• 约翰·克里斯扮演角色去开个会,但是经历了一系列艰难困苦之后陷于座修道院

    John Cleese's character is trying to get to a conference but, after many trials and tribulations, he ends up stranded in a monastery.


  • 英国,伦敦:一位女士从迈克尔·克莱顿克里斯拍卖行展出收藏品毕加索妇女儿童贾斯伯·约翰国旗这两幅画旁走过。

    London, England: a woman poses with Jasper Johns's Flag, and Femme et Filettes (woman and Children) by Pablo Picasso, both part of late-author Michael Crichton's collection on display at Christie's.


  • 创业的第一,特瑞普•弗雷双胞胎兄弟约翰克里斯•普开着房车销售产品

    For their first year of operation, Tripp Frey and twin brothers Jon and Chris Pew ran sales out of an RV.


  • 克里斯托弗·约翰新书《微型化》就着眼于这些简短有力的表述

    Microstyle, Christopher Johnson's new book, takes a look at these brief, but powerful expressions.


  • 孟菲斯大学队的克里斯道格拉斯·罗伯特斯28引领全场,教练约翰·卡利帕里说,尽管球队犯了一些错误他们还是抵住了UCLA大学的所有进攻,取得胜利

    Chris Douglas-Roberts led the Tigers with 28 points. Memphis coach John Calipari says his team made some mistakes, but it was able to take all UCLA could throw at it and still win.


  • 就像我们熟悉好玩约翰.贝鲁西小丑克里斯.法利的“”-----他们俩都他们成功而受苦。

    Often deployed by people eager to ingratiate themselves, it's the familiar clown or "fat guy" playfulness that we loved in John Belushi and Chris Farleyboth of whom suffered for their success.


  • 专业合唱团员马乔里·约翰斯顿和克里斯托弗·涅梅茨非常开心看到这些年轻人热爱合唱,而且掌握了合唱技巧。他们一直担心,合唱这种演唱形式可能正在消亡。

    It relieved professional chorister Christopher Nemec to see the young people bring dedication and skill to the chorus, an art form many have feared may be dying out.


  • 克里斯特尔指出,“informations”等复数形式被认为正确的,赛缪尔?约翰(Samuel Johnson)就曾经这么用过。

    Mr. Crystal points out that plural such as “informationswere once regarded as correct and were used by Samuel Johnson.


  • 克里斯·沃尔顿(Christy Walton),沃尔玛创始人山姆·沃尔顿其中一个儿子约翰·沃尔顿(John Walton)的遗孀约翰2005年因飞机失事丈夫那里继承了财产

    Christy walton-the widow of John Walton, a son of Wal-Mart founder Sam walton-inherited her husband's fortune after his death in a plane crash in 2005.


  • 控方通过分析被告宠物血液能够证明22岁的克里斯汀·约翰Chrisdian Johnson)案发时就在谋杀现场;狗受伤流的血同时约翰袭击现场都有发现

    Prosecutors were able to prove that Chrisdian Johnson, 22, was at the murder site by analysing his dog’s bloodfound both on him and at the attack site.


  • 克里斯·约翰只是有关的未来……除了之外看到了一些以前看到的……你必须马上离开这里

    Cris Johnson: Only my future... except with you. I saw far beyond anything I'd ever seen before. You need to get away from here.


  • 克里斯·约翰如果告诉永远坐在把舒服的椅子里吗?

    Cris Johnson: If I do what you want, you'll keep me in this chair forever.


  • 凯莉·弗瑞斯:认为目前紧张形势,足以允许我们使用一切手段资源得到克里斯·约翰

    Callie Ferris: I believe that the urgency of this situation compels the use of any and all resources to obtain Cris Johnson.


  • 基地一个猴的热点有几种栖息峡谷森林里包括棕色猴、地方性夜行狐猴(即小鼠狐猴与约翰克里斯羊毛狐猴。

    The tsingy region is a lemur hot spot: Several species inhabit the canyon forests, including the brown lemur and endemic nocturnal lemurs—the tiny mouse lemur and John Cleese's woolly lemur.


  • 本片配音演员有约翰·古德曼比利·克里斯史蒂夫•布西等,也是少数父母可以孩子共同享受乐趣儿童片之一。

    It features the voices of John Goodman, Billy Crystal and Steve Buscemi, and is the rare children's film that parents could actually enjoy along with their kids.


  • 乐队一支英国摇滚乐队,于1996年主唱克里斯·马丁主音吉他手约翰尼·巴克伦敦大学学院成立。

    Coldplay are a British rock band formed in 1996 by lead vocalist Chris Martin and lead guitarist Jonny Buckland at University College London.


  • 商业演讲费最高的学者,也就是迈克尔·波特克莱顿·克里斯滕森约翰·科特来自哈佛商学院。

    The three highest-paid business speakers from academia — Michael Porter, Clayton Christensen, and John Kotterall come from Harvard business School.


  • 1975年,演出明星们——格雷尔姆·查普曼约翰·克里斯、特里·吉列姆、埃里克·艾多尔、特里·琼斯迈克尔·柏林——古怪滑稽动作使其成为当时最受好评PBS系列节目。

    By 1975, the bizarre antics of the show's stars -- Graham Chapman, John Cleese, TerryGilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Michael Palin -- made it one of the best-rated PBS series of itstime.


  • 最近参加朋友克里斯蒂娜约翰婚礼都是23岁的年龄。

    I recently attended the wedding of my friends Christina and John, who are both 23.


  • 租税正义联盟约翰·克里斯滕森就“税收竞争”进行解释。

    John Christensen of the tax Justice Network takes issue with the term "tax competition".


  • 约翰父母婚礼买单婚后克里斯蒂娜在家待业约翰继续兼职。

    His parents helped to pay for the wedding. After the marriage Christina was unemployed and John was still working part time.


  • 塞缪尔·约翰编制克里斯托弗奥利弗·史密斯智能,由塞缪尔·约翰一般介绍,和一些智能金饰单个零件介绍

    It was compiled by Samuel Johnson, Christopher Smart and Oliver Goldsmith, with a general introduction written by Samuel Johnson, and some introductions to individual parts by Smart and Goldsmith.


  • 没有不可治愈疾病只有不可治愈的人们约翰克里斯朵夫医生

    "There is no incurable disease, only incurable people." - Dr. John Christopher.


  • 来自密苏里普林菲尔德安东尼·约翰当时正和一些孩子们一起宾馆泳池游泳其中包括弟弟克里斯托弗一位表亲,悲剧发生大约晚上9点半。

    Anthony Johnson, of Springfield, Missouri, was swimming in the hotel pool with a group of children including his little brother, Christopher, and a cousin at about 9:30pm when the incident occurred.


  • 莉兹不想克里斯·约翰:死亡早晚会降临的,只是现在还不到时候而已

    Liz: I don't want you to die. Cris Johnson: It happened. It just hasn't happened yet.


  • 后来又添写上,在受洗礼得到了“约翰·里斯托夫·弗里德里希

    And a short time after, when the child had been baptized, the names he had received were added, "John Christopher Frederick."


  • 后来又添写上,在受洗礼得到了“约翰·里斯托夫·弗里德里希

    And a short time after, when the child had been baptized, the names he had received were added, "John Christopher Frederick."


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