• 是否访问入侵发生例如个未授权的执行了一次获取操作

    Whether an access violation occurred (the wrong person performed a harvest operation, for example)


  • 如果应用程序独占地使用预处理语句,那么可以确保没有SQL入侵发生

    If your application exclusively USES prepared statements, you can be sure that no SQL injection will occur.


  • 一个理想方案毕竟阻止物种入侵入侵发生之后消灭他们容易得

    That's an ideal plan, since it's much easier to prevent invasive species from infiltrating a new home than it is to eradicate them after the fact.


  • 对于监控安全性模型位于同一存储库中模型管理员使用报告查询决定是否访问入侵发生

    With monitored security, the models all reside in the same repository, and a model manager USES reports and queries to determine after the fact whether an access violation has occurred.


  • 盟军部队明天开始演习展示一旦发生新的入侵军队速度集结起来。

    Allied troops begin manoeuvres tomorrow to show how quickly forces could be mobilized in case of a new invasion.


  • 我们不能植物给忘了没有它们事先入侵陆地就不会其他迁徙发生

    We mustn't forget the plants, without whose prior invasion of the land none of the other migrations could have happened.


  • 大约4万6千,在一种使用工具、高度智能捕食者入侵不久澳大利亚主要的陆地生物发生一些巨大的变化

    Something dramatic happened to Australia's dominant land creatures—somewhere around 46,000 years ago, strikingly soon after the invasion of a tool-wielding, highly intelligent predator.


  • 历史学家认为,19世纪一再发生蝗虫入侵改变了美国密西西比河以西农业格局

    Historians credit repeated locust invasions in the nineteenth century with reshaping United States agriculture west of the Mississippi River.


  • 原本分离的两个生态系统人工连接后,彼此之间发生物种入侵的情况并不罕见。

    It's not uncommon for invasions to occur when humans connect ecosystems that have naturally been kept separate.


  • 自从2001年美国领导的盟军入侵阿富汗以来,这是喀布尔发生致命爆炸事件之一

    The bombing was one of the most deadly in Kabul since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.


  • 入侵应该发生美国本土,此事本身必然激起玩家本能反应

    Invasions are not supposed to happen on American soil, and as such must inspire a certain gut reaction in the player.


  • 油价不断上涨背景下美国入侵伊拉克克里姆林宫处理尤科斯,这两件同时发生改变俄罗斯方向继而改变了西方关系

    America's invasion of Iraq, and the Kremlin's attack on Yukos against the background of a rising oil price, coincided to change Russia's direction and subsequently its relationship with the West.


  • 梅约诊所介绍这种癌症入侵部位食道(是咽喉输送食物管道)中的细胞通常发生食道部位。

    This cancer starts in the cells that line the esophagus (the tube that carries food from the throat to the stomach) and usually occurs in the lower part of the esophagus, according to the Mayo Clinic.


  • 这种岩浆入侵由此引起的地震活动可能意味着沙特阿拉伯的岩浆地带可能导致曾经发生首次火山喷发的主因。

    These intrusions and their resulting seismic activity may mean that Saudi Arabia's Harrat Lunayyir region could be primed for its first ever volcanic eruption.


  • 不要忘记所有一切都发生苏联入侵波兰七十周年之际”。

    Don't forget all this happened on the 70th anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland.


  • TeamAdvisor视图发生一次过程入侵将会回馈

    The Team Advisor view provides feedback when a process violation occurs.


  • 怀疑论者表示鲤鱼入侵——如果发生的话——可能受到限制。

    Skeptics say a carp invasion, if it happens at all, probably will be limited.


  • 这个入侵物种通过筑巢喂养活动已经其他国家引起了重大损坏我们采取行动防止在英国发生同样的情况

    This invasive species has caused significant damage in other countries through nesting and feeding activity and we are taking action now to prevent this happening in the UK.


  • 安全审计发生安全入侵事件时,这些信息重要。

    All this information proves to be vital during security audits and incidents related to breaching.


  • 听众提起公元前88年发生事件,正是这位米特拉达入侵了位于土耳其西海岸亚洲罗马领域

    He reminded his audience of events in 88BC, when the same Mithridates invaded the Roman province of Asia, on the western coast of Turkey.


  • 甚至都不必真正的网络入侵——只是对于可能发生这样的事情的观念就足以导致混乱。

    It wouldn't even have to be a real cyber intrusionjust the perception that one might have happened.


  • 并不一定反击能力我们知道正如入侵可以破坏一个公司网络一样反过来完全有可能发生

    It doesn't have to be an offensive capability, but it's perfectly possible, as we know, just as an intruder can screw up a company's network, the reverse can happen.


  • 入侵正在发生或者最近发生过,IDS将会通知用户。

    Presumably, an IDS will notify you when an intrusion is underway or has recently occurred.


  • 这场袭击发生双方约定停火期限后仅仅几天时间里预计以色列可能加沙地区发动大规模军事入侵

    The attacks, which came days after a ceasefire expired, prompted speculation that Israel might be preparing a full-scale military invasion of Gaza.


  • 新闻国际立场仍旧同之前一样,表示对“电话入侵”事件毫不知情发生任何事情都只是个人行为

    News International has always maintained it had no knowledge of phone hacking by anybody acting on its behalf.


  • 如果盘指向一段,Google保存这些信息服务变得更加有用但是有些隐私方面的糟糕入侵可能发生

    If the dial is set to the other side and Google hangs on to the information, the services will be more useful, but some dreadful intrusions into privacy could occur.


  • Schuchat大部分入侵肺炎球菌感染通常只发生老年人中,但是丹佛病例中,有62%年龄20- 59的

    Most invasive pneumococcal infections normally occur in the elderly, but in the Denver cases 62 percent were in people age 20 to 59, Schuchat said.


  • 当地居民证实了2829日发生津吉巴尔激战表示入侵释放了该市主要监狱几十囚犯

    Residents said heavy fighting in the city on Friday and Saturday, and said the attackers had freed dozens of prisoners from the main jail in Zinjibar.


  • 当地居民证实了2829日发生津吉巴尔激战表示入侵释放了该市主要监狱几十囚犯

    Residents said heavy fighting in the city on Friday and Saturday, and said the attackers had freed dozens of prisoners from the main jail in Zinjibar.


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