• 诺维茨基的这一居多也促使了洛杉矶快船队中锋克里斯的加盟。

    Nowitzki's commitment then triggered the participation of Los Angeles Clippers center Chris Kaman.


  • 克里斯巴斯兰,发表声明这些发现意味着去年冬天英国持续寒冷已经夺走了虽然不明数量肯定非常多的人的生命

    Krishnan Bhaskaran, who led the research, said the findings meant that the sustained cold experienced in the UK last winter must have claimed an unknown but significant number of lives.


  • 事发当天马克·欧文斯驾机艾弗森克里斯托弗以及巡防队员伦敦维勒一起公园里一个偏远地点

    On the day of the shooting, Everson said, Mark Owens flew him, along with Christopher and the scout, London Kawele, to a remote location within the park.


  • 克里斯托瓦尔拉斯萨斯主要医院外面穿着五彩外衣妇女们正排队医生,她们当中的大多数孕妇或是背着一个小孩

    OUTSIDE the main hospital in San Cristóbal de las Casas, women in traditional multicoloured garb queue up to see a doctor. Many are pregnant or carry infants on their backs.


  • 该机构克里斯·兰德里罗担心,经济不景气可能会导致公共开支削减

    Chris Callandrillo of Catholic Charities worries that the bad economy will lead to cuts in public spending.


  • 他们·戴珊克里斯·亨弗里斯的婚姻时间长久

    They are all longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage to Kris Humphries.


  • 着装原罪大多数家伙商店里的牛仔绣花衬衫当成一般避之不及时,克里斯·萨还没遇到一件不想来的呢。

    Style Sins: While most guys would treat embroidered cowboy shirts like diseased cattle at the department store and walk on by, Chris Sacca hasn't met one he didn't want to snuggle.


  • 英美矿业公司克里斯·强调世界矿业公司并未急迫地区开发深海

    But Chris Carlon of Anglo is emphatic that the world's mining industry is not yet eager to tackle the deep ocean.


  • 年前,与克里斯先生一样同为新保守派的罗伯特·危险国家》一书中承认美国人所作所为具有侵略性一面

    Two years ago, in "Dangerous Nation", Mr Kristol's fellow neoconservative, Robert Kagan, also acknowledged the aggressive side of American behaviour.


  • 年前,与克里斯先生一样同为新保守派的罗伯特•危险国家》一书中承认美国人所作所为具有侵略性一面

    Two years ago, inDangerous Nation”, Mr Kristol’s fellow neoconservative, Robert Kagan, also acknowledged the aggressive side of American behaviour.


  • 为了表示发电机计划的支持,麦克·克里斯将军曾这样的手下说道:“虽然认为贾基我们长远方案至关重要,可如果我们争取短期的,也就没有长远的。”

    In approving the generator proposal, General McChrystal told his staff: "While I think Kajaki is critical for a long-term solution, there ain't no long-term if we don't win short-term."


  • 英语第一次引用单词truffle是在1591年名为《迈斯特尔·克里斯托弗·绅士相术》的译文中。

    The first citation we have in English for the word truffle comes in a translation of a 1591 document entitled The geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan Gentleman.


  • 微软总裁克里斯波塞拉(ChrisCapossela)表示公司认为用户需要电脑软件,也需要基于网络服务

    Microsoft Corporate Vice President Chris Capossela says the company believes users want both software on their computers and Internet-based services.


  • 克里斯托弗3年前上任公司执行总裁,“公司就滚雪球一样,越滚越大。”

    “It's gone from a trickle to a stream to a raging river, ” says Christopher Carrington, who became the company's CEO three years ago.


  • 克里斯·名大学营销专家来自在线学校竞争成本的担忧改变大学

    Chris Cullen is a college marketing expert, he says competition from online schools, and concerns about costs, will change universities.


  • 普认为,克里斯人气之所以经久不衰是因为做了充分的研究计划

    The source of Christie's enduring popularity lies in her ample research and planning, according to Harkup.


  • 今晚纳姆还要接受另一个考验,那就是快船中锋克里斯·第五个NBA赛季得到18.613.8个篮板

    Andrew Bynum gets another test tonight when he goes against Clippers center Chris Kaman, who is averaging 18.6 points and 13.8 rebounds in his fifth NBA season.


  • 奥斯陆克里斯蒂安亚:挪威首都最大城市,位于该国东南部,奥斯陆峡湾(斯格拉克海峡一个海沟)上游处。

    The capital and largest city of Norway, in the southeast part of the country at the head of the Oslo Fjord, a deep inlet of the Skagerrak.


  • 时光剧组导演伍迪·艾伦他的电影克里斯汀·斯图尔特开着玩笑他们开幕典礼咖啡社会放映一起走上

    Good times: Director Woody Allen jokes with cast member Kristen Stewart on the red carpet as they arrive for the opening ceremony and the screening of the film Cafe Society.


  • 克里斯优点就是快速设置情景并且只需寥寥句话就引入新的人物,《华尔街日报》专栏作家凯瑟琳·哈评论道。

    One of Christie's virtues is her ability to set the scene swiftly and introduce characters using only a few short sentences, commented Kathryn Harkup, a columnist for the Wall Street Journal.


  • 克里斯蒂安桑:挪威南端城市,位于斯格拉克海峡沿岸、奥斯陆西南建立'4年,现一商业客运港口人口',834。

    A city of extreme southern Norway on the Skagerrak southwest of Oslo. Founded in '4, it is a commercial and passenger port. Population, ', 834.


  • 菲利·普拉斯金博士,内科学西南医学中心达拉斯克里斯托弗g帕金,硕士,梅尔印第安纳州

    Philip Raskin, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas; and Christopher G. Parkin, MS, Carmel, Indiana.


  • 克里斯戴珊一家接受了吗?“把他们全搞定了。”说道

    As how well received was Kris into the Kardashian family? 'he won them over for sure', said Kim afterwards.


  • 超人神话将于近日再次席卷各大影院,新片中,主演亨利维尔身穿蓝相间的紧身衣演绎新超人,新故事曾一手打造蝙蝠侠三部曲克里斯托弗诺兰大卫•S•高耶联手创作。

    The latest cinematic project of the Superman mythos features Henry Cavill in the red-and-blue tights, plus a story by the Batman trilogy's Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer.


  • 这几件事什么共同点吗?他们·戴珊克里斯·亨弗里斯的婚姻时间长久

    What do all of these things have in common? They are all longer than Kim Kardashian's marriage to Kris Humphries.


  • 克里斯,“大拇指反映所走这是一张精神报告。”

    Cris says the "toes are a reflection of the path you walka report card from spirit."


  • 20岁的时候,克里斯蒂娜享有了信用透支权。

    In her early twenties, Christina did have her share of credit card debt.


  • 三轮比赛93中平伊内罗单发决赛击败了美国罗德·金伯莉德国克里斯蒂娜·布林克尔

    Cainero defeated American Kimberly Rhode and German Christine Brinker in a shoot-off after the trio were tied for a total of 93 hits.


  • 微软总裁克里斯·波·塞拉(ChrisCapossela)表示公司认为用户需要电脑软件,也需要基于网络服务

    Microsoft Corporate vice President Chris Capossela says the company believes users want both software on their computers and Internet-based services.


  • 微软总裁克里斯·波·塞拉(ChrisCapossela)表示公司认为用户需要电脑软件,也需要基于网络服务

    Microsoft Corporate vice President Chris Capossela says the company believes users want both software on their computers and Internet-based services.


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