• 全球基金组织大幅削减对华援助艾滋病结核病疟疾资金削减幅度达50%80%。

    Global fund will be significantly reduced aid to China to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria funding, reductions of 50% or 80%.


  • 这些行动集合在一起我们坚信全球经济能够恢复增长,而且时间会国际货币基金组织现在预期要快。

    "Together, these actions give us confidence that the global economy can return to growth even faster than the International Monetary Fund is now predicting," he said.


  • 一月份基金组织认为今年全球经济将会增长3.9%。

    Then, the fund thought that the world economy would grow by 3.9% this year.


  • 首先是好消息,根据国际货币基金组织经过2009年的经济紧缩之后,预期今年全球经济增长率超过4%。

    First the good news: after contracting slightly in 2009, global economic output is expected to grow more than 4 percent this year, according to the International Monetary Fund.


  • 这一次,提出要将“货币全球化”,比如可以考虑将人民币纳入国际货币基金组织特别提款权SDR),即由一篮子货币组成储备资产

    Instead he talked of “internationalising new currencies” by, for instance, considering including the yuan in the IMF's Special Drawing Right (SDR), a reserve asset made up of a basket of currencies.


  • 国际货币基金组织表示,2010年上半年全球经济增长速度超出预期预测全年经济增长达4.8%。 (原译有点问题,这样是不是更好呢?)

    The IMF said that the global economy had grown faster than expected in the first half of 2010 and predicted that it would grow by 4.8% over the year as a whole.


  • 对此方面关注不用怀疑,国际货币基金组织老板最近演讲中谈了关于全球阴暗面社会包容性

    Doubtless mindful of this, the IMF boss has talked in recent speeches about globalisation's "dark side" and the need for social inclusion.


  • 国际货币基金组织提醒美国主权债务降级全球产生深远的影响

    The IMF is also warning a downgrading in US sovereign debt will have a far-reaching global impact.


  • 我们今天保证采取任何必要措施确保一成果呼吁国际货币基金组织定期评估已经采取措施以及全球各国还需采取哪些措施。

    We commit today to taking whatever action is necessary to secure that outcome, and we call on the IMF to assess regularly the actions taken and the global actions required.


  • 但是无论如何国际货币基金组织预期2011年全球经济稍微放缓部分原因是2008年所成立减少金融危机伤害的经济刺激计划将陆续到期。

    For 2011, however, the IMF expects the world will see slightly slower growth, in part because stimulus packages created in 2008 to reduce the damage from the financial crisis will start to end.


  • 希望国际货币基金组织作为一个全球终极放贷地位能够日益巩固。

    I expect the IMF to play an increasingly important role as a global lender of last resort.


  • 国际货币基金组织星期三表示许多亚洲经济体今年面临坎坷前景,还需要时间才能全球经济衰退中复苏。

    The International Monetary Fund says many Asian economies are to continue to tumble this year and will take some time to recover from the global economic slow-down.


  • 国际货币基金组织提高对于今年全球经济增长预期4.2%提高4.6%,警告经济放缓风险急剧增加

    The IMF raised its forecast for global economic growth this year, from 4.2 % to 4.6%, but warned that the risk of a slowdown had increased sharply.


  • 当前,国际货币基金组织除了监测汇率走势之外,必须全球汇率体系发挥作用。

    The IMF must also have an ongoing role in the world's exchange rates system, beyond surveillance.


  • 四月份工业生产激增使得国际货币基金组织最新年度全球经济增长率预测4.2%上调至4.6%。

    The surge in industrial production helped lift the IMF's latest forecast for global growth this year to 4.6% from 4.2% in April.


  • 国际货币基金组织预计,10%的原油价格上升将会第一降低全球0.2% - 0.3%的GDP增长速度美国一样的石油消费大国将会倍的影响

    The IMF reckons that a 10% rise in oil prices knocks 0.2-0.3% off global GDP growth in the first year, but the impact on a big oil consumer like America is twice as large.


  • 国际货币基金组织本周称,预计今年全球GDP会增长4.8%--低于金融危机繁荣期增长率,高于世界大约4%的增速极限

    This week the IMF predicted that global GDP should expand by 4.8% this year—slower than in the boom before the financial crisis, but well above the world’s underlying speed limit of around 4%.


  • 2001年赤字数额相当于全球生产总值0.5%,但是明年国际货币基金组织预期显示账户盈余数额达到全球生产总值的0.8%,创出历史新高(左图)。

    In 2001 the deficit was equivalent to 0.5% of global GDP, but by next year the IMF's forecasts imply that the surplus could hit a record 0.8% of GDP (see left-hand chart).


  • 美国房屋价格2007年平均下滑了10%,国际货币基金组织经济学家认为,这个因素全球信贷危机起了推波助澜的作用。

    US home prices on average declined by 10 percent in 2007, a factor IMF economists say contributed to the global credit crisis.


  • 希望国际货币基金组织成为全球金融危机预警系统核心

    He wants the IMF to be at the heart of a global early warning system against financial turbulence.


  • 我们必须加强并支持国际货币基金组织全球经济预警系统。该系统应注重危机防范不仅仅是危机解决

    We must bolster an IMF early warning system for the global economy, focused on crisis prevention and not just crisis resolution.


  • 国际货币基金组织表示,2010年上半年全球经济增长速度超出预期预测全年经济增长达4.8%。

    The IMFsaid that the global economy had grown faster than expected in the first half of 2010 and predicted that it would grow by 4.8% over the year as a whole.


  • 国际货币基金组织更新了今年全球经济增长预期——4.4%,高于之前的预测

    The IMF updated its estimate for global growth this year; it now thinks the world economy will expand by a slightly higher 4.4%.


  • 国际货币基金组织更新了今年全球经济增长预期——4.4%,高于之前的预测

    The IMF updated its estimate for global growth this year; it now thinks the world economy will expand by a slightly higher 4.4%.


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