获得全球电影特技最佳动作明星”,深感荣幸。

    I am honored to receive this "Best Action Star" award from the World Stunt Awards.


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