• 森林大学获得了本科学士学位

    He has an undergraduate degree from Wake Forest University.


  • 来自北卡罗来纳州森林大学的汤尼亚泰拉博士引领这项突破性进展。

    Dr Tony Atala, from Wake Forest University, North Carolina, is pioneering this breakthrough.


  • 经过站点多时候也许是克森林大学唯一可以与共公交通有接触的时候。

    It can take you around campus if you call them or catch them at one of the designated pick-up areas.


  • 不是唯一通往大脑瘙痒神经通路,威森林大学Yosipovitch教授强调说。

    This isn't the only itch pathway to the brain, stressed Wake Forest's Yosipovitch.


  • 新郎亨利·海格森林大学毕业生,现正在维吉尼亚大学攻读工商管理硕士

    The groom, Henry Hager, is a graduate of Wake Forest University and is studying for a Masters in business at the University of Virginia.


  • 森林大学创业项目负责人StanMandel指出,对于商业新手来说,往往不是那样

    For newbie business owners, however, that's often not the case, says Stan Mandel, the head of Wake Forest University's entrepreneurship program.


  • “并不是所有脂肪一样”,维克森林大学医学院病理学博士Carol Shively说道

    Not all fat is the same. “It behaves differentlyin different places,” says Carol Shively, PhD, a pathology professor at WakeForest School of Medicine.


  • 这项研究得到国家血液研究所以及森林大学浸信会医学中心全科医学研究中心资助。

    The study was funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, as well as the General Clinical Research Center of Wake Forest Baptist.


  • 美国森林大学西蒙教授还说,造成这种结果原因在于:除了另一半年轻男性很少其他倾诉对象。

    Professor Simon, of Wake Forest University in the U.S., said the findings could be down to the fact that young men often have few people in whom they confide - apart from their romantic partner.


  • 美国森林大学西蒙教授还说,造成这种结果原因在于除了另一半年轻男性很少其他倾诉对象。

    Professor Simon, of Wake Forest University in the U. S., said the findings could be down to the fact that young men often have few people in whom they confide - apart from their romantic partner.


  • 不得不处理媒体一些森林大学发挥行政协调会,同样方式一个令人兴奋现在

    I had to deal with the media and some of that at Wake Forest and playing in the ACC, but in the same way, it's a lot more exciting doing it now.


  • 十月号,威森林大学位于北卡罗来纳州的浸会医学中心的一位外科移植医生兼研究员RobertStratta如此说道。

    Thus spoke Robert Stratta, a transplant surgeon and researcher at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Centre, in North Carolina, on October 1st.


  • 这项研究中,森林大学南加州大学(ubc)的科学家们训练了大鼠学习任务按下一个的杠杆获取

    In the study, scientists at Wake Forest University and the University of Southern California trained rats to learn a task, pressing one lever after another to receive water.


  • 年前,威森林大学生物化学家崔政正在进行常规试验:他给试验注射一种攻击性很强癌细胞致死率100%。

    Seven years ago, biochemist Zheng Cui of Wake Forest University was conducting a routine experiment, injecting test mice with a strain of cancer cells so aggressive it caused a 100 percent death rate.


  • 并非这么做,森林大学猴子成对地被关房子里,只是进食时才被分开,因为只有这样研究者才能监测猴子的进食。

    Not all labs do.At Wake Forest University, the monkeys are housed in pairs and separated only at meal times so that researchers can monitor what each monkey eats.


  • 并非这么森林大学猴子成对地被关在房子里,只是进食才被分开,因为只有这样研究者才能监测猴子的进食。

    Not all labs do. At Wake Forest University, the monkeys are housed in pairs and separated only at meal times so that researchers can monitor what each monkey eats.


  • 令人兴奋,”北卡罗来纳州森林大学浸信医学中心著名瘙痒专家GilYosipovitch教授,“这次综合性研究开辟领域。”

    "It's exciting," said well-known itch specialist Dr. Gil Yosipovitch of North Carolina's Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, who wasn't involved in the new research.


  • 迪士尼研究课程许多粉丝”而言可算是一个美梦成真的机会,森林大学设置门课却别用意——让学生们能更轻松地融入大学生活。

    Studying Disney is probably a dream-come-true for many fanatics19, but Wake Forest USES the class for something special-easing students into college.


  • 来自北卡罗莱纳州森林大学Wake Forest University)的研究小组对怒愤的蚂蚁先围聚然后吞噬敌人的行为进行了研究。

    The teamfrom Wake Forest University in North Carolina – has studied angry ant swarms, which converge on an enemy and then overwhelm it.


  • 上述建议根据的,它建立在医学博士伊山·研究基础上。伊·哈是维森林大学助理教授,其研究成果于今年310发布网上

    This suggestion is based on the results from a study by Ihtsham Haq, M.D., an assistant professor of neurology at Wake Forest University, and published online March 10 in NeuroImage.


  • 当Sink在森林大学同事发现药物可以保护大鼠免受辐射造成损伤决定研究中枢作用的血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂类药物痴呆症风险的影响。

    Sink decided to investigate the effect of centrally acting ACE inhibitors on dementia risk after her Wake Forest colleagues found the drugs protected rats from brain injury due to radiation.


  • 例如《商业周刊》的排名中,维克森林大学(Wake Forest University)商学院排在第11位,但《美国新闻世界报道》第34位

    While Wake Forest University's business school is ranked No. 11 by BusinessWeek, for example, U. S. News puts it at No. 34. And while u.


  • 利用皮肤细胞作为油墨”,身体做“”,北卡罗来纳州温斯顿-萨勒姆,威森林大学医学院詹姆士·(James Yoo),已经设计了一个可以研究烧伤的“打印机”。

    Using skin cells as ink and a human body as paper, James Yoo of Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has designed a printer that can analyze a burn.


  • 森林大学(Wake Forest University)经济学罗伯特·霍普里斯(robertWhaples)2007年这种说法进行了检验,方式是查看一系列便利店的价格。

    But Robert Whaples, an economist at Wake Forest University, actually examined this claim in 2007 by looking at pricing data from a chain of convenience stores.


  • 森林大学医学院(Wake Forest UniversitySchool of Medicine)的研究人员检测了海马体神经元。 海马体是大脑里记忆编码储存相关区域

    Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine examined nerve cells in the hippocampus, a region of the brain associated with memory coding and storing.


  • 这些结果令人惊诧,因为我们指望随着森林砍伐减少减少火灾发生。”来自塞特大学报告合著者路易斯·阿拉

    "The results were a surprise because we expected that fires would have decreased with the decrease of deforestation," said co-author Luiz Aragao from the University of Exeter.


  • 来自英国大学巴西国家空间研究所研究人员这份调查报告,依据的是卫星收集的有关森林砍伐森林火灾数据

    The researchers - from the University of Exeter, UK, and Brazil's National Institute for Space research - based their findings on satellite-derived data on deforestation and forest fires.


  • 英国塞特大学国际研究团队发现其实2009年,对抗森林砍伐努力已经取得了一些成功

    The fight against deforestation has actually seen some success in 2009, according to an international research team led by the University of Exeter in Britain.


  • 英国塞特大学国际研究团队发现其实2009年,对抗森林砍伐努力已经取得了一些成功

    The fight against deforestation has actually seen some success in 2009, according to an international research team led by the University of Exeter in Britain.


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