• 暗示还有20家公司应引起充分关注

    He hints that another 20 May give cause for concern.


  • 以色列必须得到我们充分关注全面财政支持

    But Israel MUST get our FULL attention and FULL financial support.


  • 美国人的一种表达方式意思是我们对此事充分关注

    It's an American expression that means this has our full attention.


  • 别人背景化”就是其它事,拒绝给对方以充分关注

    To background someone is to deny them your full attention while multi-tasking.


  • 提出检查调查早期发现变异核心必须给予充分关注

    Have proposed that checking and investigating is the core that early find aberrance, must offer the abundant concern.


  • 对于公司任何询问我们保证给以充分关注期待早日回复

    We assure you of our best attention to any inquires from you, and anticipate your response in the respect.


  • 拉比诺维茨这家公司对过去那些没有充分关注客户需求销售代理不太满意。

    'The company had issues with past sales agents that didn't pay enough attention to client demands, ' Mr. Rabinowitz says.


  • 和凝平生著述颇丰,留下来作品,未能引起研究者充分关注

    He Ning had many works, but the works that came down from him was limited, and few researchers concern about him.


  • 企业管理者出于企业长远利益考虑必然如何提高内部控制效果予以充分关注

    Businesses directors, from the long-run benefits, must pay great attention to howto improve internal control effect, which is generally divided into system and practical effects.


  • 通过对此类典型例的释析,抽象出主要特征,期望引起学界充分关注与研究。

    So, this paper exemplifies the main characters of these words in order to draw enough concern in the academic field.


  • 作为历史经济地理学重要分支历史货币地理研究迄今引起学术界充分关注

    As an important branch of historical economic geography, the study in monetary geography of history has not been given due attention by the academia so far.


  • 服务台前,人们总是希望服务员她自己问题绝口不提,而是充分关注你的问题。

    At a service desk, the agent is expected to keep mum about her problems and to show a reasonable interest in yours.


  • 结论儿童期损伤是影响儿童健康主要因素之一引起广大儿童工作者充分关注

    Conclusions Lead damage during childhood plays an important role in child's health intensely, so great attention should be paid for child workers.


  • 老师面对面小班授课是孩子学习主要构成部分,确保每个孩子都可以得到老师充分关注

    Small classes ensure that every student has the opportunity to communicate with the teacher and that they can get the teacher's individual attention.


  • 根据审计发现通过使用这种方法他们可以选择某些控制他们测试充分关注错报风险

    Based on the auditor's findings by using this approach, they can select certain controls in which they want to be tested that adequately attend to the risk of a misstatement.


  • 此外嵌入式系统广泛使用应用环境开放性使得其实现自身的安全性也必须充分关注

    In addition, physical security should be pay attention to since embedded systems usually run in large scale and open environment.


  • 管理思想转变上,就是充分关注分析引导员工期望建立共同成长新型合作伙伴关系

    The change in management thinking, is to care, analysis and guide the expectations of employees, and establish a common development of new partnerships.


  • 同时审计准则一个重大变化就是全面渗透风险导向审计理念,更加强调风险充分关注

    Meanwhile, an important change in the new auditing standard is the absorbing of the risk-oriented auditing, which emphasized the concern of risk.


  • 股利分配作为上市公司核心财务政策之一不仅受到利益各方充分关注引起理论界极大兴趣

    As one of company's core financial policies, the dividend assignment not only receives the full attentions from the benefit groups, but also arouses the enormous interests of theorists.


  • 所知道心灵至少较高形态而言不仅仅涉及各种关系抽象观念,而且充分关注到各种价值

    Mind, as I know it, at least in its higher forms, is concerned not only with relations and abstractions, it is occupied also with values.


  • 学习创造知识不仅仅是汲取知识过程。为此,学习工具学习方法设计应当充分关注学习的一特点

    Learning is a knowledge creation processnot only knowledge consumption. Learning tools and design methodologies should seek to capitalize on this trait of learning.


  • 当前侯孝贤电影作品固定机位长镜头艺术技法上的研究已颇为成熟电影作品中国传统诗学之间的渊源尚未引起充分关注

    Nowdays the research of Hsiao-hsien Hou 's film in art techniques such as long cut are mature, but the important links between traditional Chinese poetry and his movie are not fully aroused.


  • 人机工程学研究对象是以人为核心 ,研究人设计、制造使用人造物过程中所发生的全部人机关系而且必须充分关注一过程中环境因素的作用、限制和反作用。

    The study object of human-machine engineering is the whole relation between people and machine in the process of involving, manufacturing, and using man-made things, which is based on people.


  • 排行居中的子女往往得不到充分关注

    Middle children tend to get lost in the shuffle.


  • 认为挑战在于根据关注角度的不同,任何测试多种理由充分分类方法

    The challenge, I think, is that any given test could be reasonably classified in numerous ways, depending on what dimensions you're focusing on.


  • 知识产权一直中欧经贸关系中的重要话题之一我们充分理解双方对此关注

    IPR protection has always been one of the most important topics in China-Europe trade and economic relations, and we fully understand the concerns the two sides draw to this issue.


  • 很明显虽然简简单单地“给团队充分授权不是解决方案,但脱离团队成员驱动的持续学习循环单纯关注过程不能解决问题。

    Apparently, while simply "empowering teams" doesn't seem to be the solution, neither does a focus on pure process, divorced from the people-driven "continuous learning" cycle.


  • 越来越多病人需要等待很长时间尽管数量不是很大,可这的确事实临床医生们对此应该给予充分关注

    Therefore the fact that more patients are waiting longer, even small Numbers, is a matter of great concern to clinicians.


  • 越来越多病人需要等待很长时间尽管数量不是很大,可这的确事实临床医生们对此应该给予充分关注

    Therefore the fact that more patients are waiting longer, even small Numbers, is a matter of great concern to clinicians.


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