• 阿比·克里斯蒂安博士对学生进行调查发现他们喜欢带着笔记本电脑到处走,大多数一直带着手机,因而决定了使用的设备

    Abilene Christian settled on the devices after surveying students and finding that they did not like hauling around their laptops, but that most of them always carried a cell phone.


  • 克里姆特的另四贴画也悬挂在该室内,其中有幅是风景画山毛举,一幅是斑纹苹果树,一幅是河边房子

    Three were landscapes: a beechwood, a dappled apple tree, houses by a river.


  • F-16C型喷气式战机机头下、以分钟8400英尺(42.5米/秒)的速度呼啸着地面的时刻,特技飞行员克里斯·斯特里猛然意识到:表演无法完成!恐怖的时刻到了……(注:事后事故调查表明,他错飞机显示的海拔高度当成飞机地面之间的实际距离——可地面本身还有将近200米的海拔高度!

    Pointed nose-down and hurtling toward the ground at 8, 400 feet per minute, F-16C fighter jet pilot Chris Stricklin came to a terrible realization: I'm not going to make it.


  • (事实一些穴居动物在这场喷发中的存活引发了第一个惊喜之一),克里萨·标示出目前研究的区域

    (the fact that some burrowing creatures had survived the blast was one of the mountain's first surprises.) Mr. Crisafulli marked off research plots that remain under study today.


  • 郎维经济咨询公司克里·沃特指出商品市场股票市场之间似乎相关的。

    Chris Watling of Longview Economics, a consultancy, points out that commodity and equity markets seem to be negatively correlated.


  • 出版商:亨利·鲁斯美国世纪阿兰·布·克里

    The Publisher: Henry Luce and His American Century. By Alan Brinkley.


  • 以后艾伦凯西荒野中看到了希斯·克里,希斯·克里她们呼啸山庄哈里顿

    Three years later, Ellen and Cathy are on the moors when they meet Heathcliff who takes them to Wuthering Heights to see Linton and Hareton.


  • 米歇尔艾尔申请合法监护那天,他们向法官递交了一克里斯蒂亲戚来信,信中表达了他们对普一家人的真心拥护和诚挚谢意

    The day Michele and Al petitioned for legal custody hey handed the judge a stack of letters from Kristen’s relatives, expressing their heartfelt approval and gratitude to the Poulins.


  • 他们计划这位党派新任干部创建特殊职位其中一些站在自己的角度希望这个职位的人选锁定为克里斯蒂 诺伊姆这位来自南达科他州宣传一个萨拉农场主

    They plan to create a special post for one of the party’s new intake, and some are angling to have it go to Kristi Noem, a rancher from South Dakota who is billed as the next Sarah Palin.


  • 希斯·克里允许顿吃药,然后死掉了

    Heathcliff does not allow Linton any medical help and he dies.


  • 海伦山给了我们一个任何其他地方都无法模拟的平台”克里萨弗

    Mount St. Helens allows us to evaluate things we could not evaluate anywhere else, ” Mr. Crisafulli said.


  • 嘲笑希斯·克里不修边幅第二来访的时候,希斯·克里夫特意盛装打扮取悦

    She laughs at Heathcliff's unkempt appearance and, the next day when the Lintons visit, he dresses up to impress her.


  • 希斯·克里允许吃药,然后死掉了不久之后哈里试图笑凯西成为朋友因为之前被哈里顿冷淡过,她依然很冷漠。

    Heathcliff does not allow Linton any medical help and he dies. Later on, Hareton tries to start a friendship with Cathy but, because of his previous neglect, remains aloof.


  • 这场勾心斗角的暗战中,克里火速沃森改变历史论文递交了《自然》杂志,生怕富兰克来访伦敦DNA信息泄露出去

    In this dastardly sideplot, Crick raced to submit his and Watson's history-changing paper to Nature, in fear that Franklin would leak DNA information when Pauling visited London.


  • 克里写信合作者莫里斯·威尔金博士,庆幸一位女性合作者罗莎德·富兰克退出

    Crick writes to collaborator Dr. Maurice Wilkins and praises the exit of a female collaborator, Dr. Rosalind Franklin.


  • 正如长景经济顾问公司克里·指出的那样,黄金上一次牛市1970年代当时实际利率也为负值

    As Chris Watling of Longview Economics points out, gold's last great bull run was in the 1970s, when real yields were negative.


  • 并不需要受制于一个什么机构比如查理克里·吉尔伯帕姆·斯就是很好的例子

    You don't have to be wedded to a large organization in order to create and lead, and as folks like Charlie, Chris Guillebeau, Pam Slim have proven.


  • 周前英国电影制片人蒂姆·海瑟美国摄影记者克里斯·洪德罗斯利比亚遇难凸显记录冲突本身所固有的危险

    The deaths in Libya a week ago of British filmmaker Tim Hetherington and American photographer Chris Hondros highlighted the peril inseparable from recording conflict.


  • 1996年,库德被调任至克里帮助普京调任莫斯科

    In 1996 Mr Kudrin was catapulted to the Kremlin and helped Mr Putin to move to Moscow.


  • ·克里先生关注细节又注重全面,描写鲁斯其人发现了全国性新闻杂志需求预见美国世纪的到来。

    Mr Brinkley has an eye for both the telling detail and the broad sweep of Luce's role as the man who saw the need for a national news magazine and foresaw the American century.


  • 赫特克里附近五角大楼记者举行视频记者会时说的这番话。

    Hertling was speaking near Tikrit in a teleconference with reporters at the Pentagon.


  • 桑德兰议员克里斯·也是数万黑白电视机使用者的员。

    Chris Mullin, MP for Sunderland South, is one of the tens of thousands of people still using a black and white television.


  • 尽管所有的目光都集中在较出场的克里斯·萨兰登身上,但是·法瑞尔注定扮演吸血鬼的。

    All respect to Chris Sarandon, whom we listed earlier, but Colin Farrell was destined to play a vampire.


  • 最近几年而言,相关影片包括2008年BBC系列连续剧传奇》,2007年•佛斯主演大片最后兵团2004年由凯拉•奈特莉和克里夫•欧文主演的《亚瑟王》。

    Recent years have witnessed the 2008 BBC series Merlin, 2007's Colin Firth blockbuster The Last Legion and 2004's King Arthur, starring Keira Knightley and Clive Owen.


  • 克里斯·斯特教授伦敦自然史博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里恩教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一群人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 但是老实说觉得——我告诉过米奇——这里来说最好地方,克里蒂姆哈达威一起,,你是三分之一。

    But honestly, I felt—and I told Mitch thisThis’ll be the best thing in the world for you. With Chris Mullin and Tim Hardaway, you’re one of the three.


  • 该项目的领头美国牛津大学克里托特(Chris Lintott)讲道公众反应惊慌失措。

    Chris Lintott of Oxford University, lead researcher on the project, says he was thrilled by the public's reaction.


  • 密歇根州巴特尔克里Battle Creek, Mich.公司实验室里,一位家乐氏总裁食物科学家约翰·凯普格(John Kepplinger)列举出使方形饼干成功的方法

    At the company’s laboratories in Battle Creek, Mich., a Kellogg vice president and food scientist, John Kepplinger, ticked off the ways salt makes its little square cracker work.


  • 密歇根州巴特尔克里Battle Creek, Mich.公司实验室里,一位家乐氏总裁食物科学家约翰·凯普格(John Kepplinger)列举出使方形饼干成功的方法

    At the company’s laboratories in Battle Creek, Mich., a Kellogg vice president and food scientist, John Kepplinger, ticked off the ways salt makes its little square cracker work.


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