• 大学都是小班课,可以单独教授进行充分交流

    The classes at my college were small enough for great one-on-one exchange with professors.


  • 成功项目可以让企业家热情支持者粉丝还有早期使用者充分交流

    Successful campaigns allow entrepreneurs to engage with groups of enthusiastic champions, fans and early adopters.


  • 传统教育管理严格规范学习环境相对较,学习效率较高师生之间充分交流

    The strict management of traditional education standards, relatively good learning environment, learning more efficient, to have full communication between teachers and students.


  • 我们相信只有品牌创意团队充分交流才能创作出每个品牌想要表达的难忘瞬间

    We believe only by good communication with brand creative agency, an unforgettable moment for brand can be created.


  • 錾于实现网上交流已经成为人们常用于弥补线下未能充分交流一个替代工具了。

    Chisel here, and online communication, has become commonly used in the line not fully compensate for an alternative communication tool.


  • 我们创造一个所有学习英语成功者推崇的真实英语世界,让您外教充分交流掌握纯正英语。

    We create a real English environment to assist our English learners. Students can master everyday English by freely communicating with foreign teachers.


  • 充分交流的过程中,Bates 可以收集一周以来更新的最新消息称之为“FridayForecast”,并通过电邮发给的每一个员工

    In an effort to overcommunicate, Bates compiles a weekly news update she calls a Friday Forecast, and emails it to her staff.


  • 友好学校交流活动蓬莱各所学校提供了一个广泛接触、充分交流、拓展视野平台中外青少年之间相互认识,结交朋友,增进友谊,互相交流学习创造了良好机会

    The friendship activity of sister schools provides a good interactive platform for schools in Penglai and a good chance for sino-foreign youth to make friends and learn from each other.


  • 上海世博会不同文化相互交流融合提供广阔舞台充分展示了世界丰富多彩

    The Shanghai Expo has offered a broad stage for inter-cultural exchanges and integration, reminding us that we live in a divers and colorful world.


  • 同时交流、要恋爱要被关注同时喜欢关注别人⋯⋯因此需要设计场所人性充分发挥

    At the same time people will exchange ideas fall in love be cared about and also care about other people... Therefore it is necessary to design the site that can make humanity in full function.


  • 一个非常重要的,没有充分利用的交流手段,”Strydom——她并未直接参与到Masiluleke计划中——说。

    "This is a very important communication avenue that has not be exhaustively explored," said Strydom, who is not directly involved with Project Masiluleke.


  • 后来第二次,也就是讨论充分准备好了,而且由于多次的接触交流,我对组员的发音什么的也习惯多了,所以可以很好的融入到讨论中去,提出了很多creativeideas

    Later, in the second discussion this week, motivated by the previous experience, I prepared fully and totally got involved into the discussion, proposing a lot of creative ideas.


  • 最好充分宣泄感情尽可能多与善解人意的人们交流思想,要谈到你那位已经离去心爱,要把你心里悲伤哭出声来。

    The best is to give a vent to your feelings. Speak as much as possible to people who are empathetic. Talk about the loved person who passed away. Cry your heart out.


  • 而且因为每个公司里的黑客们都已经有了充分客户交流体验,我们对于网络营销理解远超任何对手。

    And since all the hackers had spent many hours talking to users, we understood online commerce way better than anyone else.


  • 工作变得更加自在交流也变得更加充分

    The work is more free-flowing and conversational.


  • 充分说明,中两国交流沟通的密切程度前所未有,两利益交融程度前所未有,两国人民交往的广度深度前所未有。

    All this has shown that the inter-exchanges and convergence of interests between China and Australia have reached an unprecedented level.


  • 双方就中关系人文交流体育合作等问题充分交换意见

    The two sides had a good exchange of views on a number of topics, including China-Uzbekistan relations, people-to-people and cultural exchanges and sports cooperation.


  • 这些开发者交流中,SpringSource发现很多开发者没有充分利用到RAC特性的优势,例如数据类型失败转移的支持

    Based on their interactions with these developers SpringSource has found that many are not taking advantage of rac features such as data types and fail over support.


  • 医生敞开交流有助于充分了解测试结果你的心脏全身健康情况意义

    Open communication with your doctor will help you more fully understand what your test results mean for your heart and overall health.


  • 孩子做好充分的准备,使他参加深远更宽泛的交流不是最新HannahMontana情节

    You will have successfully prepared to your child to enter into far deeper, richer conversations than the most recent Hannah Montana episode.


  • 只有这样我们才能充分利用网络交流工具使我们关系更紧密

    Only in this way can we not only make full use of the communication tool on the net but also make our relationship tighter.


  • 希望各位嘉宾深入探讨交流发表真知灼见促进各国人民享有更加充分人权贡献智慧力量

    I hope all guests have the opportunity to engage in deep discussions and exchange insights, so as to contribute wisdom and strength to help people of all countries fully enjoy human rights.


  • 通过学习获取研究批判性思维交流方面的必要技能,对被大学学位录取有充分准备

    They give you necessary skills in research, critical thinking, and communication that will prepare you for admission to a college degree program.


  • 就是喜欢巴拉克地方——可以充分展现自我又能够各地交流

    And that's what I liked about Barack-that he could very much be himself, but connect with people all over the place.


  • 其次服装品牌传播强调消费者之间充分交流

    Secondly, clothing brand communication emphasis the full exchange between brands and consumers.


  • 在此借助各国开设更多门店我们开始寻求更为一致的普遍经验充分国际交流

    But here, by opening more stores in many countries, we begin to explore a more solid universal practice, and a fully international exchange.


  • 理想医患关系建立病人充分理解相互信任相互交流基础的。

    The ideal physician patient relationship is based on thorough knowledge of the patient, on mutual trust, and on the ability to communicate with one another.


  • 课堂充分借助体态进行教学可以使师生建立融洽交流关系。

    In classroom teaching, harmonious communicative relationship between teacher and students can be built by making full use of body language.


  • 充分标志交流(际)英语学习习得中与日俱增重要性

    This fully testifies to the growing importance of communication in English learning and acquisition.


  • 充分标志交流(际)英语学习习得中与日俱增重要性

    This fully testifies to the growing importance of communication in English learning and acquisition.


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