• 大约年前光电效率(光能转换电能的转换率)只有10%,现在已经达到40%。

    A little over a decade ago, the best photovoltaic efficiency, or sunlight conversion into electricity, was 10 percent, and now it can reach 40 percent.


  • 本发明染料化合物适用于染料太阳能电池同时增加染料敏化太阳能电池的光电效率

    The dye compound can be suitable for a dye sensitization solar battery and can also increase the photoelectric efficiency of the dye sensitization solar battery.


  • 眼前来说,意味着推广成熟的技术陆地海上风力发电太阳能光电能源效率措施

    In the short term, that means rolling out proven technologies such as onshore and offshore wind power, solar photovoltaics and energy efficiency measures.


  • 现在运用太阳能光电伏打科技不同,新的方法温度越高的时候表现越好,光能伏打方法在温度升高时则效率逐渐降低。

    Unlike photovoltaic technology currently used in solar panels — which becomes less efficient as the temperature rises — the new process excels at higher temperatures.


  • cylonlover写道,“最近,旨在实现用太阳能作为电源微电子技术的研究中,出现了一种更具效率方案,研究者们制造出了直接集成了光电转换模块的芯片。”

    Cylonlover writes "in a new, more efficient approach to solar powered microelectronics, researchers have produced a microchip which directly integrates photovoltaic cells."


  • 目前材料光电效率大约为15- 18%,而塑料光电板的效率只能达到7 - 8%。

    Whereas silicon has an efficiency of around 15-18%, plastic devices can only achieve 7-8% at best, currently.


  • 德泽承认,赶上硅材料光电出众效率寿命塑料光电还有距离。可能不是一个问题

    He concedes there is some way to go before plastic PV catches up with silicon's superior efficiency and durability, but even that might not be an issue, he says.


  • 他们希望将来非晶态光伏电池光电转化效率提高后,利用到卷式的生产方式进行大规模光伏电池的生产。

    They also have hopes that when the efficiency of the amorphous silicon photovoltaic cells improves in the future, it may become possible to mass-produce the si PV cells by using a roll-to-roll method.


  • 科学家已经知道这种物质石墨烯结合在一起可以增强效率光电转换效率

    Scientists already knew that adding certain materials to graphene could increase its light-harvesting efficiency and its ability to turn those photons into electricity.


  • 科学家们如果这些热电子能够转化热能浪费掉之前被捕获,光电能量转化可以达到最高66%的效率

    If the energy of these hot electrons could be captured before it is converted into wasted heat, solar-to-electric power-conversion efficiencies could be increased to as high as 66%, say scientists.


  • Xunlight的可卷曲光电依然只能达到大约8%的效率市场有些结晶硅已经能达到超过20%的效率

    Still, Xunlight's flexible PV modules are only about 8 percent efficient, while some crystalline silicon modules on the market are more than 20 percent efficient.


  • 只要不断改进配方”,纳米夹心光电转化效率就能一次次提高

    As long as the continuous improvement "formula" nano "sandwich", the photoelectric conversion efficiency can improve again.


  • 采用光纤激光器作为光源性能稳定光电转换效率能耗

    Using the fiber laser as light source, Stable performance, High photoelectric conversion efficiency, Low energy consumption.


  • 结果表明通过光电-光热综合利用能够对太阳能利用效率实现有效提升

    The results shows that solar energy use efficiency improves a lot through optic-electro and optic-thermal composite utilization.


  • 提高光伏电池光电转换效率设计一种基于开路电压的光伏电池最大功率跟踪(MPPT)控制芯片

    An analog maximum power point tracking (MPPT) controller integrated circuit (IC) based on open-circuit voltage method was proposed to enhance the photovoltaic conversion efficiency of solar cell.


  • 太阳能很难光电伏打效率方面直接比较

    Note: it is difficult to make a direct comparison with photovoltaics in terms of efficiency.


  • 探测效率X射线光电能谱仪一个很重要仪器参数

    Detective efficiency is an important instrumental parameter of X ray photoelectron spectrometer.


  • 可以设计各种形式利用集成型结构获得更高输出电压光电转换效率

    Can be designed into various form, the use of an integrated structure, can obtain higher output voltage and photoelectric conversion efficiency.


  • 主要观察指标:对临床上不同种类激光器体积光电转换效率波长治疗费用等方面进行比较

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:A comparison was made between different kinds of clinical lasers in volume, photoelectric change efficiency, wavelength, and treatment expense.


  • 闪烁光电倍增管之间放置不同片以改变液体闪烁探测器效率

    The efficiency of a liquid scintillation detector may be varied by placing different optical filters between the vessel and the phototube.


  • 利用装置测量了一氧化碳分子光电效率曲线及其离子碎片部分光学振子强度密度

    The photoionization efficiency curve and the partial optical oscillator strength densities for different fragments of CO was determined by this work.


  • 采用保温隔热材料被动供暖制冷同时利用太阳能板采集地热能和光辐射能制冷采暖提高房屋能源效率

    Passive heating and cooling with thermal mass and insulation, Geothermal, radiant cooling and heating along with solar and photovoltaic panels contribute to the house's energy efficiency.


  • 如何获得更高光电转换效率延长整个电池使用寿命一直研究焦点问题。

    How to get higher incident photon-to-current conversion efficiency and prolong the lifetime of the solar cells has been the focus in the past years.


  • 事件响应输出取决于光电倍增管对于事件发生位置收集效率事件的能量

    The response output depends on the light collecting efficiency in the position where the event happens and the energy of light quantum.


  • 上海市纳米专项基金支持下经过3年多实验探索这块仿生太阳能电池光电转化效率超过10%,接近11%的世界最高水平

    In Shanghai nano special fund support, after three years experiment and research, the bionic solar cells photoelectric conversion efficiency has more than 10%, close to 11% of the world's top level.


  • 这种背板能够获得期望长期光电转换效率

    It also can achieve desirable photoelectric conversion efficiency over a long period of time.


  • 液态电解质凝胶电解质为空穴传输体,分别制备出了光电转换效率超过4.31%2.75%的染料敏化太阳能电池。

    Using a liquid or gel electrolyte as a hole transfer medium, the DSSCs with 4.31 % or 2.75 % global photon-to-electron conversion efficiency was obtained, respectively.


  • 作为太阳能发电主要的发电方式,太阳能光伏发电能否提高光电转换效率经济高效地利用太阳能首先解决的问题。

    As a major way of solar power generation, whether solar photovoltaic power generation can improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency, cost-effective use of solar energy is a priority to resolve.


  • 具有结构简单紧凑、输出功率、稳定可靠光电转换效率高、光束质量好等优点

    The double-clad fiber laser has the advantages of simple structure and high reliability, high output power, high conversion efficiency, high beam quality.


  • 具有结构简单紧凑、输出功率、稳定可靠光电转换效率高、光束质量好等优点

    The double-clad fiber laser has the advantages of simple structure and high reliability, high output power, high conversion efficiency, high beam quality.


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