• 本文推导两个成份光学平均光于相干度的表达式猫态的光子分布,揭示出猫态的某些性质

    The mean photon number, the second-order coherence and the distribution of this optical cat state are derived in this paper and some properties of this state are presented.


  • 卫星形状效应由于卫星不同位置反射器对光子反射时间不同而引起脉冲强度重新分布现象

    Satellite form effect is a redistributing phenomenon of pulse intensity caused by different reflecting times of the reflector situated on different positions of satellite for photon.


  • 工业CT设计中,为了选择闪烁种类几何尺寸需要知道韧致辐射光子穿透闪烁体能量通量分布

    In the design of industrial ct, the knowledge of energy and flux distributions for bremsstrahlung photons through crystals is necessary to select scintillator's type and dimension.


  • 发现谱结构不仅初始场强有关,还随初始场光子分布的变化而改变。

    It is found that the spectra are influenced sensitively by the initial field intensity and the photon number distribution.


  • 自由空间量子密钥分配中,光子采用具有泊松分布高度衰减激光脉冲,量子密码术协议采用BB 84B92协议。

    Highly attenuated laser pulses with Poisson distribution are used as single-photon sources and the BB84 and B92 protocols are used for free-space quantum key distribution.


  • 为了研究电火花加工过程机理基于光子发射计算了阴极阳极能量分布

    In order to study the mechanism of electrical discharge machining (EDM), the energy distribution of cathode and anode was calculated based on photon emission.


  • 本文提出光子虚拟模型能够较为精确地模拟计算任意形状强度照射放射治疗射束分布

    The proposed photon virtual source model is suitable for accurately simulating arbitrary shape and intensity distributions of external beam.


  • 分布光纤喇曼光子传感器(D O F R P S)系统一种实时测量空间温度应力场压力光纤网络系统

    Distributed optical fiber Raman photonic sensor (DOFRPS) system is an optical fiber network used for the real-time measurement of temperature field, strain field and pressure field in the space.


  • 介绍了三维带隙光子晶体原子集合自发辐射衰减分布特性

    The characteristics of the decay distribution of spontaneous emission from an assembly of atoms in photonic crystals with pseudogaps are described.


  • 量子光主要存在三种非经典效应光子反聚束、亚泊分布压缩效应

    There are three main non-classical features for quantum field, i. e. photon anti-bunching effect, sub-Poissonian statistics distribution, and squeezing effects.


  • 数值方法得到了光子速度空间分布曲线

    The curve of the spatial distribution of the photon velocity is obtained with numerical method.


  • 本文应用蒙特卡罗算法建立一个光子虚拟模型用于模拟计算任意形状强度照射放射治疗的射束分布

    A photon virtual source model was developed for simulating arbitrary shape and intensity distributions of external beam using Monte Carlo method.


  • 利用分布次数作为分布时间衡量尺度研究了单分子-光子泵的制冷效率

    The times of heat distribution was taken as time scale in investigating cooling efficiency.


  • 理论上研究发现通过引入含不同密度分布发光分子可以探测光子晶体的全态密度部分细节甚至全部信息。

    It is found, theoretically, that using different number density distributions of luminescent molecules within the PC, one can probe the partial information or even all of the total DOS in the PC.


  • 目的电脑计算每个物体点处点源释放出的原始光子平均能量损失获得光子线在模体中的剂量分布情况

    Object: Using computer to calculate average energy lost by photons at every points in each body, in order to determine the dose distribution of photon radiation in the water phantom.


  • 光子晶体一种介电常数不同空间呈周期分布新型光学材料

    Photonic crystals is a new type of optical material whose dielectric constant changes alternately following the coordinates of space.


  • 分析原子纠缠对约化后场性质影响,结果表明纠缠度强烈影响光场的平均光子分布量子相干性。

    It is proved that the average photon Numbers and the second-order quantum coherence are dramatically influenced by the entangled degree of the atoms.


  • FDTD方法计算结果较为精确,还可模拟电磁场动态分布适合计算光子晶体光子

    FDTD method has less calculation, precision result, and dynamic distribution of electromagnetic, so it is suitable for calculating photonic crystal band gap.


  • 光子计数检测装置通过测量衍射光子计数空间分布来演示光的二象性。

    Using a photon counting apparatus as a device to measure light intensity, wave particle dualism of light is demonstrated by measuring photon distribution of double slit diffraction.


  • 随着光子进入组织深度增加漫散射光学层析成像的深度敏感性呈现指数下降分布

    The sensitivity of diffuse optical tomography (DOT) imaging exponentially decreases with the increase of photon penetration depth, which leads to a poor depth resolution for DOT.


  • 测量非线性折射率和双光子吸收系数频率分辨双光束耦合探测技术,光场的空间分布没有得到考虑。

    The effects of spatial distribution on the experimental results are studied in spectrally resolved two-beam coupling pump-probe technique.


  • 使用蒙特卡罗模型分析了手掌漫反射光子径向分布、在组织内穿透深度传输长的分布规律。

    By the Monte Carlo modeling, the radial distribution, penetration depth and transmission path length of the diffuse photons are analyzed.


  • 我们发现泊松分布热平衡光子敏感

    We also find that the sub-Poissonian distribution is sensitive to the thermal photons.


  • 利用数值模型计算空气流过圆柱体压力分布预言光子晶体压力传感器响应。

    For airflow around a circular cylinder, the pressure distribution is studied numerically, and the response of the pressure sensor is foretold.


  • 光子晶体介电常数不同材料周期性分布成,可以用来控制传输

    Photonic crystals are the periodical arrays of materials with the different refractive indices which can control the light propagation.


  • 利用全矢量平面波法计算三角结构光子光子晶体光纤的带隙分布

    The photonic band-gap of triangle structure photonic band-gap PhotonicCrystal Fiber (PBG-PCF) is computed by FPWM.


  • 截止波长测试光强分布检验表明光子晶体光纤确实具备单模工作范围

    The measurements of the cut-off wavelength and the near field intensity distribution show that the PCF does have comparatively wide single-mode operating range.


  • 利用传输矩阵方法研究了多个周期性分布折射率缺陷一维光子晶体的透射谱。

    The transmission through one-dimensional photonic crystals with a number of negative refractive index structural defects are studied by using transfer-matrix-method.


  • 本文通过最佳信号噪声分析,讨论了单分子辐射单光子具有时间均匀分布背景信号时对同步取样时间的选取。

    We theoretically discussed the synchronization sample gate time determination by considering the optimal Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) where the background showed time-uniformity distribution.


  • 本文通过最佳信号噪声分析,讨论了单分子辐射单光子具有时间均匀分布背景信号时对同步取样时间的选取。

    We theoretically discussed the synchronization sample gate time determination by considering the optimal Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) where the background showed time-uniformity distribution.


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