• 索尔研究所使用建材包括混凝土柚木玻璃钢材

    The materials that make up the Salk Institute consist of concrete, teak, lead, glass, and steel.


  • 索尔研究所实验室内继续基因治疗癌症遗传学炎症的研究工作。

    He will continue to run his Salk Institute lab where he studies gene therapy, cancer genetics, and inflammation.


  • 加州la Jolla索尔研究所EdCallaway使用狂犬病病毒来做这个实验。

    Ed Callaway at the Salk Institute in la Jolla, California, does so using rabies viruses.


  • 个拉霍亚的索尔研究所小组采用了一种折衷的方法对其进行了研究小鼠人类肝脏

    A group out of la Jolla's Salk Institute has worked around that problem with a compromise-a mouse with a human liver.


  • 弗朗西斯。研究所研究团队表示,这不是因为喝酒后无法约束自己而是产生了一种神经元反应

    Rather than loss of restraint, it is a neuronal response, the Francis Crick Institute team says.


  • 然而·普朗研究所气象学家·诺茨《美国国家科学院学报》撰文,说北极冰盖稳定的。

    But in the Arctic, another feedback may stabilize the ice, wrote Max Planck Institute meteorologist Dirk Notz in PNAS.


  • 至少来自加州拉荷亚(LaJolla研究所的王磊(音译)所作尝试背后的想法:扩展氨基酸种类。

    That, at least, is the thinking behind the attempt by Lei Wang, of the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, to extend the amino-acid parts set.


  • 索尔研究所胡安·卡洛斯·伊斯皮苏亚·贝尔蒙特(Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte)一直考虑的是再生问题,就是某些动物比如蜥蜴可以失去尾巴肢体再生现象

    But at the Salk Institute, Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte had been contemplating regeneration, the phenomenon in which certain animals, like lizards and fish, can regenerate lost tails or limbs.


  • 约翰·霍普金斯大学麦库西·内森遗传医学研究所注册营养师安吉拉·皮皮托内说:“典型美国人饮食蛋白质的含量我们想象的要。”

    "The typical American diet is a lot higher in protein than a lot of us think," says registered dietitian Angela Pipitone with Johns Hopkins McKusick Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine.


  • 存在巴黎研究所1.5库存大概1930年进行实验的成功作出决定性贡献

    The existence in Paris at the Radium Institute of a stock of 1.5 grams of radium made a decisive contribution to the success of the experiments undertaken in the years around 1930.


  • 1924年12月弗雷德里·约里奥参观研究所,在那里遇见了玛丽·居里

    In December 1924, Frederic Joliot visited the Institute where he met Marie Curie.


  • 萨斯农工大学交通研究所的研究工程师凯文·鲍说,虽然智能交通灯对一些城市特别有帮助,但有些城市太拥挤了,只有大幅减少道路上的汽车数量才能有效改变拥堵的局面。

    Kevin Balke, a research engineer at the Texas A&M University Transportation Institute, says that while smart lights can be particularly beneficial for some cities, others are so jammed that only a sharp reduction in the number of cars on the road will make a meaningful difference.


  • 普瓦捷大学古灵长目动物古人类研究所主任帕特里.维格诺德告诉BBC新闻这些猫科动物和现在的狮子差不多大小

    Patrick Vignaud, director of Poitier University's Institute of Palaeo-primatology and Human Palaeontology, told BBC News the cats were about the same size as modern lions.


  • 科瑞。斯卡胡佛研究所研究员美国西点军校副教授

    Kori Schake is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and an associate professor at the United States Military Academy at West Point.


  • 核工业事故发生几率是最低美国核能研究所对外发言人史蒂夫·

    S. nuclear plants during that time, and nuclear power has one of the lowest industrial accident rates in the country, said nuclear Energy Institute spokesman Steve Kerekes.


  • 莫斯科“美国加拿大研究所”研究员雷门约战略武器裁减条约进展将可以导致其他议题进一步合作

    Progress on START could lead to closer cooperation on other issuessays Viktor Kremenyuk, of Moscow's USA-Canada Institute.


  • 医学博士埃瑞·彼得森说。他临床研究所心血管研究部主任

    Even if the doctor gets distracted, things are less likely to fall through the cracks, "explains Eric Peterson, MD, director of cardiovascular research at Duke Clinical research Institute."


  • 英国剑桥附近桑格研究所朱利安·帕希尔(JulianParkhill)观点认为,微生物学家应该研究焦点有机体转移系统上

    In the view of Julian Parkhill, of the Sanger Institute, near Cambridge, England, bacteriologists need to shift the focus of their investigations from organisms to systems.


  • 但是保守派美国企业研究所(American Enterprise Institut)亚当·莱瑞(AdamLerrick)认为世行借款中获得“利润”是虚构的。

    But Adam Lerrick of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think-tank, calls the bank's "profit" from lending a fiction.


  • 甚至研究所主任物理学家尼尔·图罗(NeilTurok)也认为,地方,聚集了很多杰出思想仅是个要素,运气仍然一个因素

    Even the institute's director, physicist Neil Turok, admitted that assembling brilliant minds in one place is just one element; luck is still a factor.


  • 罗伯特•欧斯曼,指压按摩师,密苏里州乔普林市睡眠生命研究所所长

    Robert Oexman, chiropractor and director of the Sleep to Live Institute in Joplin, Missouri.


  • 技术进步我们运用光束,对单个细胞或者一类细胞活动进行操控。”索尔生物研究所(Salk InstituteforBiologicalStudies)的泰伦斯•谢诺沃·斯基(TerrenceSejnowski)写道

    "The advances allow us to manipulate the activities of individual cells and cell types using beams of light," writes Terrence Sejnowski of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.


  • 纽约经济周期研究所(Economic CycleResearch Institute)舒曼·阿楚森(LakshmanAchuthan)销售即使稍有下滑,影响也是不小的。

    Lakshman Achuthan of the New York-based Economic Cycle Research Institute says even a slight drop in sales has consequences.


  • 肯尼博士开始伦敦盖伊医院进行研究现在佛罗里达普斯研究所工作。研究中老鼠分成,研究结果很快将美国发表

    Dr Kenny, who began his research at Guy's Hospital, London, but now works at Florida's Scripps research Institute, divided rats into three groups for his research, due to be published in teh US soon.


  • 好的我们来听听来自老年健康研究所汤姆·伍德教授是怎么说

    Right, let's hear from Professor Tom Kirkwood from the Institute of Ageing and Health.


  • 来自英国大学巴西国家空间研究所研究人员这份调查报告,依据的是卫星收集的有关森林砍伐和森林火灾数据

    The researchers - from the University of Exeter, UK, and Brazil's National Institute for Space research - based their findings on satellite-derived data on deforestation and forest fires.


  • 雅库茨永久冻土研究所研究员.沙特斯,“永久冻土带地球陆地面积15%,而占俄国国土面积的65%。

    Permafrost covers 15 per cent of the earth's land mass, and 65 per cent of Russia's, says Mark Shats, a researcher at Yakutsk's Permafrost Institute.


  • 波士顿智库- - -先锋研究所吉姆斯得吉尔斯高兴看到有越来越多的特许学校建立,同时,他也担心帕特里先生计划不能长远

    Jim Stergios of The Pioneer Institute, a Boston-based think-tank, is happy to see more charter schools, but worries Mr Patrick's proposals do not go far enough.


  • 美国地质研究所姆波利·耶斯海平面上升沉淀物搅珊瑚苦难当头。

    Corals may also have trouble coping as sea level rises and stirs up sediments, said Kimberley Yates of the U.S. Geological Survey.


  • 美国地质研究所姆波利·耶斯海平面上升沉淀物搅珊瑚苦难当头。

    Corals may also have trouble coping as sea level rises and stirs up sediments, said Kimberley Yates of the U.S. Geological Survey.


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