• 如果被罚50的话吸烟允许。

    Smoking is prohibited if you will be fined 50 yuan.


  • 有关神经引起了人们对消除记忆开展研究

    The current issue of Neuron features a new study on selective memory erasure.


  • 上个月取消了包月服务,你们还是了我20

    I canceled my monthly payment last month, but my phone bill is still being charged 20 yuan.


  • 觉得我个人就能干好这项工作,这样一看,如果的月薪是4000的话反而省不少

    I can handle this work quite easily by myself and you will end up saving money if you pay me RMB4000 a month.


  • 好吧如果真是这样的话我们都会走出医生之前塞张百大钞他们

    Well, if this were true, we would all be slipping a few 100-dollar bills to our doctors on the way out their doors, too.


  • 如果目前管理过程中还未用到一个数据存储的话这个能力触发这个需求出现。

    This capability will trigger the need for having a metadata repository if you’ve managed without one so far.


  • 部署脚本需要这种方式进行编写如果文件系统中存在相应的文件的话数据写入数据库中

    The deployment scripts need to be written in such a way that metadata is only written to the database if the corresponding file exists on the file system.


  • 《被嫌弃松子的一生》值得欣赏地方很多但是如果一个女性1800为了告知需要知道自己这个世界上位置的话,这部电影让我生气。

    There is much to enjoy about Memories of Matsuko. But if I were a female moviegoer who had paid 1800 yen to be told that I need to know my place in this world, I would be mightily pissed off.


  • 隐私问题,网络用户教育数据的恰当支持无疑是一些需要继续讨论的话题。 互联网上已经不少可以获得关联数据

    Obviously privacy, web user education and proper support for metadata are all discussions that need to go on, but there's already a lot of data available and connected.


  • 数据相关分类系统需要彻底检修一翻了

    Related to the metadata issue, the category system needs to be completely overhauled.


  • 当然知道的——如果那两百张的千大钞算是便宜的话

    Well, you know, if two-hundred grand can ever be considered cheap.


  • 另外如果niem数据不够的话,还可以使用查询表策略数据中添加额外数据。

    In addition, a look-up table strategy can be used to add additional metadata to each data element when the NIEM metadata is not sufficient.


  • 如果改变标准JAX - RPC映射规则中的映射的话,您可以修改映射数据文件。

    If you want to change the mappings from the standard JAX-RPC mapping rules, you can modify the mapping meta-data file.


  • 如果现在分钱存款都没有的话开始吧,从现在开始,每周2030或者40

    If you've never saved a pennystart. Start small and save $20, $30 or $40 a week.


  • 如果非要说有什么的话,倒是人民币8.27有点些微高估了。

    If anything, the renminbi was slightly overvalued at 8.27.


  • 这项承诺二氧化碳排放强度2005年水平削减40%至45%,这样的话GDP的排放强度大约为1.75二氧化碳。

    The pledge is to cut carbon emissions intensity by 40 percent to 45 percent from the 2005 level, which would put emissions intensity near 1.75 tons carbon dioxide per 10, 000 yuan of GDP.


  • 如果没有增加任何附加数据Hades尝试查找格式为{entity}. {method - name}的JPA查询方法,如果有效的话使用方法。

    If you don't add any additional metadata, Hades will try to lookup a JPA named query of the form {entity}. {method-name} and use that if available.


  • 反过来每个都带有两个—可以每个TupleElement索引别名(如果的话)访问,或直接被TupleElement访问。

    Each tuple, in turn, carries two elements - accessible either by index or by the alias, if any, of the individual TupleElements, or directly by the TupleElement.


  • 隐藏h1另一种方法使用样式text -indent:——999em移动浏览器窗口之外,这样的话文本仍然留在文档中,但是用户看不见它。

    Another way of hiding the H1 element is to move it out of the browser viewport using the style text-indent: — 999em so that the text remains within the flow of the document.


  • 删除多维数据集关联安全数据指示使多维数据集可用CubeServers重新加载安全(如果它们删除正在运行的话)。

    After you delete the security metadata associated with the cube, instruct the cube Servers that make the cube available to reload security if they are running at the time of the delete.


  • 下面代码创建个针对HWSyste m数据的findbyhostname过滤器,该过滤器返回具有所需主机名的HWSystem数据对象(如果找到的话)。

    The following code creates a find by hostname filter on the HWSystem metadata that will return an HWSystem data object with the desired hostname, if one is found.


  • 之后如果废物混合恰当的话原子氧原子重新结合形成CO氢原子联结形成二分子

    Then, if the mix of waste is correct, the carbon and oxygen atoms involved recombine to form carbon monoxide and the hydrogen atoms link up into diatomic hydrogen molecules.


  • 当下拟议中的西北地区麦健士河谷(Mackenzie Valley)天然气管道沿途原住民社区坚持如果工程上马的话,他们要成为这项耗资70亿工程的共有人。

    Now aboriginal groups along the path of the proposed Mackenzie Valley natural-gas pipeline in the Northwest Territories stand to become part-owners of the C$7 billion projectif it goes ahead.


  • 中国日报援引北京市土地储备中心的话报导当日早些时候朝阳区块土地人民币40.8亿的总价拍给另外一家房地产开发商远洋地产。

    Earlier that day, a plot in Chaoyang district was sold for 4.08 billion yuan to another real-estate developer, Sino-Ocean, China Daily said, quoting the Beijing Land Coordination and Reserve Center.


  • 如果XHTML2已有语义来说还不够的话加入role属性(可以加入任何中)可以告诉你素更多的用途

    If the existing semantics of XHTML 2's elements aren't enough for you, the new role attribute, which can be added to just about any element, can tell you more about the element's purpose.


  • 如果仔细的话,会找到e表示电荷能找到电子质量

    If you look up really close, there is the elementary charge e.There is the mass of the electron.


  • 如果仔细的话,会找到e表示电荷能找到电子质量

    If you look up really close, there is the elementary charge e.There is the mass of the electron.


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