• 那么作为切萨能源公司投资人又有什么辄儿?

    So what's a Chesapeake Energy investor to do?


  • 切萨皮能源公司连同附属公司美国生产天然气公司

    Chesapeake Energy Corporation, together with its subsidiaries, produces natural gas in the United States.


  • 莫赞能源公司津巴布韦最大电力供应商则会切断电力供应,除非欠款被清偿。

    Mozambique's energy company, a big supplier of Zimbabwe's electricity, may switch off power unless it gets paid.


  • 今年,切萨能源公司员工打算这个季初播种而且他们已经种了洋葱、豌豆土豆

    This year, at Chesapeake Energy, staffers will begin to plant earlier in the season, and they have already planted Onions, peas and potatoes.


  • 4月下旬切萨皮能源公司宾州一个天然气外溢,致使有毒液体流入附近小河,该公司的破裂法采气被叫停。

    In late April a big company, Chesapeake Energy, suspended its fracking in Pennsylvania after one of its natural-gas Wells blew out and spilled toxic drilling fluid into a nearby creek.


  • 这个消息足以切萨皮能源公司Chesapeake Energy股价每股推高了0.14%,把乌尔塔石油公司股价推高了0.68%。

    That was enough to move the price of a share of Chesapeake Energy (CHK, news, MSGS) up 0.14% and shares of Ultra Petroleum (UPL, news, MSGS) up 0.68%.


  • 美孚切萨能源公司(Chesapeake Energy)等天然气供应商当然因为更多的天然气需求而获益,随着供应量增加利润率可能会有所下降

    Natural gas producers like Exxon and Chesapeake Energy will of course benefit from higher demand for the fuel, but profits might be held down with increased supply.


  • 公司得到美国能源部许可,橡树国家实验室使用雷 XT-5超级计算机捷豹进行模拟实验

    The company won a grant from America's Department of Energy to run simulations on Jaguar, a Cray XT-5 supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.


  • 威廉建立了自己能源公司·斯波(Oxbow),自己的身心转向游艇;为了赢得1992年美国耗费了六千五百万美元

    William founded his own energy company, Oxbow, and turned to yachting; he spent an estimated sixty-five million dollars to win the America's Cup, in 1992.


  • tivetshall的居民组成行动小组反对德国能源公司Enertrag递交的方案——他们村庄外围建造3个493英尺涡轮机

    In Tivetshall in Norfolk, residents have formed an action group to fight plans - submitted by German energy company Enertrag - for three, 493-ft tall turbines outside their village.


  • 不过这家公司通过出售资产获得的现金数量高过了分析员预计,意味着切萨皮克能源[Chesapeake Energy]只需出售少量资产即可。

    But the company raised more cash from selling off assets than analysts had expected, which meant that Chesapeake had to sell off fewer of them.


  • 能源咨询公司吉姆·哈德表示,经合组织石油需求2005年达高点,随着价格攀升,其需求一直在减少。

    Jim Burkhard of IHS Cera, a consultancy, notes that OECD oil demand peaked in 2005 and has been slipping since in response to the upward march of prices.


  • 要求·西尔能源公司关掉这个地区四个燃煤发电机组,把个燃煤机组更换燃气机组,并新建一个燃气发电厂,符合联邦清洁能源标准

    It calls for Xcel Energy to close four coal-fired units in the region, switch another to natural gas and build a gas-fired plant to help meet federal clean-air standards.


  • 相反第二季度诸如切萨皮能源[Chesapeake Energy]这样的公司利用产量超过华尔街对他收益预期

    In the second quarter, companies such as Chesapeake Energy (CHK, news, MSGS) have instead used higher production to beat Wall Street's earnings projections.


  • ·采尼,Halliburton(美国能源服务公司)前任总裁,确信只有那些来自能源产业伙伴才是可信任依赖的人。

    Dick Cheney, a former boss of Halliburton, an oil-and-gas company, made sure his secretive energy task-force relied heavily on his buddies from the energy industry.


  • 挪威太阳能模块生产商再生能源公司Renewable Energy Corp)股价下跌3.5%,至21.34,此前该公司公布第三季度亏损8.96亿朗(约合1.52亿美元)。

    Renewable Energy Corp. ASA, the Norwegian producer of solar-energy components, declined 3.5 percent to 21.34 kroner after reporting a third-quarter net loss of 896 million kroner ($152 million).


  • Conste - Live Energy公司经营着西班牙巴塞罗那郊区小镇桑塔罗玛墓地同时也经营能源业务

    Conste-Live Energy runs the cemetery in Santa Coloma DE Gramenet, a Barcelona, Spain, suburb. It is also in the New Energy business.


  • 能源系统公司主要投资者目前已经抛售百分之八十的股票

    Kleen Energy Systems is owned principally by Energy Investors Funds, which recently acquired an 80 percent share.


  • 讲英语的人看到KOC或者阿塞里这样企业名字可能会但是土耳其跨国企业,比如说恩卡建设、土耳其移动通信、卡特科能源公司以及KOC公司迅速成长

    English-speakers may laugh at firms with names such as Koc and Arcelik, but Turkish multinationals like Enka construction, Turkcell, Calik Holding and, yes, Koc are growing fast.


  • 上周亚特兰蒂斯资源有限公司成功地世界最大潮汐涡轮机ak1000部署位于苏格兰奥尼的欧洲海洋能源中心35深的水中

    Last week, the Atlantis Resources Corporation successfully deployed the world's largest tidal turbine, the AK1000, in 35 meters of water at the European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney, Scotland.


  • 三井—巴布考能源有限公司(MBEL)研制生产涡流燃烧器在同类产品中具有一定的优势

    Axial flow whirlpool burner, developed by the MitSui Babcock Energy Ltc (MBEL), is generally superior to other burners.


  • 美国剑桥能源咨询公司(IHSCera)北京主管风表示,中国战略储备的影响特别显著因为去年调用了一部分储备

    According to K. F. Yan, director of IHS Cera in Beijing, the stockpiling will be particularly pronounced because reserves were run down last year.


  • 不久后,英国上市的传统石油公司土耳其吉乃尔能源公司宣布合并组建 HeritaGE集团两家公司都是斯石油油田项目中的合伙人。

    Soon afterwards, UK-listed Heritage Oil and Turkey's Genel Enerji – Addax's partners in the Taq Taq field – announced a merger to create the combined group HeritaGE.


  • 不久后,英国上市的传统石油公司土耳其吉乃尔能源公司宣布合并组建 HeritaGE集团两家公司都是斯石油油田项目中的合伙人。

    Soon afterwards, UK-listed Heritage Oil and Turkey's Genel Enerji – Addax's partners in the Taq Taq field – announced a merger to create the combined group HeritaGE.


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