• 卡斯特洛普克萨尔:西德一城市,位于明斯特西南偏南鲁尔一个商业工业中心人口7',428。

    A city of western Germany in the Ruhr Valley south-southwest of Münster. It is a commercial and industrial center. Population, 7', 428.


  • 今年萨尔斯堡(奥地利城市)这个250年前莫扎特诞生地一起,阿姆斯特丹完成了莫扎特的诞辰庆典。 在 普罗旺斯地区艾斯(法国城市名)这个塞尚(法国艺术家)1个世纪去世地方举办了属于他的庆典。

    This year, Amsterdam is competing with Salzburg, where Mozart was born 250 years ago, and Aix-en-Provence, where Cézanne died a century ago.


  • 这里一张照片中,毕加索让·考据说是斗牛在另一张照片中有萨尔瓦多·达利。

    Here, in one photograph, are Picasso and Jean Cocteau, reportedly at a bullfight, and in another picture, Salvador Dalí.


  • 奥拉基其他追随者包括胡德堡枪击者尼达尔。马里·哈桑圣诞节爆炸案犯阿卜杜勒·穆塔拉布时代广场恐怖案犯萨尔·哈扎德。

    Al-Awlaki's other followers include the Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan, the Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and the Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.


  • 基恩 布努诺波党 圣-萨尔印度洋法国海军指挥官说道飞机科摩罗海岸线以北15公里8海里)处坠落。

    Gen Bruno de Bourdoncle de Saint-Salvy, French naval commander in the indian Ocean, said the plane had come down about 15km (eight nautical miles) north of the Comoran coast.


  • 出发去印度时,知道个叫“人:舒如·汗,萨尔·汗米尔·汗,他们是我们这个时代宝莱坞出名明星

    Before I left for India, I got to know the three Khans—Shurukh, Salman, and Aamir—three of the most popular Bollywood Stars of our time.


  • 思拉肯萨尔-索洛威胁雷利亚星系脱离同盟时发现自己开始怀疑绝地忠诚

    When Thrackan Sal-Solo threatened to have the Corellian System secede from the Alliance, Luke found himself questioning the allegiance of the Jedi.


  • 萨尔金矿近年来舍勒大型锌多金属矿区外围发现一种新的金矿类型具有特殊矿化特征

    Saersoc gold deposit, a new type of deposit recently discovered in Ashele large scale Cu-Zn ore district surroundings, has special ore-forming characteristics.


  • 猫咪的主人安娜·埃斯波西托写信告诉美国波士顿萨·福马高级刑事法院只是误会陪审团专员回应名为萨尔虎斑猫3月23日必须出庭陪审。

    Anna Esposito wrote to Suffolk Superior Crown Court in Boston to explain that a mistake had been made, but a jury commissioner replied saying the cat, named Tabby Sal, "must attend" on March 23.


  • 对于韦伯··萨尔维来讲,生活空间质量及其所带来的生活开始来就发挥重要作用

    For Schenker Salvi Weber the quality of the living space and the kind of life offered played the main role from the very start.


  • 埃里·沙内甚写了最畅销康斯坦丁·布朗·库西,萨尔瓦多·达利,大卫·沃霍尔波普艺术伦敦印象派书籍

    Eric Shanes has also written best-selling books on Constantin Brancusi, Salvador Dali, David Hockney, Warhol and Pop Art and on the Impressionists in London.


  • 豌豆已经美国国家队集合,备战自己第一杯赛。他的第一场比赛将在周日于德·萨斯的阿灵顿,对手萨尔瓦多

    Chicharito has joined up with the Mexico squad in the USA to play in his first Gold Cup, which begins with a clash against El Salvador in Arlington, Texas on Sunday.


  • 那么应该一个这样萨尔沙鲁·机智比尔·卡普尔魅力身体

    Well, he should have a body like that of Salman Khan, the wit of Shahrukh Khan and the charm of Ranbir Kapoor.


  • 但对待爱慕者——约瑟夫·罗瓦萨尔男爵时,有些含情脉脉。拥有爵位男爵有着宽阔肩膀强壮体格漂亮的小胡子

    Housewife, who looked at the broad shoulders, strong build and fair moustaches of her titled admirer, Baron Joseph DE Croissard, with a certain amount of tenderness.


  • 世界基本上·萨尔维奇娱乐拉瑞·蒙龙担任制片,红鹰娱乐是一系列漫画的出版商。

    The Eye of the World movie will be produced in part by Rick Selvage and Larry Mondragon of Red Eagle Entertainment, the company that published graphic novel versions of the books.


  • 这些其他的人应该也能贝尔爱迪生萨尔一样轻易地为人们所接受。

    These men and others should be as easily recognized as Bell, Edison and Salk.


  • 萨尔镶嵌工艺水平质量尤其值得关注,几乎装饰每一个房间马赛,时至今日仍然是罗马世界的一朵瑰丽的奇葩。

    It is especially noteworthy for the richness and quality of the mosaics which decorate almost every room; they are the finest mosaics in situ anywhere in the Roman world.


  • 由于他们婚姻珍妮弗·罗佩慈和·安东尼诸多项目上进行了合作包括名为《传奇歌手》的电影,一部基于萨尔萨舞歌手托·拉沃的真实故事

    Since their marriage, Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony have collaborated on various projects, including a film called "El Cantante" a true story based on Puerto Rican Salsa singer Hector Lavoe.


  • 冰山反映附近纳尔·萨尔·苏阿位于格陵兰南部小镇Eriks峡湾海域于2009年7月26日

    Icebergs are reflected in the waters of Eriks Fjord near the town of Narsarsuaq in southern Greenland on July 26, 2009.


  • 冰山反映附近纳尔·萨尔·苏阿位于格陵兰南部小镇Eriks峡湾海域于2009年7月26日

    Icebergs are reflected in the waters of Eriks Fjord near the town of Narsarsuaq in southern Greenland on July 26, 2009.


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