• 借着这些窗户呈现的光线色彩建筑师营造了天境般的氛围,同时也兼顾了结构上的完整性

    With the added light and color provided by these windows, the architects created an ethereal ambience without compromising structural integrity.


  • 各个光源颜色均相同不同光线怪异质感营造氛围正好拉斯维加斯的完美写照

    Each source of light is a different color, and the bizarre quality of the different lights sets a perfect mood for a picture of Las Vegas.


  • 捕捉自然情境下水滴要求懂得适当曝光设置,了解如何利用环境光线营造有趣的构图

    To capture droplets in a natural setting requires an understanding of the correct exposure Settings and how to use your surroundings and light to create something compositionally interesting.


  • 这种光线能够营造这么一个画面:既能好的反映表达的东西——特兰西瓦尼亚的乡村多么美丽,还能成为成为一道桥梁,连结起我感受到兴奋

    The light enabled me to create an image that reflected what I wanted to sayhow beautiful Transylvanian countryside is, as well as to communicate the excitement which I felt.


  • 光线看起来像是天花板墙上发出来的,营造一种低调和谐气氛

    Light appears to emerge from the ceiling or walls to create an unobtrusive and harmonious atmosphere.


  • 中心的内部,成排的木书架墙壁桌子营造温暖和充满光线环境

    Inside the centre, timber-lined bookshelves, walls and desks contribute to a warm and light-filled setting.


  • 为了达到舒适氛围装饰功能完美组合效果,曲折光线布满各种装饰物的房间可以营造一种精致和谐气氛

    Enabling the perfect combination of pleasant ambience and decorative functionality, indirect cove lighting can provide a sophisticated, harmonious room atmosphere in a wide variety of Settings.


  • 雅致的装修光线柔和灯饰营造温馨舒适氛围

    Elegant fixtures and gentle lights, setting off a warm and comfortable atmosphere.


  • 透明玻璃墙白天下屡屡自然光线晚上这里变成发光盒子营造特别视觉体验

    The transparent glass walls allow natural light to filter through during the day and transform the building into a glowing box at night, providing a special visual experience.


  • 这个设计结果就是营造宽敞空间自然光线进入丝毫不受阻碍。有意定向贯穿房间创造了一个可以产生一个有活力生存空间的光明

    The results are a feeling of spaciousness and unhindered flow of natural daylight, intentionally directed through the house to create a luminosity that produces a dynamic living space.


  • 由于刀具自身重量增加刀具时它会向后倾斜,减少刀具时向前倾斜,这样就营造不同强度露出来的光线

    The weight of each knife allows the unit to rock back if in and to rock forth if removed thus creating different intensities of light from the under side.


  • 庭院小径上,便可欣赏到一处处光线照射营造那种特殊的氛围,这种美胜过白昼见到景象并且也改变着建筑艺术

    Wlaking on the path of the yard, we see dots of light setting off the wonderful artificial sights excelling nature, and the changing architectural arts as well.


  • 相反,更喜欢选择那些知道如何使用通风系统过滤后光线引入室内利用太阳能营造完美空间氛围的酒店

    I prefer those hotels that know how to use the ventilation, and to filter the Sun light into the inside space bouncing off the walls and illuminating elegantly the space with the Sun energy.


  • 地面领域半透明玻璃铺装照明晚上光线路径过滤日光营造下面空白处漫射

    Areas of the ground will be of translucent glass paving, lighting a path in the evening light and filtering daylight, and creating a soft diffused light for the space below.


  • 走廊尽头氛围迷宫一般蓝色几何光束营造。 光束漂浮于天空中,打造仅仅光线构成的拱形建筑物。

    The parcours finishing atmosphere is constituted by a maze of blue coloured geometric flashes apparently floating in the sky and creating a groined vault, built just out of light.


  • 同时作为室内照明设备取代以往卤素单一选择LED灯照明光线集中明亮室内营造气氛绝佳利器

    At the same time also can be used as indoor lighting equipment, replacing the former halogen lamp single choice, LED lighting concentrated light and bright, is the perfect tool for indoor atmosphere.


  • 同时作为室内照明设备取代以往卤素单一选择LED灯照明光线集中明亮室内营造气氛绝佳利器

    At the same time also can be used as indoor lighting equipment, replacing the former halogen lamp single choice, LED lighting concentrated light and bright, is the perfect tool for indoor atmosphere.


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