• 一种机制通过使用备份,并前事务日志,使数据库恢复最近状态,这种机制也叫恢复

    The second restores to the most recent state, using a combination of full backup plus rolling forward the transaction log, called rollforward recovery.


  • 一个80飞机组成空客型机群,而且还定购了175架空客A320。 亚航已经成了欧洲机制造商最大客户

    With a nearly all-Airbus fleet of 80 aircraft and 175 more A320s on order, AirAsia has become one of the European planemaker’s best customers.


  • 矩形房屋低层砖石建筑物常用侧向抵抗系统LFRS剪力机制结合隔使用。

    The most commonly used lateral force resisting system (LFRS) for rectangular all-wood or low-rise masonry and wood buildings is the shear wall mechanism combined with horizontal diaphragms.


  • 本文提出新的线裁剪原理,构造了代码式的裁剪识别处理机制

    This paper has presented a new approach to line clipping and built an all-code processing mechanism for clipping recognition.


  • 通过求解主方程,对一些基于熔合机制反应道的熔合几率进行了讨论。

    The fusion probabilities PCN of some reaction channels based on the mechanism of cold fusion are also calculated.


  • 结论行板巩膜瓣联合板层角膜移植术严重眼部化学后重建眼前有效方法免疫学机制复杂

    Conclusion Total lamellar cornea with circular lamellar sclera transplantation is an important method for treating serious chemical burn of eye, its immunological mechanisms is complex.


  • 从而引入竞争机制强化人才竞争能力优化团队组合,推动成本核算

    Cost accounting will develop basing on introducing competition mechanism, reinforcing competition capability of human resource and optimizing regrouping.


  • 这个技术开辟了基因组范围内个别位点层次分析曼氏血吸虫表观遗传机制方法

    This technique opens new ways for analyzing epigenetic mechanisms in S. mansoni at a whole-genome scale and on the level of individual loci.


  • 结论降低MCAT大鼠黏度抑制血栓形成可能EGB抑制脑缺血损伤作用机制之一。

    Conclusion: Decreasing blood viscosity in MCAT rats and inhibiting thrombosis are probably the mechanism of EGB anti-ischemic damage.


  • 实验探讨反式维甲酸紫杉醇S-D大鼠主动脉血管内皮细胞增殖影响及其机制

    This study is designed to investigate the effect and mechanism of paclitaxel and all-trans retinoic acid on the growth of S-D rat aorta endothelial cells cultured on gelatin-coated dishes.


  • 采用网格搜索方法,利用区域地震分量波形资料,对中小地震震源机制的反演方法进行了研究。

    A source mechanism inversion technique for middle and small earthquakes was studied by using complete regional waveforms of all three components.


  • 结论环形板层巩膜板层角膜移植术严重眼部化学后重建眼前节有效方法免疫学机制复杂

    Conclusion: Total lamellar cornea with circular lamellar sclera transplantation is an important method for treating serious chemical burn of eye, its immunological mechanisms is complexity.


  • 目的观察环行板巩膜瓣联合板层角膜移植术治疗严重眼部化学临床疗效,探讨免疫学机制

    Objective to observe the clinical results of total lamellar cornea with circular lamellar sclera transplantation to treat serious chemical burn of eye and study its immunological mechanisms.


  • 这些都应该2012年之前欧洲范围内通过,消除对来年新常设机制实施的一切疑虑

    These should then be ratified across the EU by 2012 in order to dispel any doubts that a permanent mechanism would be in place the following year, Mrs Merkel said.


  • 目的探讨冠心病(CHD)患者粘弹性改变细胞分子机制及其临床意义

    Objective: To explore the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the change of whole blood viscoelasticity in the patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) and its clinical significances.


  • AT L代码不可能简单但是MSDN里文档比较,且他们确实提供了标准处理机制

    The ATL macro codes are certainly not simple but they are well-documented in MSDN and they do provide standard handling mechanisms.


  • 使用半导体激活介质增益饱和效应描述了激光器型波长转换器波长转换机制及其值转换特性

    The wavelength conversion mechanism and the thresholding conversion characteristics of all-optical wavelength converter based on a laser diode are described by the gain saturation effect.


  • 结论反式维甲酸可以抑制睾丸卵黄细胞增殖,抑制肿瘤增殖机制可能下调VEGF的表达有关。

    ConclusionATRA could inhibit proliferation of yolk sac tumor cell line, and down regulation of VEGF could be the inhibitory mechanism of ATRA on yolk sac tumor cell line in vitro.


  • 赵晋前瞻记忆特点机制应用研究华东师范大学心理学博士学位论文, 2002。

    Zhao J Q. Research on features, mechanisms and applications of prospective memory (in Chinese). Doctorial dissertation of East China Normal University, 2002


  • 达德·博尔特少数几个依靠木偶计算作的飞梭大赛赛车手之一。

    Dud Bolt was one of the few Podracer pilots realized as a puppet rather than an all computer-generated creation.


  • 社区卫生双向转诊服务运行机制建立加强控制,这里的“人”包括患者医生以及转诊医院医生。

    We should strengthen the control of "person" in the process of dual referral. Such kind of person include patients, GP and doctors.


  • 根据永磁电动动过程PWM控制的开关管的方式不同可以分为调制制动方式桥调制制动方式。

    According to the different PWM module in regeneration of brushless PM motor, there are two kinds of modulation, half bridge modulation and whole bridge modulation.


  • 建立一个统一芯片测试芯片诊断调试接口,形成以边界扫描为主体扫描链为补充的芯片测试机制

    Establishing an unite interface of chip test and debug which embodies the boundary scan and complements the full scan.


  • 但是此基础上大拥有尺寸商用喷气式飞机主要造商可以数年内通过持续翻新的订单数保障业务量处于稳固高位(下表)。

    But the two main makers of full-sized commercial jets can look forward to years of guaranteed business, with firm orders at a record (see chart).


  • 日立取得专利UVP技术统一了平衡物机制,这种机制减少负荷三轴振动的65%,明显减少转移用户的振动。

    Hitachi's patented UVP technology incorporates a counterweight mechanism that reduces full-load tri-axial vibration by over 65% significantly reducing vibration transfer to the user.


  • 本文讨论了分组交换网络中的多种组机制包括并行模式串行模式混合模式光组播机制

    Different multicasting schemes in optical packet switched networks are discussed, including the parallel mode, serial mode, and hybrid mode multicasting schemes.


  • 本文讨论了分组交换网络中的多种组机制包括并行模式串行模式混合模式光组播机制

    Different multicasting schemes in optical packet switched networks are discussed, including the parallel mode, serial mode, and hybrid mode multicasting schemes.


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