• 我们只能想象堕落天使暗淡的变幻的那个来的农民看到的那样。

    We can only imagine the fallen angels with a kind of dim and uncertain light just as the belated peasant sees.


  • 一个危险错误,彻底迷路因为真正的自己失去联系:你天使居住在你心中的生灵

    This is a dangerous pitfall in which you could lose your way completely because you lose touch with who you really are: the angel, the creature of light who dwells within you.


  • 玄孙汗,泰姬陵建造者,写了碑文天使之王”。

    An inscription placed there by his great-great-grandson Shah Jahan, creator of the Taj Mahal, describes it as “this light garden of an angel king”.


  • 宇宙统一理论之中存在着一些科学家们梦想上的被分割开的地方天使的存在填充了它们否则运动之间的媒介为何物便无从解释

    And where there are still gaps in the grand unified theory of the universe that scientists dream of, angels fill them, agents of motion and illumination otherwise unexplained.


  • 守护天使打开宽阔入口

    The Archangels who guard the way are holding this expansive Portal of Light open for you.


  • 我们完成之前,我们要求你们一些非常特殊的事情。一小会儿,并且制定能量感受能量”,“天使的能量”。

    Before we complete, we ask you to do something very special. Take a moment, and direct your energy to feel the energy of Light, of Angels.


  • (大)天使概念工作者系列最后你们自己(Your Light Self)”中有解释。

    The notion of (arch) angels is elucidated in the last chapter of the Lightworker series (' Your Light Self ').


  • 神圣之存有们,100个天使守护天使任何其他在旅途中保佑祝福天使〗之外100个。

    This one hundred Angels ,My Divine Light Beings, is in addition to your two Guardian Angels and any other Angels that you have been blessed with along the ways.


  • 很多时候再次强调最好的方式请求之存有帮助像是守护天使指导灵

    Very often, again, the best thing to do is to ask for help from light beings, such as guardian angels and your guides.


  • 你们中的一些关心什么将会发生这些灵魂身上我们保证天使们在等待他们表达回归渴望

    For those of you who are concerned about what happens to such souls, we can assure you that Angelic beings wait for them to express the desire to return to the Light.


  • 我是天使麦克造物主传达快乐智慧平和慈悲信使

    Am Archangel Michael, The Creator's Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.


  • 颜色LED天使性能出色材料制成寿命节能可以自由选择七种颜色进行搭配

    Seven colors LED angel eyes are made of special optical material with fine lighting performance, long life span and energy saving. Colors combination can be chosen freely.


  • 我是大天使麦克造物主传达快乐智慧平和慈悲信使

    Michael, The Creator's Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.


  • 忽然,有一个天使他们面前出现。他的四面照射他们。他们非常害怕

    Suddenly an angel appeared to the shepherds. All around them was very bright . They were afraid.


  • 天使长米迦勒颗行星守护者

    Archangel Michael speaks: I am the defender of this planet and its light.


  • 天使闪耀鲜为人知事实天使传说起来百被遗忘书籍历史保存广泛流通

    The book of Angels shines a light on little-known facts of angel lore that have been hidden away for centuries in forgotten books and histories kept from wide circulation.


  • 我们只能想象堕落天使暗淡变幻正如见到的,又或者是他梦见的,林边跳舞精灵们。

    We can only imagine the fallen angels with a kind of dim uncertainty just as the belated peasant sees, or perhaps he only dreams he sees, the dance of fairy elves by a forest side.


  • 警告人们天使;火以吞噬人们,是魔鬼

    When warning people with light, fire is an angel; when swallowing people with flames, fire is a devil.


  • 另有天使天上殿堂出来,神人把快利的镰刀。

    And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.


  • 问候大师们天使麦达昶!我无条件之问候大家

    Greetings Masters, I am Archangel Metatron, Lord of Light! I greet you all in a vector of unconditional love!


  • 然而,144,000分层其它一些天使风格,地球历史长河用于各种各样的道路,更加伟大继续提供另外的道路

    However, some of the other 144,000 stratum, or Archangelic languages, have been employed in various ways in the Earth's history, and will continue to provide additional pathways to the Greater Light.


  • 亲爱的孩子们,天使界此刻你们想象的更近,我们等待许多人回应我们的暗中提示如此我们会真正将你们拉入中,帮助你们踏上旅程

    Beloved children the Angelic realm is closer than you think and we are waiting upon many to answer the nudges we give so that we can pull you truly into the light and assist you on your journey.


  • 天使环绕安慰

    The angels surround me with comforting light.


  • 这位帮助我们展现自我天赋克服种种困难天使,是如何透过人类行星网格上的连结网路逐渐扩大呢?

    How does this Archangel, who helps us bring forward our gift and overcome our challenges, somehow facilitate the increase of the light web through the human and the planetary grid connections?


  • 之工作者几乎总是单独个体难免克服各种孤独他们明白所有天使身边从未分开

    Lightworkers almost always a separate entity, would inevitably have to overcome loneliness, but they understand all the angels were never separated in the side.


  • 之工作者几乎总是单独个体难免克服各种孤独他们明白所有天使身边从未分开

    Lightworkers almost always a separate entity, would inevitably have to overcome loneliness, but they understand all the angels were never separated in the side.


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