• 八月二十二十一日,也就是周五周六早七点下午五点工作人员关闭所有SR 530路段的通道OSOloop入口之间太阳能道钉安装在高速公路中心线位置

    Crews will close all lanes of SR 530 from 7am to 5pm on Friday and Saturday, August 20 and 21, between both entrances to Oso Loop Road to install the solar studs in the centerline of the highway.


  • 因为箭头线连接框架,而箭头连接到生命线所以 getBalance消息一个入口

    The getBalance message is an entry gate, because it is the arrowed line that is connected to the diagram's frame with the arrowhead connected to a lifeline.


  • 社区中心入口由部分屋顶轮廓线内凹形成,同一平面上建筑相连

    An entrance to the community center is notched into the roofline, connecting the buildings on the same plane.


  • 同为玻璃幕墙教学空间入口上方向外伸出,补充毗邻建筑的轮廓线

    Glazed teaching spaces jut out above the entrance, continuing the line created by the curtain wall of an adjoining remodelled building.


  • 这种对角线方式连接行人创造了捷径并且集中大楼所有入口

    This diagonal connection creates a shortcut for pedestrians and concentrates all the entrances of the building.


  • 混凝土屋顶中心竖直升高1.5产生倾斜屋顶轮廓线界定了主要入口

    The center of this exposed concrete roof is lifted up 1.5 meters in its vertical axis, creating a sloped roofline that defines the main entrance.


  • 电力线线端(即建筑物入口端)以及建筑物随后防护区处加以防护

    The ac power lines should be protected at the origin (building entry point) and at each of the succeeding protection zones within the building.


  • 纹理反射周围环境混乱天际线建筑的入口位置考虑到了邻里之间的隐私方便往来。

    The brick texture is a reflection of the context's chaotic skyline and the openings are located considering the pleasant and unpleasant neighborhood views.


  • 建筑物入口端,电源线通信线应该连接一起接地。

    The AC power lines and the telecommunication lines should be referenced together at the building entry point.


  • 为了避免小孩受伤把手指伸进入口触摸叶片受伤,必要让小孩远离电泵。电泵和电源线保存在干燥、阴凉的地方。

    To avoid the children injury, like fingers stretching into the inlet touching the blades to cause injury, it's necessary keeping the pump away from the children.


  • 一个一个简单圆筒它们构成入口休息厅交通线公共功能空间

    Some simple cylinders, which constitute the entrance, lounge, traffic moving lines, and a public function space.


  • 线外部信号线超过10的,在线进入大楼入口时设置避雷保护,避免雷击

    Mains and external signal cables longer than 10 m shall in areas where lightning is frequent be protected with an external lightning surge protection at the cable entrance to the building.


  • 上水乘76K线巴士至米下车,米埔村沿小路步行20分钟便到达位于自然基金会停车场内的入口

    Bus 76k from MTR Sheung Shui Station to mai Po Village, then walk from mai Po Village to the main entrance at WWF HK car park for about 20 minutes.


  • 这根数据线,一边连接投影仪一边连接电脑的输出口可以把投影仪连接到电脑上

    Use this cable; connect one end to the projector input, and the other end to the computer output. Then you connect the projector to the computer.


  • 根数据线,一边连接投影仪一端连接电脑的输出口

    Use the cable. Connect one end to the projector input, and the other end to the computer output.


  • 入口一个呈角度箱子指向天空同时两个金属阳台木质伸出,将线引向地平线海湾

    An angled box by the entrance point points to views of the sky, while two metal balconies that jut from the timber-clad tower direct the gaze towards the horizon and the bay.


  • 入口不远,安排了垂直线系统,如电扶梯访客专用的玻璃升降梯等。

    Situated slightly behind the entrance areas, are escalators and glass lifts for clients.


  • 如果获得线入口

    If you are presented with this line, run for the exits.


  • 之时,在和区段周围入口外面所有方式仍然等候而且得到里面的神情线

    As it was, a line wove outside from the entrance all the way around the block with people still waiting to try and get a look inside.


  • 这些要求所指内部线,是指从器具电源线入口处,或用于连接电源线的接线端子或线的互连线即使有些电源线线

    Leads for power-supply connections of a fixed appliance, even though some of this may be in the form of flexible cord.


  • 问题回复: 1、东扩区西北角保留地块地铁10线呼家楼站入口朝阳剧场不用保留。2需要考虑。

    Answer: Answer 1: The small piece of land mentioned above is a subway entrance of the subway line 10. The Chaoyang Theater is not to be reserved. Answer 2: Yes, you may take it into consideration.


  • 铁东涌站B出口,23线巴士往宝莲禅寺,然后旅发局路牌指示往茶园茶园入口沿远足步行15分钟即达。

    MTR Tung Chung Station Exit b, take bus no. 23 to Po Lin Monastery, follow the HKTB directional sign to Tea Garden, walk through the hiking trail from the entrance of Tea Garden for 15 mins.


  • 使用不同层次——场地地平线入口处高出一米——这样建筑半埋在地下

    Using the level difference - the ground line of the site goes up from the passage of approach by 1m - the building is constructed so that it may be half-buried.


  • 使用不同层次——场地地平线入口处高出一米——这样建筑半埋在地下

    Using the level difference - the ground line of the site goes up from the passage of approach by 1m - the building is constructed so that it may be half-buried.


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