• 安德烈亚地下室米哈尔妻子两个孩子共用洗衣房单人浴室

    Andrea, Rick and Zack stayed in the basement department, sharing laundry and single bathroom with Michal, his wife and their two children.


  • 2016年,加拿大的英属哥伦比亚大学的博士生菲利斯·博发现,仅在温哥华,人们每天就会扔掉大约10万双筷子。

    In 2016, Felix Bock, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone.


  • 架飞机当时钻石主要生产地雅库茨机场飞往西伯利亚拉斯诺亚尔斯

    The plane was traveling from Yakutsk Airport in a major diamond producing region to the city Krasnoyarsk in Siberia.


  • 这个不确定背景显示了塞西莉亚·波如何受到法国印象派画家的影响的,他们和波一样赞同个人非传统方法处理主题对象。

    The undefined background also shows how Cecilia Beaux was influenced by the French Impressionists, who believed, like Beaux, in a personal rather than conventional approach to their subject matter.


  • 塞西莉亚·出生于1854年,学习绘画师从当时几位重要艺术家后,博成为美国最佳肖像画家之一

    Cecilia Beaux was born in 1854, and after learning to paint and studying with several important artists of the time, Beaux became known as one of the best portrait painters in the United States.


  • 曼以及新闻集团的总裁伯特-默多维亚康姆集团总裁汤姆-佛莱斯顿大驾光临。默多和佛莱斯顿的妻子皆为专业素食主义者。

    CEO Rupert Murdoch and former Viacom (VIA) CEO Tom Freston, who both have pro-vegan wives.


  • 第五集——·维斯矛头洛·维斯石矛头,距今约一万三千以上,出土于美国亚利桑利州

    Clovis point (made over 13, 000 years ago). Stone spearhead found in Arizona.


  • 其中之一苏格兰北部西伯利亚人分享部分祖先可能是现代尼郡祖先曾去亚洲北极圈冒险

    One is that the people of the Orkney Islands, to the north of Scotland, share some ancestry with Siberians, possibly because some ancestors of modern Orcadians ventured to Asia via the Arctic Circle.


  • 而托尼·布莱尔为了1997年大选而特地澳大利亚默多拜见默多获得支持

    Tony Blair famously flew to Australia to get on his knees to Murdoch in order to gain his support before the 1997 election.


  • 默多22岁时,老默多去世了这迫使小默多正在留学英国牛津大学回到澳大利亚继承家业。

    When Murdoch was 22, his father died, prompting the son to return to Australia from the U.K. (where he had been studying at Oxford University) and take over the family business.


  • 市场学专家——一位是波士顿大学亨里.哈格维,另一位是豪斯顿大学的范尼撒.——的研究给了项目很大的启发。 当该项目进行时,他们乔治亚大学。

    The study was inspired by the work of marketing experts Henrik Hagtvedt of Boston College and Vanessa Patrick of University of Houston; both of whom were at the University of Georgia during the study.


  • 鄂木斯火车上,埃米尔告诫特亚不该显示出太多同情

    On the train back to Omsk, Emil admonished Kostya for showing too much sympathy.


  • 1984年冬天斯特亚获得鄂木斯中量级冠军

    By the winter of 1984, Kostya was the middleweight champion of Omsk.


  • 这个星期播出哥伦比亚广播公司新闻主播凯蒂·库里采访节目引起了人们的注意因为佩林州长似乎对库里提的几个问题回答不上来

    An interview that aired this week with CBS television news anchor Katie Couric has attracted a lot of attention because of a couple of questions Governor Palin seemed unable to answer.


  • 沃里沃尼博物馆最近举办了名为戴安娜亚克托安-致命诱惑展览。 同样也是采用“凝望有时是可怕的,所以非礼勿视”主题

    There's harm in looking, then - which is the subject of the exhibition opening today at Compton Verney in Warwickshire, called Fatal Attraction: Diana and Actaeon - the Forbidden Gaze.


  • 即使莫纳亚山,也必须地球大气层的折射,地面望远镜最大的敌人

    Even on Mauna Kea, Keck has to deal with the distortion caused by Earth's gaseous atmosphere, which is the greatest enemy to ground-based telescopes.


  • 亚亚图雷比赛中发挥的异常出色自信第52分钟利用失误打进一球。 正是此球将曼城带入了足总杯决赛,也是在温布利,对手将在博尔斯托之间产生

    Yaya Toure demonstrated power and poise to take advantage of Michael Carrick's mistake to score after 52 minutes and set up another Wembley date against either Bolton Wanderers or Stoke City in May.


  • 根据加州大学分校教授约翰·库比亚托维兹所说,下载电子书阅览器的阅览器相比,差距仅有1微微微就是10-18 (十的负十八次方)。

    According to John Kubiatowicz, from the University of California, Berkeley, the difference between an empty e-reader and a full one is just one attogram, or 10-18 of a gram.


  • 《变形记》中,作者把亚克托安划入了让人匪夷所思的一章章主要描写对象亚克托安狗群。它们各自自己名字而且有自己明显的特征。

    In the Metamorphoses, the account of Actaeon's death revolves around the virtuosic catalogue of his dogs, in which each member of the pack is named and briefly characterised.


  • 曾经做过的任何错事(比如说制造亚克•阿兹台),就你弄到他们最好的毯子上的污渍一样烦扰著他们

    And every wrong thing you've ever done (like, say, making the Pontiac Aztek,) nags at them like a stain you put on their best rug.


  • 国王,乌鲁南美索不达米亚的一个城市通过寻找通往天国阶梯神的住所”来寻求不朽

    He was the king of Uruk, a city in southern Mesopotamia, who sought immortality by searching for the "Stairway to Heaven and the abode of the Gods."


  • 难道银箭亚弗里,火矛亚弗里,旋刀亚弗里

    You might be Affric Silver-Arrow, Affric Flame-Spear, Affric Spinning-Dagger.


  • Yuan她的同事利用夏威夷莫纳·亚山上的ii号望远镜那个星系几个不同地点金属丰度进行了测量

    Yuan and colleagues used the giant Keck ii telescope atop Mauna Kea in Hawaii to measure the galaxy's metallicity at several different points.


  • 2008年,澳大利亚矿业公司新西兰不远马德群岛群岛附近水下1250地方,申请处采矿

    One is Neptune Minerals, an Australian-based company that applied for a mining licence in 2008 for two deposits in about 1, 250 metres of water near the Kermadec islands off New Zealand.


  • 据哥伦比亚广播电视台报导,2004年8月22日,一伙持枪蒙面歹徒冲挪威奥斯陆博物馆光天化日之下偷走了爱德华·的名作《呐喊《圣母》。

    On Aug. 22, 2004, masked gunmen entered the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway, and stole two Edvard Munch masterpieces, "The Scream" and "Madonna, " in broad daylight, as reported by CBSNews.


  • 接下来谈谈的共和制象征意义2008年初,陆正式澳大利亚土著居民道歉(注4)。

    Then there is the symbolic Kevin Rudd, who formally apologised to Australia’s indigenous people in early 2008.


  • 摄影导演•凡他的团队一起创造了他们自己的秋天

    Director of photography4 Alex Funke and crew created their own autumn!


  • 原计划了十二之后,斯特亚火车鄂木斯来到莫斯科,只是现在目的地不是奥运村而是一家旅行社。

    Twelve years later than planned, Kostya rode the train from Omsk to Moscow—only now his destination was not the Olympic Village but a travel agency.


  • 原计划了十二之后,斯特亚火车鄂木斯来到莫斯科,只是现在目的地不是奥运村而是一家旅行社。

    Twelve years later than planned, Kostya rode the train from Omsk to Moscow—only now his destination was not the Olympic Village but a travel agency.


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