• 觉得这份工作无趣辛苦,在个月便要辞职。

    She found the work boring and exhausting and wanted to quit after six months.


  • 知道这一下我定使剑直胸口轻微地摆了摆前便躲开击。

    I know I would certainly have thrust my way through to a human breast, but the bear made a slight movement with his paw and parried my thrust.


  • 还有瞥到了快“牌子柱上,于是过去看看那边是否有人居住。 但汤姆不赞同,他们便一次了起来。

    She quarreled with Tom about which way to turn at a fork in the path; they clashed again when she spotted a No Trespassing sign on a fence post and wanted to see if there was a house beyond it.


  • 一旦需求关联到正确模型元素更新便完成,他再检文件

    Once he's associated the new requirement with the correct model element, the update is complete and he checks the files back in.


  • 自1996年初清华食堂厨师便开始自学英语并最终通过英语六级考试

    He taught himself English when he worked as a cook at a cafeteria in THU in 1996. He passed the CET-6 in the end.


  • 30天后便抱怨:“地方真让无法忍受。”

    He came to see me 30 days into the job and said, "I can't stand it here."


  • 下半场将将过去分钟马修·丁看台支持者便着要·科尔替。

    Only three minutes had elapsed in the second half when the supporters in the Matthew Harding started their cries for the introduction of Joe Cole.


  • 耶和华坚固台,人奔便安稳

    The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.


  • 每当眼泪聚满1毫升后研究人员便放置男性鼻子下端这样他们可以持续嗅到悲伤的味道”。

    Their tears were collected one milliliter at a time and deposited onto small pads that were attached beneath men's noses, so they could continuously sniff the sadness.


  • 一旦这些野马慌不择路地围栏内,那么它们便失去属于自己未来

    As they run towards a trap of steel fencing, many of them face a future far from the range.


  • 还记得小学老师便我们带上鲜艳红领巾

    Remember, the entering primary school, teachers would be for us to bring a bright red scarf.


  • 其实可以魔术出神夸大秘密名字命运之,一开始便观众目光

    In fact, you can exaggerate the magic of a superb point, take a secret name, such as the god of destiny and so on, from the outset Akira live audience's attention.


  • 有人地方江湖,有女人地方,就有“规则”,一职场便江湖,江湖在于人心

    There are places where there are rivers and lakes, there is a woman's place, there is a hidden rules, into the workplace, then into the rivers and lakes, rivers and lakes of the risk, is the heart.


  • 只消一宿时辰天空便调换了颜色收敛温和被褥柔软蜷缩空气里。

    Just then, the night sky hour exchanged color, the convergence of the bedding, soft and gentle fold, crouching in the cool air.


  • 爆竹声音一响马车便立刻散开行列,隐邻近横街小巷里去了。

    At the sound of the fireworks the carriages instantly broke ranks, and retired by the adjacent streets.


  • 这么便使这么一个膏盲的公司转危为主,这怎样做到的呢?

    How was it possible to turn such a desperately sick company around so quickly?


  • 所谓特征识别便非自产品的实体模型动身自动识别出其外具无一订工程意义几何形状――便特征,地出产品的特征模型。

    The feature recognition is the process in which geometric form with a certain engineering significance is extracted automatically from solid model, and then feature model is produced.


  • 不知不觉便来到学校同学不约而同聚精会神的注视窗前雪花真是引人

    Unknowingly came to the school, the students are staring at the window of the snow, is really fascinating.


  • 鳖听了,就跟着井蛙里,怎知左脚进去,右脚已经绊住了,于是便从容地退了出来。

    The turtle went with the frog to the shallow well. Lifting his right foot, he tried to enter the well. But it got stuck even before he could extend his left one, so he leisurely retreated.


  • 不要悲哀的诗句,告诉人生如梦;灵魂便死去切莫外表欺哄。

    Tell me not in mournful Numbers, Life is but an empty dreams; For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem.


  • 杉树自然使者山林精灵,携手建筑庭院,相互倾诉敞开心扉从此自然建筑便形影不离。

    Six cedar is a natural messenger, forest spirits, was invited into the building and garden work, talk with each other, open their hearts, will be inseparable from nature and architecture.


  • 公园美丽自然风光特殊雕塑便眼帘。

    When i walk into park , i watch beatiful natural landscape and some special sculptures.


  • 公园美丽自然风光特殊雕塑便眼帘。

    When i walk into park , i watch beatiful natural landscape and some special sculptures.


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