• 忙于伦敦文学作品代理人兜售委托人的一部新书

    He's busy touting his client's latest book around London's literary agents.


  • 面包师城里各处兜售制品

    The baker travelled round the town selling his wares.


  • 兜售那些令人讨厌意见吗?

    Is he still touting about those unsavoury opinions of his?


  • 在到处兜售货物

    He is hawking his goods everywhere.


  • 兰多医生兜售维也纳风味的肉片

    Dr.Landau also touts his Viennese-style pork neck schnitzel cut very thick.


  • 多医生兜售维也纳风味的肉片

    Dr. Landau also touts his Viennese-style pork neck schnitzel cut very thick.


  • 有时麦克沃特店员为了兜售他的货品为你提供帮助。

    Sometimes, says Mr McWhorter, the assistant trailing you in a store is just trying to sell you something.


  • 老虎JK多个俱乐部兜售饶舌专辑叛逆表演大学校园中赢得了追随者

    Tiger JK peddled recordings of his raps at alternative clubs and built up a following at college campuses with his rebellious shows.


  • 收到一封来自布什公爵的电邮(公爵大拇指都残了,但打字一点问题都没有),兜售神秘配方

    I also got an E-mail from Duke Bush (who, by the way, is amazingly competent on the keyboard despite his lack of opposing thumbs) offering to sell me his secret bean recipe.


  • 也应以色列以方直接兜售计划并说明为什么包括共用耶路撒冷在内的计划,长期看来实现以色列安全唯一办法

    And he should come to Israel and sell his plan directly to Israelis, explaining why two states, including a Shared Jerusalem, is the only way, in the long run, to make Israel safe.


  • 补充说,很多时间投票自从投票开始,试图一个退休人员举行商品交易会上兜售服务发现,这些人当中很少有人牙齿

    He added that he would have plenty of time to vote, since on voting day he was trying to hawk his services at a trade fair for retirees, few of whom, he discovered, had teeth.


  • 作家史蒂夫·也许可以四处兜售文章出售自己家庭却是另外一回事,身为两个孩子父亲的不能指望通过500万美元的开价一笔。

    Writer Steve Young may be able to peddle his prose, but when it came to selling his family, the father of two couldn't cash in on the million offer.


  • 在拉勒米画廊现场周围兜售画作企图证明不成功

    His attempts to peddle his paintings around Laramie's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.


  • 罗德里格斯重要这里居民不会觉得在向兜售什么东西

    Rodriguez says it's important that residents here don't feel like he's selling them something.


  • 一家零售商尽管销售了许多品牌智能手机OPPO慷慨补贴使尤其渴望兜售产品

    One retailer says that although he sells many brands of smartphones, OPPO's generous subsidies make him extra-eager to peddle its wares.


  • 兜售那些与自己作品十分相似的,学徒的绘画。

    He flogged paintings by his apprentices that looked very much like his own.


  • 匹兹堡市郊长大在那里父亲兜售钻石他的母亲一位摄像师

    He grew up in suburban Pittsburgh, where his father hawked diamonds and his mom worked as a photographer.


  • 近日正在拍摄一部斯罗题材美式大片好莱坞兜售地区发行权

    These days he produces American-style blockbusters on a Russian theme and sells distribution rights in Hollywood.


  • 不过不管怎样,奥巴马上上周四连夜赶往硅谷科技界首席执行官们会面兜售自己预算方案,当时肯定听到大堆有关免税的说词。

    Either way, he's sure to get an earful about it on Thursday, when he makes an overnight trip to Silicon Valley to meet with tech industry CEOs and try to sell them on his budget.


  • 承认小区里一个可爱小孩四处兜售优惠券册子折扣时,我无法拒绝

    I have an admission to make: I can't say "no" when a cute kid from the neighborhood comes around selling coupon books and discount CARDS.


  • 来自充满爱意家庭,家里人居住西安南部一栋破烂的公寓的地下室中,父亲兜售一些药方无力就医穷人为生。

    He comes from a loving family who occupy the ground floor of a shabby apartment in southern Xian, where his father sells remedies to people too poor to afford a doctor.


  • 曾考虑抢劫银行还清债务又觉得像KGB兜售机密来得更容易一些。

    He considered bank robbery to alleviate his debts but deemed it easier to peddle secrets to the KGB.


  • 那时,“企业家这个很少用到提及时往往都带有贬义的,感觉像男人街角兜售胳膊戴的那些表。

    Then, the word entrepreneur was rarely used, and when it was used, it tended to be in a negative way, like referring to the guy on the street corner selling watches on his arm.


  • 如今莎拉兜售梦想来:自己经营园圃,自己种南瓜蚕豆,和一度向往不已都市生活相去甚远。

    And now he's trying to sell Sarah some dream of setting up his own garden nursery, growing his own pumpkins and broad beans, a far cry from the city life she once craved.


  • 昆达卢旺达引渡回刚果稍微减轻卡比拉的压力,同时有助于向对持怀疑态度刚果民众兜售卡加梅组成的联盟(表面上看起来有些邪恶同盟)。

    Mr Nkunda's extradition by Rwanda to Congo could take some heat off Mr Kabila and help him sell a seemingly unholy alliance with Mr Kagame to the sceptical Congolese: a tricky task.


  • 仍然路上奔走,经营一个来自玻利维亚排笛乐团,有时甚至自己也装扮成“地道”的印加武士兜售CD唱片帮乐队

    He was still on the road, but now managed a group of panpipe musicians from Bolivia, even dressing up himself as an "authentic" Inca warrior to sell CDs and collect money from the audience.


  • 帮凶是年25岁男子开69受害者门,兜售香烟

    The man, about 25, knocked at the 69-year-old woman's home offering to sell her tobacco.


  • 同时,担心财政部拥有银行股权这种想法不会国会接受。“要国会兜售这项提议非常复杂相当棘手的。”

    He also worried that Congress would not be receptive to the idea of Treasury taking an ownership stake in Banks: "This is a very complicated and difficult sell."


  • 兜售战争债券时要求穿上套滑稽衣服,重现20世纪40年代电影蒙太奇,一幕幕镜头连成了一首精心制作3d主题曲-星条旗男人

    As for the silly costume, he is made to wear it for a war-bond drive that reinvents the montage sequences of 1940s cinema as an intricately layered 3d musical number, "Star Spangled Man".


  • 兜售战争债券时要求穿上套滑稽衣服,重现20世纪40年代电影蒙太奇,一幕幕镜头连成了一首精心制作3d主题曲-星条旗男人

    As for the silly costume, he is made to wear it for a war-bond drive that reinvents the montage sequences of 1940s cinema as an intricately layered 3d musical number, "Star Spangled Man".


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