• 重量为百万分之一样品中提取有关行星宏观组成信息一个极为有趣的科学尝试实例

    Extracting information about the large-scale composition of a planet from a sample weighing a millionth of a gram was a fascinating example of scientific endeavour.


  • 1664年,观察到了行星表面一个微红斑点

    In 1664 Hooke observed a reddish spot on the surface of the planet.


  • 导演艾默里一个虚假的天文事件毁灭了地球(2012年不会出现行星的现象的),他还无中生有了从未观测到太阳系互动行为

    So Emmerich found a way to kill the Earth using a faux astronomical event (there is no planetary alignment in the year 2012) and by inventing a solar interaction that has never been observed.


  • 天文学家们希望借助这台格林·班射电望远镜的力量,为他们提供有关这些可能存在生命的行星的更多线索

    Astronomers hope that the Green Bank Telescope will provide information about the planets might be habitable.


  • 行星金钱伯南先生说利率几乎也许他们的,可能不是出于正确理由

    "Planet Money" says Mr Bernanke "pushed down interest rates" almost to zilch, and they're probably right, but maybe not for the right reason.


  • 这个行星三人组”最初望远镜双子星座望远镜2007和2008年分别拍摄发现

    The planetary trio was originally discovered in images taken with the Keck and Gemini North telescopes in 2007 and 2008.


  • ·图尔斯感觉收紧,除了面前行星燃烧景象,他已经意识不到任何东西

    Arcturus felt his stomach tighten and was aware of nothing but that image in front of him, the image of Korhal burning.


  • 十几年来,人类开始探测其他恒星周围行星探测太阳系以外行星过程中,望远镜具有不可估量的的价值。

    The Keck Observatory has been invaluable in detecting extrasolar planets, worlds around other stars that were long postulated but only detected in the last dozen years or so.


  • 根据自己研究福德预测其他行星包括木星土星海王星天王星应该类似的反质子带。

    Bickford's own research predicts that other planets, including Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, should have similar antiproton belts.


  • 据认为其原因尤卡坦半岛造成苏鲁伯陨石坑行星影响

    Thought to have been caused by asteroid impact that created Chicxulub crater in the Yucatan.


  • 行星为恐龙的灭绝“负责这一说法毕竟留下了苏鲁伯的陨石坑更多的证据。

    The asteroid charged with killing the dinosaurs, after all, left more than the Chicxulub crater as its calling card.


  • ·伯里认为行星撞击福波斯地表产生巨大岩石滚过陨石坑,就形成了这些痕。

    Duxbury thinks these grooves were created when an asteroid impact threw up large boulders that rolled from the crater.


  • 伴随着巨大光芒冲击波在行星漫延明显沉默也随之弥漫侦察甲板上

    On the Spy Deck, a palpable silence pervaded as pools of brilliant light began spreading across the surface of the already luminescent image of Korhal.


  • 首席科学家皮特··多表示,宇宙中可能有数以万亿计如地球这样的行星广泛存在矮星

    Lead researcher Pieter van Dokkum says there could be trillions of Earths orbiting the ubiquitous red dwarfs.


  • 围绕恒星费利旋转的第四行星

    It is the fourth planet in orbit around the star Felix.


  • 我们一个更好太阳系起源模型,说:”美国宇航局帕梅拉,“动态行星水星环境”的作者

    ], we'll have a much better solar system origin model," says NASA's Pamela Clark, author of "Dynamic Planet: Mercury in the Context of its Environment."


  • 位于夏威夷W·M·天文台(W. M. Keck Observatory)进行了11观测以后,终于发现行星

    The findings come from 11 years of observations at the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii.


  • 这种黑羽碎片的现象已经观察到了次了,次是苏梅-列维9彗星于1994年7月木星,另一次是去年夏天一个比较大的小行星于撞击这个行星

    That’s been observed twice before, when comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashed into Jupiter in July 1994, and when a large asteroid smacked the planet last summer.


  • 萨斯主行星出现《波·费特》青少年系列读物、《星球大战隆人战争电视游戏《星球大战:力释放》中。

    Raxus Prime is featured in both the Boba Fett young reader series of novels, the Star Wars: The Clone Wars console game, and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.


  • 数千年来采集器一直隐藏垃圾世界·萨斯主行星成堆星际残骸下。

    For thousands of years, the Force Harvester lay hidden beneath the piles of intergalactic debris on the garbage world of Raxus Prime.


  • 那次大灭绝闯入地球的一巨型行星造成的,形成了墨西哥苏鲁伯陨石坑。

    Thee extinction was caused by a massive asteroid slamming into Earth at Chicxulub in Mexico.


  • 但是博士这个理论可以行星直接拍照方法来证明。巨型太空望远镜来照相,比如哈勃或者马上就要发射詹姆士·韦伯(James Webb)。

    But Dr Kipping says it might be possible to confirm it by taking pictures of the planet directly, using a big space telescope like the Hubble, or the soon-to-be-launched James Webb.


  • 我们见到这个星系是自从大多行星爆发发生诞生的”小组成员牛津大学约瑟夫。斯说“大多数恒星已经形成了。”

    "We are seeing this galaxy after the major starburst has occurred," explained team member Joseph Silk of the University of Oxford. "the most massive stars are already gone."


  • 照片太空探测器伽利略行星2,400公里处拍摄,依与其卫星清晰可见。

    This image taken by the space probe Galileo at a distance of 2, 400 km captured IDA and its tiny companion, dactyl.


  • 赶往瑟卡珀斯四号行星参加会议途中莱娅坠机丛林星球

    En route to a conference on Circarpous IV, Luke and Leia crash-landed on the jungle planet Mimban.


  • 颗小卫星命名为太1号,直径1英里,马铃薯的小行星爱达则36英里14英里

    The tiny moon, named Dactyl, is about one mile across, while the potato shaped Ida measures about 36 miles long and 14 miles wide.


  • 宿星赢了,马尔·星际飞船撞碎,因此形成你们行星

    The Pleiades won, and Maldek was shattered by spacecraft thus becoming your asteroid belt.


  • 行星依达,右方的小白点为卫星图。

    This one is the asteroid ida. note its little moon satellite, dactyl , at the right.


  • 行星依达,右方的小白点为卫星图。

    This one is the asteroid ida. note its little moon satellite, dactyl , at the right.


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