• 为了显示元素其他属性,您可以使用标题左边或者右边箭头切换属性页面

    To show other properties of the element, use the left or right arrows in the title bar to switch property pages.


  • 可以单击面包” 工具查看位于相同层次其他元素

    You can click the bread crumb and view other elements at the same level in the hierarchy.


  • 编辑器中选择不同元素时,“面包”工具中的项目将切换显示当前所选元素以及项目中的层次结构

    As you select different elements in the editor, the items in the bread crumbs change to show the currently selected element and its hierarchy in the project.


  • 对于常见的设计元素例如首、导航等,一个非常好的方法

    This is an excellent way to handle common design elements such as headers, footers, and navigation panes.


  • 菜单中拖动任意范围元素需求上。

    Drag any scope element from the main menu bar onto the requirement.


  • 我们数据变量中储存包含两个元素数组单元格水平标题垂直标题名。

    What we will store in this data variable is an array of two elements: a horizontal header name and a vertical header name of a cell.


  • 工件编辑器区域通过使用工具按钮(1左边控制器),或者元素菜单来进行操作。

    The editor area of an artifact, by using the toolbar button (left control in Figure 1) or the drop-down menu for an element.


  • 这些方法允许我们改变url中的整个路径,而不仅元素

    These new methods allow us to change the entire path in the URL bar, not just the anchor element.


  • 本文讨论了如何定制用户界面元素(比如欢迎登录重定向页),以及如何动作中添加动作

    The article discussed how to customize user-interface elements (such as the welcome, login, and redirection pages), and how to add actions to the action bar.


  • 如果其中某个中的某个元素具有边框那么此边框会被推至header之上导致窗口顶部header顶部之间出现间隙。

    An element in one of the columns with a top margin will see that margin pushed above the header, resulting in a gap between the top of the window and the top of the header section.


  • Railslayouts使包含标题、菜单版权信息在内的公共元素能够所有页面重用

    Rails layouts enable reuse of common elements for all pages, including headers, menu bars, and copyright information.


  • 这套模板包含了背景标题按钮选择其他iphoneUI元素

    Contains backgrounds, title bars, buttons, selectors and other iPhone UI elements.


  • 单击一个黑色箭头将为显示元素内容从而允许通过面包屑浏览整个工作空间

    Clicking one of the black arrows shows you the contents of the element, thus allowing you to browse your entire workspace from the bar.


  • 用户可以修改侧边导航如编辑配色方案元素布局或者添加条目

    Users can modify the side navigation to edit the color scheme or element layout or to add entries.


  • 手绘元素可以用在导航背景,重点强调元素或者可以是整个网页主题

    Hand drawn elements can be seen in navigation bars, as backgrounds, as accenting elements, or as an entire site theme.


  • XUL能够创建多种元素比如输入控件工具菜单状图、键盘快捷键

    XUL has the ability to create elements such as input controls, toolbars, menus, trees, keyboard shortcuts, and so on.


  • 显示了如何可以使用 DTD 的无序元素除非另有一个令人信服原因,否则,对于无序数据最好使用属性风格。

    The sidebar shows how you can use unordered subelements with a DTD, but unless there is a different compelling reason, it is better to use the attribute-style for unordered data.


  • 链接标题输入元素选项元素按照同一式样设计运转

    Elements such as links, headings, input elements, tabs, and sidebars are designed and behave in a consistent fashion.


  • 表单元素影响下拉菜单文本输入其他表单元素所占据的空间大小。

    Form elements can affect how much room pull-down menus, text input fields, and other form elements can take up.


  • 制作一个网页大部分元素位置保持不变(菜单旗帜广告、侧边)。

    When producing a web page, the location of most elements will stay the same (menus, banner locations, sidebars etc.).


  • 接下来可以使用标准图型工具创建概要文件元素图形面板模型助手操作工具弹出菜单

    Profile elements can be then created using standard diagram tools: diagram palette, modeling assistant, action bar, and pop-up menu.


  • 最后面板流程元素相关图标移动顶部的工具

    Finally, the ICONS on the palette, which are not related to the process elements, have been moved to the toolbar at the top.


  • 元素中的标题出现浏览器标题文字

    Element, is the text that appears in a browser title bar.


  • 除了简单命令列表之外,还可以使用menu元素创建工具弹出式上下文菜单,这需要将type属性设置toolbarpopup

    In addition to simple lists of commands, you can use the menu element to create a toolbar or pop-up context menu by setting the type attribute to toolbar or popup.


  • 如果打开窗口工具Mylyn的AutomaticallyFold UninterestingElements按钮,那么编辑器只有感兴趣元素展开

    If you toggle Mylyn's Automatically fold Uninteresting elements button in the window's toolbar, only interesting elements are unfolded in the editor.


  • 源自工件元素链接它们自己的链接弹出视图视图可以通过元素环境菜单或者元素工具Linkto o therartifacts按钮打开

    Links that originate from elements within the artifact have their own links popup view that can be opened via the element's context menu or the link to other artifacts button on the element's toolbar.


  • 4更多包含文字照片其他图形元素长短不同文章出版物提供了更强大灵活性

    4 or more columns offer greater flexibility for publications with text, photos, and other graphic elements and a mix of long and short articles.


  • 核心层之上shellSWF,这里包含了所有通用网站元素诸如导航脚注等等

    On top of that is the shell SWF, which contains all of the constant site elements, such as navigation, footers, etc.


  • 页面正文(body标记中),元素用于突出显示该页面的重要文字

    Page heading: in the body of the page, the element is used to highlight the key text in the page.


  • 因此不能通过工具菜单process元素添加container元素将来,您可以process元素Outline视图完成这个操作。

    So, you can't add a container element to the process element from the toolbar or menu; this can be done later in the Outline view of the process element.


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