• 一天结束的时候,他们把充满电的电池带回家。

    At the end of the day, they take the charged batteries home.


  • 充满电池可以行驶62公里一旦电池汽车就会转为混合动力模式

    The car has a range of 62 miles on a fully charged battery, and once the battery runs out, the car switches into hybrid mode.


  • 如果确实决定摄影忘了检查一下相机电池充满

    If you do decide to come to the photography class, don't forget to look at your camera battery and make sure it's charged.


  • 充满电的太阳能牛奶电池可以给手机充三到四次,或者给收音机充一到两次。

    Each fully-charged Solar Milk battery can charge a mobile phone three or four times, or a radio once or twice.


  • 为了追求速度牵扯到一个平衡可以快速重新充满电但是可能降低电池整体性能

    As for charging speed, there's a trade-off involved: You can restore a battery quickly, but not without reducing the battery's overall performance.


  • 动机能量来源于组506电池组,豹公司表示,在240压下,一次充满需要6小时

    Power for the electric motors comes from a 506-pound lithium-ion battery pack, which Jaguar claims takes a full charge in just 6 hours at 240 volts.


  • 大部分需要48个小时重新充满电池

    Most chargers will take four to eight hours to refill the battery.


  • 利用快速方式来为i3话,仅仅1小时内就可充满80%的,而利用标准的插座电池充满电耗费6小时的时间。

    The i3′s battery will charge to 80% capacity in one hour with a charging option, otherwise a full charge will require six hours on the plug.


  • 源线至少5英尺因为电池充满,你不会绊倒的孩子。

    A cord that is at least five feet long is also good because you're not always going to have a fully charged battery and you won't want to trip people coming into class late.


  • 记得充满要不然电池时候,镜子也许会下来损坏相机。

    Remember to fully charge the battery, or else the mirror could slam down when the battery dies and damage the camera.


  • 原因,由于以往电池过程,充方法不当造成电池充满电或者过量,这电池的使用寿命会有很大的损害。

    The reason is that, in the past, during the process of charging the battery, improper methods, easy to cause the battery not fully charged or over charged, which is bad for the battery life span.


  • 一个典型情况电池模式下使用笔记本或者掌上几个月后,你将会留意电池充满以后持续使用时候不如以前一样

    A typical scenario is that you have been using a notebook or Tablet PC on the battery for several months and you notice that it does not last as long on a single full charge as it used to.


  • 用户手臂上采用一个重量磁性系统,利用电池充满电

    Attached to the user's arm, they employ a system of weights and magnets which provide an electric current to top up charge in a storage battery.


  • 搭档回答道:“对不起以为避免电池电的时候呢,我刚才还想着电池充满我就拔的。”

    My partner reacts by saying "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you meant once the battery was fully charged. I was planning on unplugging it once it reached a 100% charge."


  • 搭档回答道:“对不起以为避免电池电的时候呢,我刚才还想着电池充满我就拔的。”

    My partner reacts by saying "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you meant once the battery was fully charged. I was planning on unplugging it once it reached a 100% charge."


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